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working in a big office it never ceases to amaze me how people dont do what they are supposed to do... take 'information security'.. obviously a very important part of any large organisation.. but all they do is tell averyone else to keep all the info secure or they will get sacked.. good effort! information security is their job not mine! i must get the vending machine staff to empty all the machines on their floor and just leave a description of a bag of crisps and a map of how to get to the shops.. they are all noncy twats anyway who wear those headsets instead of using a real phone (how can you play office cricket with headset), surely if they are into security they should all be shaven headed 15 stone gorillas with black bomber jackets

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My works seasonal, so when I haven't got shedloads of stuff to do it's not a problem. It's also nice that I get to travel all over the UK, Edinburgh tonight, then Hereford in a week or two's time and Bradford, bain of my life, good for an indian though.

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have you actually crashed any trains yet thornsy?

No it's quite hard to, I don't do any signals or drive any trains and they are fitted with bells and buzzers to stop you driving through red lights ..... although that didn't stop one last week!

All i can do, when i'm in charge, is cancel them, in these polically correct days it's better to delay people than actually kill them !
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i think you should have a platform vote..

the 7.02 to london bridge may have defective brakes.. rather than delay our passengers (or is it customers now?) hands up all those who fancy taking a chance.. we reccommend you sit facing the back of the train..

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