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TBH I am responsible for away travel and i didn't go today.

The lads you are talking about,well two of them are hornchurch fans but haven't been for a while.I can vouch for them to say that they are good lads.Not sure about the 5 with them but i know they had been drinking before the game and i assume this had an effect.I would of loved to of been there today but unfortunatly my missus is about to drop the next future urchin.

I can be a pain in the [****!!****] at times but i usually keep an eye on the youngsters,especially when there is no problems from opposition fans.

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Cheers for your reply, Buzzardboy.


I wasn't at the game at your place a few weeks back but, apparently, we had almost exactly the same problem then as well - although from a different/younger set of your idiots.

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Have to agree Rob, they were an embarrassment. Gave us a bad name. Must say I did take a shine to Denise, head steward today at Kingsmeadow.

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Cheers for your reply, Buzzardboy.


I wasn't at the game at your place a few weeks back but, apparently, we had almost exactly the same problem then as well - although from a different/younger set of your idiots.



Hi Rex, tell Denise I'm asking after her

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As i say i wasn't there.

the ones at our gaff are about 14 and have been spoken to.

The ones today i am sure it was down to them drinking too much,when i got them on to the coach they were like angels.I will have a word with them


Would it not have made a bit more sense for someone from your club to have a word with the group of kids at your ground? They spend the entire game goading our support, to the extent where they were following us around in the second half. It was actually rather embarrassing. I only recall seeing one steward on duty, positioned at the tunnel, but there must have been some club officials around to say or do something at the time. I go to pretty much every game each season and coupled only with Fleet it was the worst spectating environment I've encountered for a game.


I was looking forward to a return game at Kingsmeadow without the distractions of these idiots. Unfortunately you managed to bring some. Whether they were the same bunch or not, they certainly brought their most confontational and offensive behaviour with them. The excuse that they're just kids won't wash I'm afraid. Especially saying they'd been drinking either. Were they travelling on your team coach? Not that it matters that much, but it just adds shame to your whole club.


As for Fleet, to be fair to them they upped their stewarding to the extent that they brought an external security company in. What will AFC Honrchurch do??

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Ok,they p1ssed you off a little.But if you want to have a go at anyone speak to gordon brown(all his fault lol).we have had the same problems at other grounds,it happens from time to time unfortunatly.

This country is full of plonkers,i can be one at time,so can others and i am sure you have had the odd little scrote or two turn up at kingston causing a bit of aggro,you would be alone if you didn't

No one got hurt,no one got started on,just a bit of banter which by the sounds of it was way over the top



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It was more than that Rob, there were several at the front of the coach who found the outward trip unruly, can take banter but that was just without humour and fuelled by several intakes of lager.

I'm no killjoy but I'd hate to be resented and unwelcomed by supporters and officials at grounds we visit. After all we're just a pub team from Essex and we'd like to receive what we are prepared to impart.

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I understand that derek,but lets face it,its not every week.

It is hopefully a one off and something i am sure the club will seek to rid itself of.

I understand peoples grievances with what happened and if i see the culprits i will have a word.But its not like anyone got hurt.It was some youths well over the top who lets face it we haven't seen for a couple of years and maybe they have come around because of the imminent cup final.

I am sure they will wake up in the morning and realise they probably went over the top

Obviously i wasn't there and its hard for me to comment too much but its harldy by the sound of it on a level with clubs like borehamwood (in the past) or aldershite



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Aveley have a few little scrotes!!!!

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We have plenty of old scrotes... who like a drink or two!

I'd rather see passion at a game, even if it does put a few noses out of joint, than this fvcking boring sanitized world we are being led into by cvnts like Gordon the Sweaty and the rest of his Jock tw@ts

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This sort of goes onto the subject of managers.Our gaffer,in fact our bench was slammed by the harrow gaffer earlier on in the season for being vocal towards decisions.

I would much rather our bench carried on as it is than the harrow gaffer,who claims to be whiter than white and just accepts decision,however wrong they may be.

I know non league football is supposed to be a bit different from the upper echelons of football but the passion is just the same.

However,what people are contesting on this thread is not passion,its confrontation and i suppose its different

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And quite right too...it's all about winners - not nice guys. A few toe rags giving it large is hardly a problem in this day and age..sh!t happens, deal with it.

Funny how we laud our troops killing a few rag heads in an unwinnable war, yet a few right handers thrown at football and the powers that be tell us we are all going to hell in a hand cart.

By the way, did you see the unfortunate one copped by the steward at the Wycombe v Exeter match? Wallop!

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This sort of goes onto the subject of managers.Our gaffer,in fact our bench was slammed by the harrow gaffer earlier on in the season for being vocal towards decisions.

I would much rather our bench carried on as it is than the harrow gaffer,who claims to be whiter than white and just accepts decision,however wrong they may be.

I know non league football is supposed to be a bit different from the upper echelons of football but the passion is just the same.

However,what people are contesting on this thread is not passion,its confrontation and i suppose its different


How is Alice by the way? I suppose Mini B is almost in the take off position... I text you earlier.. don't you ever fvcking reply? :)

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can't text,saw the exeter thing,poor steward.whatever happened at hornchurch today and however unsavoury it was it was not fighting and had it got worse than reported i am sure it would of been nipped in the bud.missus is fine,just waiting now,hopefully will drop before next monday

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can't text,saw the exeter thing,poor steward.whatever happened at hornchurch today and however unsavoury it was it was not fighting and had it got worse than reported i am sure it would of been nipped in the bud.missus is fine,just waiting now,hopefully will drop before next monday


Every reply of yours seems to be charged with denial. By your own admission you weren't there, but there's plenty of commentators from both teams stating that their behaviour was unacceptable. Over the course of BOTH games supporters representing your club have brought your name into disrepute and I'm still wondering what your club will do about it?


It's all well and good saying it's not a problem because the stewards dealt with it, but the fact that a number of them were called into action should speak for itself. Not every ground will have a team of a dozen stewards on hand to deal with any unsavoury incidents. And there were a handful of our supporters whose patience was being stretched so just as well that positive action was taken.

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shut up mate you are boring me now.

From what i hear although their behaviour was a tad naughty there was not much malice in it.From what i hear the stewards were telling blatent lies to our fans who were told that two sets of fans are not allowed to stand together,absolute bollox,funny how when such lies are told you suddenly get trouble,however small it is.Have also spoke to one of our quieter fans who said the language from your fans was hardly that of something coming out of snow whites gob.

I have said on here before that we will try to make sure this doesn't hasppen again but you seem to want it written in blood.

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shut up mate you are boring me now.

From what i hear although their behaviour was a tad naughty there was not much malice in it.From what i hear the stewards were telling blatent lies to our fans who were told that two sets of fans are not allowed to stand together,absolute bollox,funny how when such lies are told you suddenly get trouble,however small it is.Have also spoke to one of our quieter fans who said the language from your fans was hardly that of something coming out of snow whites gob.

I have said on here before that we will try to make sure this doesn't hasppen again but you seem to want it written in blood.


..and in 27 different languages... :)

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