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NHS Tourists

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My mother is a Midwife and she often tells me tails about how a lot of Foreigners come to England weeks befor they are exspecting to have thier child and when they land here they go straight to the hospital.


Why shoulod the good working people of England tolerate this total disuse of a public service which is already failing the British.


I believe that all Foreigners who have not paid taxes in this country for the last two years should have to pay for any Hospital Service they recieve.


Just like at University they havent contributed Taxes to this country so why should they get a cheaper education than they would in their own country.



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actually the libro is correct... from an economic point of view in a G7 country with an ageing population immigration is essential.. hence why japan will be fked..

tho it should be handled the way the septics do it...

compulsory english lesson lots of history lesson.. commit a serious crime in the first 5 years and your out!

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A Majority of doctors and nurses in this country are from abroad.

We send a large number of people to other countries for opertations so what goes around comes around.

And listen to EFM'sL - POSITIVE financial benefit.


And you're at uni Costello - where are your taxes?

If you really want to help the country why don't you train to be a doctor, then you'll help the health service that you moan about so much, instead you're doing building which in turn will build more unaffordable houses for nurses, meaning the service will be even shorter of staff. All this to line your pockets from construction profits.

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Tony mate

If your a student and you earn over £4000 a year you have to pay full tax.

Not suprisingly i've been earning over £4000 a year for the last 4 years its not hard.

Everyone gets that amount tax free Costello, I was earning as a student and I earned a lot more than £4000 and didn't pay any tax - prehaps you shoud sign a student decleration of tax form, you'll find yourself with a lot more money. Unless of course you like paying tax.
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As i have already said i have been paying taxes as well as educating my self so i earn can earn alot more money than you will ever be able to earn so hence ill be paying even more taxes.


Drama school if i remember correctly Thornsy.


Thats a real contribution to this country.


and theres silly me thinking about joining the army.


How many people have gone to drama school and not got in to acting errrrrrrrr....... i can think of two straight away

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Not if they only come here to use abuse the NHS and then as soon as the baby is born they fly back to their home country laughing at us.

So they fly back to their country where the baby will probably end up working for about £1 a hour at the age of 14 so us westerners can have aidias trainers or sugar. I call this what goes around comes around.
It's our countries which make the health service in these countries so bad - why shouldn't a baby be born in healthy condidtions.
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As i have already said i have been paying taxes as well as educating my self so i earn can earn alot more money than you will ever be able to earn so hence ill be paying even more taxes.

Drama school if i remember correctly Thornsy.

Thats a real contribution to this country.

and theres silly me thinking about joining the army.

How many people have gone to drama school and not got in to acting errrrrrrrr....... i can think of two straight away

I never went to drama school. I think you find that more people think that the tv/theatre and cimema is more important than [****!!****] off to destroy somebody elses country anyway.

How many people will join the army and actually fight for this country in a genuine war that threatens our security? We just meddle in other peoples probelem - which may I add doesn't help the asylum system that you moan about - All them kosevans you harp on about, which nation was helping to make them all homeless a couple of years ago?
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