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Trivial Pursuit

David Holden

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This would have been the Nuremburg trials


After 216 court sessions, on 1 October 1946, the verdict was handed down. Twelve of the defendants (including the absent Bormann) were sentenced to death by hanging. Seven were given prison sentences — Hess, Funk, and Raeder for life. Three — Schacht, von Papen, and Fritzche — were acquitted. The time for the executions was set for midnight, 15 October 1946.


As the final hour approached, Colonel Andrus reported that “Father O’Connor and Chaplain Gerecke were untiringly moving from condemned cell to condemned cell. Prayers were now taking on a new meaning, a new urgency.”


At 2030 hours Gerecke saw Goering. He requested communion but refused to make a confession of Christian faith. Chaplain Gerecke in turn refused to give Communion, basing his decision on denominational grounds. Two hours later Gerecke was hurriedly summoned and found that Goering had committed suicide and cheated the hangman by taking a cyanide capsule.


The chaplain was later criticized for this refusal of the sacrament, and Gerecke himself had struggled with his decision. “If I blundered in my approach to reach this man’s heart and soul with the meaning of the Cross of Jesus,” he wrote later, “then I’m very sorry and I hope a Christian world will forgive me.”


As the ten remaining condemned prisoners walked the “last mile” that night the chaplains went with them. “I put my trust in Christ,” von Ribbentrop confided to Gerecke. As the hood was pulled over his head he turned to him and said: “I’ll see you again.” Field Marshall Keitel said: “I thank you and those who sent you, with all my heart.”


The place of execution was located in the gymnasium of the prison. Brightly lit, the room contained three wooden scaffolds painted black. Thirteen steps led up to the platforms on which the gallows were erected. The lower part of the gallows was draped with a curtain. Hands tied behind their backs, a black hood pulled over their heads, one by one each man went to his death. Master Sergeant John C. Woods of San Antonio, Texas, and his two assistants conducted the executions. By 2:45 a.m. it was over.


Kingsbury Smith of the International News Service, who attended the executions as a representative of the American press, remembered that “most of them tried to show courage. None of them broke down.”


At four o’clock in the morning two Army trucks arrived at the prison. Eleven coffins were loaded and the trucks, protected by vehicles equipped with machine guns, drove off in the direction of Furth, followed by a procession of newspapermen in automobiles. At Erlangen the press contingent was prevented from proceeding any further and the two trucks containing the bodies drove off into the early morning mist. Taken to Munich on a roundabout route, the remains were reduced to ashes in the crematorium of the East Cemetery. These ashes were then scattered in the river Isar.

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Ooooer ! OK, here goes !


What show featured the following lyrics (a classic)



Jet white dove

Snow black snake

Time has turned his face

From the edge of mystery

Where running is no race




Ageless night

Careless day

Fate reaches out a hand

To touch the edge of destiny

A story with no end





Tarot cards

Tarot the diamond man

Tarot guards

Wherever he can

Tarot cards

Tarot the diamond man

Tarot guards with mystic hands




Falcon sun

Leopard moon

Minds searching for tomorrow

Take what you can from yesterday

The rest beg - steal - or borrow




Iron roads

Asphalt sky

Windows made from water

Son of secrets - mystery's child

Ruler of eight quarters








Velvet roofs

Tattooed streets

Patterns made from words

Laughter echoes in the dark

Life hovers like a bird





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