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On an entirely non-football subject.....


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.....amazing how quickly the pillocks have materialised since chrisblanc made the forum open to all.


Please not that I have altered this slightly.


If you have not registered then you can only read the post.


To reply then you have to register.....


.....sorry to all who don't agree with this!

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Unless posts have been zapped off here, none of the posts I have read have been offensive..

Emotional yes... inaccurate at times yes.. controversial yes...

and to be fair, at least some have been interesting and thought provoking , which is the first time you can say that about this board for long while.


Why are we so scared of open debate ?


If people want to post criticism about the on or off field activities ( hopefully in a registered name but failing that ,under the cover of secrecy ) so be it. (But how secret can it be when the moderators can obtain no end of information from the ISP address !!)


We have got to be big enough to handle it, and if there are enough people who think the club is going the right way , then that is the voice that will be heard.


Many on this board are parnoid of criticism and toys are thrown out of prams too many times.


I can understand why people are upset with some of the goings on ( or goings out to be precise ) at the moment but I do believe and have faith in the Management of Andy and Brian, and could see a quite a few positives from Thursdays game, and remain upbeat for the season. ( But we do need a striker )


Up the Fleet - But I can't be arsed with this board any more..



PS. Why did we paint the outside of the social club in Darts colours ( Thats no dig at those that gave up the time to paint it, but surely red and white would have been better than black and white )



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Read the 6th post down as an example of why anonymous posters are not wished for by many.....


Nothing wrong with open debate.

I'll even admit that the example above was Shrews Loyal alledgedly, but if we (the moderators) went through the posts made during a completely open board then there are loads of other idiots out there who have been offensive whilst hiding under a cloak of secrecy as to their identity.....


But if these people have something to say then WHY DON'T THEY REGISTER?

After all, if they feel so strongly about what they say then they would back their beliefs?

Or do they have some reason to need to hide?

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