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Trivial Pursuit

David Holden

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It seems that the answer depends on which reference you use. I found this which seems to agree with Mal's answer.


TATTARRATTAT is the longest palindrome in the OED2, which calls it a nonce word. The OED2 shows a single use in 1922 by James Joyce in Ulysses: "I knew his tattarrattat at the door."


KINNIKINNIK is the longest palindrome in W3. The OED2 shows these variant spellings: kinnikinnic, kinnikinnik, killegenico, kanickanick, kanikanik, killickinnick, kin(n)ikin(n)ick, -kineck, -kennic, kinnakinnec. Audubon L. Bakewell IV reports the word is usually spelled kinnikinnick. The OED2 defines the term as "a mixture used by North American Indians as a substitute for tobacco, or for mixing with it..." or "any of the various plants used for this, as the Silky Cornel, Cornus sericea, Red-osier Dogwood, Cornus stolonifera, and esp. Bearberry, Arctostaphylos Uva-ursi...." The word is derived from an Algonquin word meaning "mixture."


DETARTRATED is listed by Guinness, where it is described as "a contrived chemical term." However, the word appears in several Internet pages on Concord grape juice and even once or twice on apple juice, including the page http://www.nysaes.cornell.edu/hort/faculty/pool/herbbarber/herbgage3. htm which has this paragraph:


Concord contains potassium salts commonly called tartrates that won't filter or centrifuge out. Must be allowed to settle out by gravity - minimum of 6 weeks, before it's detartrated and ready to use. Otherwise will have sediment in the bottom of the bottle of juice and the jelly will be a little grainy.

Detartrated is said to have been coined by Dmitri Borgmann.


DETANNATED appears in a work on plant extracts published in 1892. It shows two detannated concoctions, detannated elixir of calisaya bark and detannated elixir of cinchona. The text can be found at http://chili.rt66.com/hrbmoore/ManualsOther/ElixForm.txt According to the Palindromicon, "detannated tincture of cinchona" appears in the 8th revision of the Pharmacopoeia of the U. S.


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