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MYFC/Southill members


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I don't thin, our gates are particularly lower than last year.

The overall average has increased due the likes of Wrexham, Luton, afc Wimbledon and Kettering . Added to this both Oxford and Cambridge are showing increases. All this affects the league average.

I'm not a member of myfc as you know Gordon, so I'm not privy to their discussions.

That said, it's unlikely that Daish will be sacked - few teams would be prepared to pay off 18 months on a contract.

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But some of your games were getting attendances in the 1300-1400s last season Gazum, this year I hear you are down to 700-800 while as you say others are showing increases. Obviously a big club like Luton with gates of 7,000 or so (ten times Ebbsfleet) will up the overall average.


Calls for Daish to be sacked, club running out of money, the Operator of MyFC Ltd looking to get out as quickly as possible. It doesn't look good and here you are, comparing a little club like Southill Alexander with your woes, hardly bears thinking about.


As I said, you worry about your club (big worries) and I'll worry (small worries) about mine.

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You seem to spend too much time doing your worrying on a Fleet forum.

I guess you need an audience.

Myfc may or may not pull out. Whatever.

Won't be the end of the world.

Take Luton , Championship to Conference in short time, yet they remain optimistic.

Liam may get sacked, he may quit. Managers come and go.

That's football.

Fleet will continue.

We have no debt, and ground security for a millenia.

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Your posting on here Gaz, seemed like you wanted a response. Yet you claim to have no knowledge of MyFC, you clearly have no knowledge of Southill and you are posting on a thread called MyFC/Southill Members.


Glad we sorted your debt out for you. You know, MyFC have much in common with Southill, neither own their grounds, neither have debt. But there the similarity ends, Southill have plenty of money, Ebbsfleet nearly insolvent. Etc, etc, etc...


Maybe we'll meet you coming down as we go up. One day. OO-ER, doesn't bear thinking about. You are better off trolling on your own forum Gazum, you can even delete the posts you don't like. Which you do.


Stick to your own worries Gazum.

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You seem to spend too much time doing your worrying on a Fleet forum.

I guess you need an audience.

Myfc may or may not pull out. Whatever.

Won't be the end of the world.

Take Luton , Championship to Conference in short time, yet they remain optimistic.

Liam may get sacked, he may quit. Managers come and go.

That's football.

Fleet will continue.

We have no debt, and ground security for a millenia.



You keep banging on about no debt. That may well be true in as much as the bank account is positive. But that is only part of the story. The club has outgoings way in excess of its incomings, so it is only a matter of time (Dec) that you will have debt. Without the guarantees of someone like BK I doubt if the bank will allow an overdraft. As I have said before I fail to understand your animosity. We have only ever been concerned that certain people would trouser a fat wedge in the meantime leaving the long term fan in the lurch. That has indeed happened and yet you still want to pick a fight with the messenger.

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I agree myfc made some crass financial decisions, but their influence is now (seemingly) on the wane, so my angst is not aimed at those who enter the debate without vitriol to the local fans, but to those who blame the locals and non members for allowing it all to happen.

I also intensly dislike those to took over this forum for their own political agenda, becoming corrupt moderators and effectively killing it for 9 months.

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Gaz, your own moderators including yourself self servingly altered and deleted dissenting posts on this forum long before you were enticed to leave for one which is now dead.<edited by admin>

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Question for Loose


Me and a bunch of mates from all over the country (a couple abroad) belong to a betting syndicate. I'm glad i saw the Southill Alexander name pop up on here because one of them was skyping us about the club. We're talking about putting some of our winnings into shares. I take it you have something to do with the club so i'm wondering if you let syndicates buy shares?


Looking at the hand bags flying around on here i don't suppose this is the best place to discuss it. I couldn't find a category on the forums for it so can we take it to "Other Football Chat" on here?


We really like the idea of an internet based club starting at virtually the bottom. See you down below if you are the person to sort it out with. Cheers

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Be pleased to discuss it with you if you want to start a thread up in Non League "Others", Gareth. Sending you a PM in the meantime.

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.... if Ian wants to allow you to continue thats fair enough but don't come onto a thread called MyFC/Southill members telling your falsehoods when you are a member of neither.


Sadly, the thread is in the Ebbsfleet section of this forum which is probably why you find us reading and then replying to you.


Now, if it were in a section headed 'Southill Alexandria' I for one would never have read it...

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Oddly enough I had no interest in it until someone let me know that Gaz was doing his usual gobbing off.


Happy to let sleeping dogs lie otherwise.

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Hopefully Ian will bin this thread, as yet more crap from the keyboard of Loser appears.

Of course he knows I have never modded here, I was actually banned twice by him during his short and highly controversial spell as mod.

And all for supporting Fleet on a Fleet forum.

His last rant sums him up .

People will judge for themselves.

Just go Gordon, back to running your little club and leave the Fleet forum(s) to Fleet fans.

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Gobbing off again. I have it on good authority that you shared logins with a mod.


Never had the ability to ban anyone from here so another patent blatent lie. No rants here Gazum.


Happy to let sleeping dogs lie. You obviously wanted to ramp it up with your opening post on here.




You keep posting lies about my club and I'll keep telling the truth about Ebbsfleet.


No money, no organisation, no initiative, soon to have no manager, no owner, no league status.


Let us know when you want more money, then you can tell us all to fork off again.


You keep waking that dog up mate.

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Gaz, up to your old tricks i see, knocking anyone with a different opinion to yours. Funny that as many of us have been proved 100% correct with our views on MYFC. And we payed with our hard earned dosh to have an opinion.


The knocking of MYFC members has always been an obsession with fleet fans, who incidently hold the old EUFC board in such high regard even though they brought the club to its knee's with more than £800k of debt! They got the debt paid off when MYFC came along and still hold 25% of the shares, but do you not notice in this time of crisis for the club they offer very little in terms of financial support? 25% of the shares but responcible for 0% of the running costs or current debts????


I can't think of any other club that faced with a gifthorse of such magnitude of over £1.5 million could have messed it up as badly as Ebbsfleet have. But we know the safe option for fleet fans will be to blame MYFC members for all your woes. But don't forget there are many fleet fans on the MYFC board who pushed to impose price rises on their fellow fans, an outrageous move that was highly unpopular and hardly reflects a fan owned club. In fact the move was implimented purely to FORCEfans into buying mini-season tickets.


Not to worry as i will look forward to playing Ebbsfleet in the BSS next season, the club will be forced to drop prices on being relegated.


But the knocking of Southill seems a pathetic to me, at least they are truely a fan owned club with total transparency who don't keep their members in the dark.

Now that is something EUFC and MYFC can only dream about.

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Gaz, up to your old tricks i see, knocking anyone with a different opinion to yours. Funny that as many of us have been proved 100% correct with our views on MYFC. And we payed with our hard earned dosh to have an opinion.


From what I remember what's happening now is exactly what we forecast when MyFC bought the club -doesn't matter about any amount of 'griping' if the MyFC members were serious, they would have made it work. If the opportunity you bought into didn't work out you have no-one but yourselves to blame, not us... there have been plenty 'get rich quick' schemes throughout history - you just got suckered into another one...


The knocking of MYFC members has always been an obsession with fleet fans, who incidently hold the old EUFC board in such high regard even though they brought the club to its knee's with more than £800k of debt! They got the debt paid off when MYFC came along and still hold 25% of the shares, but do you not notice in this time of crisis for the club they offer very little in terms of financial support? 25% of the shares but responcible for 0% of the running costs or current debts????


They hardly brought the club 'to it's knees' - rather they took the club as far as they could go, which when you look at the size of the crowds was no mean achievement. they then did what any sensible businessman would do - they sold on... Business is business... Guess you could say they cut a pretty sharp deal for their money...


I can't think of any other club that faced with a gifthorse of such magnitude of over £1.5 million could have messed it up as badly as Ebbsfleet have. But we know the safe option for fleet fans will be to blame MYFC members for all your woes. But don't forget there are many fleet fans on the MYFC board who pushed to impose price rises on their fellow fans, an outrageous move that was highly unpopular and hardly reflects a fan owned club. In fact the move was implimented purely to FORCEfans into buying mini-season tickets.


Doesn't sink in does it.... Ebbsfleet didn't mess up - the owners did.... if the tail wagged the dog who was to blame - poor management by the owners... a bunch of rookies and computer geeks playing at businessmen who got shafted quite easily by the man who dreamed up the scheme.


Not to worry as i will look forward to playing Ebbsfleet in the BSS next season, the club will be forced to drop prices on being relegated.


So be it, if that what it takes for us to be rid of you and get back to being a proper football club again...


But the knocking of Southill seems a pathetic to me, at least they are truely a fan owned club with total transparency who don't keep their members in the dark.

Now that is something EUFC and MYFC can only dream about.

Then stop posting on the Ebbsfleet part of this forum...


God, some of you lot are so green, you simply have no idea do you...

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Doesn't sink in does it.... Ebbsfleet didn't mess up - the owners did.... if the tail wagged the dog who was to blame - poor management by the owners... a bunch of rookies and computer geeks playing at businessmen who got shafted quite easily by the man who dreamed up the scheme.

What owners are you talking about? Try and let it sink in, not one MYFC member is an owner, they don't have shares do they? Well maybe those phoney ones they got to download :cheesy (2): The operator and his webteam ran MYFC not the members, or the toothless MYFC board, it was an illusion of democracy.


Your local MYFC board members all pushed to put up the gate prices. major own goal.


Funny fleetzone, i find it ironic a computer user like yourself calls other computer users Geeks :571:


God, some of you lot are so green, you simply have no idea do you...

Indeed some of you lot are extremly green, blame the owners :409:

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I agree with Billy nick.


The vast potential fan base in the Gravesend-Northfleet area doesn´t care about the club.That is the simple reason the club is struggling to get over four digit average attendances this season.It has always been the same,everyone is saying.


The vast majority of the people that DO attend Stonebridge Road isn´t willing and or capable of supporting the club in any other way than buy the odd match ticket now and then.


Leaves the rest..the forum fans of Eufc.I said it before and I will never change my mind..they are not willing to care/are too stupid to really understand anything that is going on outside the pitch.They see that their CEO is David Davies..and just because of that he MUST be good for the club..the same with this Holt dude now.He is CEO,he MUST be good for the club.IF he started yet another fleet forum tomorrow I´m sure they would flock around that in a matter of days.


We have been many that has told you this would end in tears for you.The vast majority has choosen to not understand this.There are some like AFF,David Holden and others that does manages to understand these simple things..95% of the fleet forum fans brigade isn´t able too though..and that is of course another problem for the club longterm.



The club seems to have a large amount of rather imbecill fans..and that is one of many reasons Eufc will face a bleaker than necessary future.Sorry..but that´s facts.



We had the Bhatti bros as owners of Wolves early-mid eighties.We have learned from that.Never again.

The difference is that most Eufc fans doesn´t learn though.Not a critical word against the people that runs the show.No will to change things..just going along in the heard..like sheeps.


Sorry,but that is what the average Eufc fan is.

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