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Volunteers Please For This Weekend

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As posted on another link, the club has only three weeks to spruce the ground up for the coming season and would like as many volunteers to help out over the next couple of weeks.


As some of may know and many will not, Mick Nixon will not be available following his admission to hospital for surgury and the inevitable convalescence that will follow. I'm sure all those that know Mick well will send their best wishes for a speedy recovery.


As we all know, Mick works hard during the close season and has done some sterling work on the pitch and around the ground, with the help of a few supporters. For Mick, getting the ground ready for the coming season is a matter of pride and it would be a great if we could all "muck" in (believe me, you haven't seen the aftermath of my wife and my painting!!!). It would be appreciated by the club but also by Mick, who, as I said, takes a certain amount of pride on doing the best he can, not just for the club but also for us, the supporters. In my opinion, he does a "damn fine job". His work on the pitch this close season has certainly bourne fruits and it's looking good. It's looking lovely, lush and green.


This weekend, we could make a start on getting the pitch perimiter fence painted, the weeds taken up around the ground, the fences "creosoted", the advertising boards pressure washed, goal posts need a "lick" of paint etc., etc., etc. These are just some of the jobs that require doing and finishing. There are some fences that require some repair work.

There will be paint, brushes, trays and rollers available but it would help if you have some paint brushes and rollers, to bring them down.


There are some appliances that we require. A Heavy duty, industrial strimmer and a pressure wash. If anyone has these and is willing to loan, please contact me.


It would be nice that, when Mick returns from his convalescence, that we can present him with some, if not most or all of these tasks completed or in some stage of completion.

He will appreciate it.


We will be starting at 10am on Saturday. If anyone wishes to help on a Sunday, please let me know and I will be available to get the materials out and ready. If you can come down and help, please let me know. I am hoping to visit B&Q for the paint and stuff and need to know what materials are required and how much.


On an end note, Mick is comfortable, on the road to recovery and thanks everyone who has visited him and wished him the best. Lets puts a smile on Micks face, rally round and get busy.


You can contact me either by PM through this web site or e mail me gazzabtsc@btinternet.com


Thank you








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I will try my best to come down at some point on Saturday Gazza but can't promise just yet, I will have to get out of doing something else first.


Best wishes Mick.

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I've tried ringing him but no answer. Last I spoke to time I spoke to him, he was better for being at home.


Many thanks for everyone who helped out. We got quite a lot done but there is still some painting to be finish off. If there is anyone who can help us with some conctete work that needs to be done, please contact me. We have some cracks to fill.


Once again...thanks to all those that helped out today. It was very much appreciated. Hope to see you all next Saturday.

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