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Following the recent news that UEFA may ban England from Euro 2004 and English clubs from competing in Europe if there is a repeat of the racism and crowd trouble of late (particularly the Turkey game) am I the only one to be more than a little peeved at the double-standards that seem to be being applied here?


First of all, I full-heartedly beleive that all racism and hooliganism should be stamped out of the game. In any country. And I the scenes of the minority bring shame on England and the beautiful game.


But why have England and England alone been threatened? Yes, there is an element of the fans that cause trouble, but it is a minority.


But what about Turkey? Turkish fans murdered two English fans last year. They routinely hurl objects onto the pitch, including bananas at black players, and even more appauling, sharp object. A year or so back, Dino Baggio was hit by a penknife playing at Galatasary. Fenerbache and Galatasary fans always wave banners reading "Welcom To Hell" and other threatening slogans and revel in the notoriety of the venues. The fans also set out to start fight with foreign fans, often armed to the back teeth.


There is a particularly nasty element that follow Italy. At one point, a number of Serie A clubs were practically run by the hooligan gangs, and there is often orchestrated violence after matches.


The German national side also has a nasty hooligan element, the majority of whom are linked to Neo-Nazi groups. They killed a French policeman and cause as much violence and destruction as the England element.


France too have a very small element, again usually linked to Far Right organisations.


And many of the Eastern European nations have inherently racist fans.


So, why is it that England alone ahs been singled out with the threat of being banned from UEFA competition?

Many other countries have to adress their problem and Turkey should be booted out of all competition for 10 years or something.


What d'ya reckon?

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You are dead right UEFA are so Hypocritical. I can't actually think of a reason why England Fans are singled out all the Time. Course we all want to see these Brutal often Racist Thugs eradacated from the English Game but some of the examples you have given should have been given the same threat or more of a punishment.


I have my own views on why UEFA are like this and beleive we have never lost the reputation since the horrific "Heysel" disastor.


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Pretty ridiculous if you ask me, not least because in Poland, African players are physically beaten by their own fans. English supporters have had and always will have a bad reputation and deservedly so. But to threaten us with expulsion? It is beyond belief.

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Basically, UEFA like being confrontational with the English FA.


It all goes back to the Hundred years war etc etc ad infinitum.


Thought Becks little speech was quite good, though. (for him !)

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I'll take your word for it Invis.


I didn't hear him speaking with a Swedish accent !

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The Dutch also have a hardcore hooliganism ring, which doesn't ever seem to get a mention.


I think the reason English fans are always highlighted is that our own press are always the first to dramatise and inflate how badly behaved some of our supporters can be. When the Germans, Dutch or French get involved in mass hooligan brawls, as does happen, you don't see it emblazened all over their press, simply because the tabloid press does not place such a high value on scandal and self shaming in these countries. If the british papers are reporting and highlighting our own troublemaking, then it will filter through to the european press as well, making us look like it is a far worse problem here than anywhere else.


Truth is, with the exception of Millwall, Cardiff and one or two others, it probably isn't...?

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It's all a bit ironic.


For sometime now, English players and the FA have made representations to UEFA about the treatment of our black players overseas. UEFA have pussy footed about doing very little.


Now we are guilty of the offence it suddenley becomes a murder enquiry as opposed to a minor traffic offence.

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There is a particularly nasty element that follow Italy. At one point, a number of Serie A clubs were practically run by the hooligan gangs.

What d'ya reckon?

Is it The Mafia <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
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When the Germans, Dutch or French get involved in mass hooligan brawls, as does happen, you don't see it emblazened all over their press, simply because the tabloid press does not place such a high value on scandal and self shaming in these countries.

In Italy, AC Milan is owned by someone who controls most of the newspapers and television channels. So it is hardly surprising that the media don't report hooliganism, racism and terrorism at football matches!
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Good point about the Dutch, GBorg 2 Jr. I'd forgotten to mention them.


A very good friend of mine is from the Netherlands and he says the problem is worse there than here. There are always rucks after the big domestic matches, and there is an element that follow the national team. Again, linked to the Far Right.


It's all nonsense. And as previously mentioned, what action is being taken regarding the abuse suffered by Heskey and Vassell in recent internationals?

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I know!! I went to the Ajax stadium in March, and they have a six foot bulletproof glass wall around the away fans, and a completely segregated route into the ground...


Since this was put in, they (Ajax Fans) have resorted to throing fast food over the top, preferred to Missiles.


Apparently, in true and typically European humour, the seats below the away fans are now known as the ketchup stands, as a result of the amount of burgers that hit the glass and fall into their own fans...

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