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Harwood opts for Angels switch


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I have noticed that Liam's bodylanguage has not been positive since his return and, when the team has been announced recently I have always expected him not to be there. I also believe that the Bristol Rovers scout bases himself at Tunbridge Devils so maybe he is hoping to go back there.


Just wonder how long the money will be enough for him before he moves on again.


Lastly agree with MB if a player does not want to play for you get rid and save some money and get someone in who does.

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So you say loads of times Steve, time will tell, I personally would rather see someone who wants to play for Margate then someone who only uses us!


In fairmess to SSS I mentioned central defence to MB in the interview and asked how Liam's move changes his recuritment plans, and it's clear he feel he needs more experience in there. MB also remarked about winning defensive headers in the first half, so WIP I guess.

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you are probably right andy but leaves the way open to sign shults from dover


SSS, to sponsor Schultz wages. well done SSS.

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If the "P" stands for "Pagey", What do the "W" and "I" stand for?

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I remember Billy Plews one of my heroes. Always felt confidant with him at the back in front of a certain Joe Radford, another player that we could do with a younger version of. When you think back to how often Thanet and Margate used to change keepers and then think about now it just makes you laugh( a very very cynical laugh).

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I remember Billy Plews one of my heroes. Always felt confidant with him at the back in front of a certain Joe Radford, another player that we could do with a younger version of. When you think back to how often Thanet and Margate used to change keepers and then think about now it just makes you laugh( a very very cynical laugh).

How many keepers did Thanet u have? I remember Radford, Miles, Godden, Hudson(?)and the ginger one whose name escapes me.

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Glen Porter's the one you're thinking of Derek, him and all the others you mentioned have full profiles on my site. Click the red words underneath this message to visit my site if you haven't already taken a look. Some interesting photos there too...



Fine body of men, only Ken and myself remain as regular supporters

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I remember Radford and Hudson, how we gained out of exchanging Hudson for Radford I still havent worked out, but dont remember the others. I blame the medication, an already dodgy memory has been completely screwed by everything I take, but still my fondest memories are of going to hartsdown park with 2 school friends and one of their dads and sometimes when it was really cold all piling into the back of a little yellow van (I'm sure the van drivers name was Harry) that only started with liberal application of a lump hammer to the starte motor. And yes I will admit it, one of those friends was Paul Zanetti.

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