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Yet Another Attempt At Humour From Hornchurch

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ha ha ha ha ha ha....


eat your heart out pabird...you old stalker you........


this is only the beginning......I'm gonna drive you mad.... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />


by the way Rob....


'hopefully no silliness tommorrow....''


now how did I know you were wrong.............dozens of posts....... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/shocked.gif" alt="" />


anyway...whilst they're all on our forum ...they ain't on yours are they..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" />


you're smarter than I thought you were mate...... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />



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Your talking about two types of humour here, one which is funny and one which is just really ill conceived banter, I don't think Hornchurch do irony, Hornchurch certainly doesn't sound better St Albans, that's from a neutral point of view.


St Albans is nice, Hornchurch is a festering sh1thole surrounded by traffic jams where no-one would willingly want to live, really to suggest it's better than St Albans is like saying "let's not go to the Maldives this year, let's go to the Black hole of Calcutta, cos it's nicer."


Just doesn't really work, does it??

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The Simpsons is a kids program.I've done it in media studies. target audience is 10-16. So unless you are between those ages you must be an old geaser trying to keep up with the latest fashions. Which is really sad. No one would wana go on holiday to shitty St All bins or Hornchurch for that matter so crap example you muppet. St allbins is nice. Now thats funny and a bit pooftified dont ya fink.

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Media Studies. That's an A-Level and a half.


St Albans is nice, Hornchurch is a festering sh1thole surrounded by traffic jams where no-one would willingly want to live, really to suggest it's better than St Albans is like saying "let's not go to the Maldives this year, let's go to the Black hole of Calcutta, cos it's nicer."


SteveP. Of all your posts, that was a quality one.

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Did Media Studies at uni and actually we studied The Simpsons and came to the conclusion that it was a programme aimed at a very wide audience.


Alot of people think Media Studies is an easy option, let me tell you at degree level it is bloody hard!

I spent most of my lectures trying not to fall asleep and then trying to understand what the lecturer was going on about. Then there was the seminars. Very difficult to concentrate if you've spent the previous two hours in the student bar drinking!!

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"Did Media Studies at uni and actually we studied The Simpsons and came to the conclusion that it was a programme aimed at a very wide audience."


I didn't know you had to be fat to watch The Simpsons ?

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Don't forget his snood and his mittens on string, but I digress...


If your Media Studies teacher told you that the target audience for The Simpsons is 10 to 16 years olds, Mr Urchin, I'd strongly suggest that you ask to switch borstals. Presumably, the references in The Simpsons made towards films, TV shows and other various other bits and pieces of American culture made decades before 10-16 year olds were even a glint in the milkman's eye are one big coincidence. Maybe I'm not paying close enough attention...


/Goes off on incomprehensible rant about the difference between First, Second & Third Level Significants and why, in general terms, Roland Barthes was a [****!!****]





(Mind you, I applaud your use of the word "pooftified" - nice to see that the cultural legacy of Jim Davidson still lives on in Essex)

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you haven't twigged it yet Urchin Man have you...the All Bins forums are in the hands of left wing.... layabout.... 'wanna be investigative journalists....'


using their employers internet time to 'flaunt their talents'...thats why they rarely come on here at the weekends.....


great stuff.....the next generation 'Guardianistas' are running the club.....


couldn't make it up couldya..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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