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Is it Hempstead Gaz's Imagination......


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"or have I detected a more conciliatory tone and less hostility towards Fleet on the old forum since Mr Davis anounced details of the clubs finances and the proposed way forward, including the fundraising issue.

A club of fleets size certainly can sustain 2 forums, so long as they are both pro Ebbsfleet Utd.

Perhaps it is time for Freemyfc to relax the "offensive" towards MYFC, accept they are now operating on a third of the scale they were last year, but are heare to stay, at least in the medium term.

It is horrible to see clubs like Halifax, Lewes, Weymouth go bust, just as it was Dartford, Maidstone, Margate, Dover, Hythe. Without MYFC , we could well have been the next Kent club to crash anfd burn.

I thank them for giving us a year's grace and the chance to start 2009/10 on a level (ish) playing field.

I remain neutral about the venture, can see both sides of the debate, but as fans and supporters we must draw a line in the sand at this juncture, join forces and unite as one to secure the long term future of the club.

It would help if Freemyfc allowed postings without alterations onm the fans focus site - and unbanned those of us denied access to join the debate.

For our part we must accept, rightly or wrongly, the Freemyfc made a stand against what they saw was an injustice and must allow them to speak, within these forum's rules, in the debate. "


From the Official forum


Who knows Gaz? FreeMyFC in general, in the majority was never "Anti - Fleet", certain Fleet Fans certainly, no doubt about it.


FreeMyFC Members only ever wanted a level playing field or at least the same size goals at both ends. They saw MyFC members censored and banned for politely requesting the democratic equality they had been promised, they questionned why they did not have access to information a select few had, some of them wanted to Pick the Team but mostly they wanted people to keep their promises from Brooks to Arithon, DA11 to Jessica, and Liam Daish to David Davis. Some of them lied, some of them had no apetite or time to supply any answers and yes some of them actively lied and controlled the flow of information and the running of the organisation to their own ends. Not all bad, some just ineffective.


Animousity for the Fleet Fans? No, not in general, just a few who succeeded in driving a wedge where the cracks were showing, exploiting faults and very experienced at forum tactics.


Why would anyone investing in a club they didn't even know the name of yet end up bearing animousity towards it? A few its fair to say feel that just desserts need to be served but this is another fault of forums. People group everyone with the same motives.


The Official Forum demands that a member gives their real name and genuine sign up details. The FreeMyFC Forum has no registration beyond asking for a genuine email address and that joiners not disrupt the community.


Gaz talks of "alterations on the fans Focus site". Abusive postings are moderated, thats all. Counter claim will benefit no-one but if you read this Gaz, you need to put your own house in order too. I was banned for posting a question on the Official Forum, asking whether anyone had any idea of the costs involved in setting up and running a forum "like" that one. Threads asking questions are locked if you do not approve of the posters opinions. Its a bit controlling to say the least.


This Forum on Fans Focus has a genuine heritage and a strong and long history. Its still here for anyone to use.

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Originally Posted By: thespursfan
"Abusive postings are moderated, thats all."

Oh alright - I'll bite. Although I had thought we were entering a spirit of "detente". Its usually those with their own reasons who want to see it fail.

What "twaddle" Jeff? Name dates and instances please......

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Originally Posted By: thespursfan
ive asked you twice nicely loosely did you tamper with my posts?
youve not said no.
say no now and ill accept.
dates and instances you know.

Jeff, I can't remember you asking but again, in the spirit of detente, where did you ask me, secondly I have never tampered with your posts. I don't tamper except to remove abuse if necessary. Very minor. TBH, I find it insulting that you would suggest that I did but thats par for the course.
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Originally Posted By: thespursfan
loosely , you claim to have a poor memory.

but the words "i have never tampered with your posts" are fine for me.

You would understand why I may have thought so.

Good. But no, I don't understand. Glad its cleared up for you though.
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Mr Gaz has a vivid imagination, but a short memory. He likes to slag off members of Free and find childish names for us over on the happy forum. In fact this thread is being discussed over there right now, imbeciles and geeks are just two of the terms used to describe us over there.


I asked Gaz a number of times for an explanation when the mods made peoples posts on the EUFC forum disappear! Still waiting for that answer as they closed that thread. In fact they like to close threads when awkward questions are asked.


I for one will always remain "offensive" towards what i see as a corrupt MYFC, who have spent the past year witholding information and lying to its membership. Banning those that had the guts to demand that the society be run as such, and not for the benefit of one man who controls the whole show.


Many of the fleet fans like to decribe MYFC members as geeks, as though only fleet fans know anything about football. Always overlooking the fact that we have many years experiance following football.


My MYFC membership expired this week, i only got 3 months use out of my 12 month membership due to being banned from posting. But its safe to say that MYFC will not be around this time next year, and good riddance too.

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The cycle goes on then Phil. I saw the posts by Blanc and Hannah, one was a mod on here responsible for deleting and altering posts and the other I am told (rightly or wrongly) is still a mod on here. They have no interest in what Gaz has to say, plainly. Some good suggestions from Gaz but their interest is to wreck that.

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Yes, but it's interesting to see that what we said all those months ago (and got banned for) is now being said elsewhere - ban the visionaries, that's what I say! And if you're really lucky, you might have Harry J Allstars representing you on the Board on MyFC before too long. And we all know what he said, don't we?? laugh

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Its laughable really. 32,000 down to around 5,500 in a year. 4,000 renewals coming up which they include in their total numbers for now. Eighty grand in the bank which is meant to see them through to February. Three or four hundered showing up to vote on nothing votes.


And now the very people responsible for banning members are spouting the same message those who were banned were trying to get across. But it all changes once they get elected doesn't it? We've seen it all before.


A handful of Fleet Fans signing up for Friends of the Fleet, where are the 25,000 who came to Wembley? Taking back the sunscreen they bought in anticipation of another day out. We won't see them again until next time the club make it to Wembley.


Meanwhile people like Blanc and Hannah are on their own recruitment drive. How to get a membership of 5,500? Start with a membership of 32,000.

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My understanding is that HG is talking about this forum, which was used by Fleet fans to discuss Fleet things. Then depending upon whose version of history you choose to believe one of two things occurred. Either, Fleet Fans were fed up with non football discussions or Brooks wanted to bring in house (and therefore control) all discussion. Whichever, we now have a forum that appears to satisfy the fans and this one for relatively free flowing discussion.


HG is one of the moderators that stifles any discussion on the Ebbs forum, that isn't on message. Regarding the people that have had their accounts "cancelled", that's as maybe, but FreeMyFC has changed server at least once, so I suspect that if they signed up and were not abusive they would be welcome, even with an alternative view.


For V. You were a member of Free which you then used to get many MyFC members banned. They, IMO, correctly threw you off.


For the record. I accept there is an element that is intent on seeing MyFC destroyed. But the large majority of "dissenters" are dissenting against the lies, spin and control exercised by Brooks. Most of us have had the threatening emails from him when it became obvious that we were not in total admiration of his efforts. This forum is a good place to bring it all out.


Truth is that none of this in all probability will make any difference. The probability is that Brooks will fck off when the income he creams off becomes too small. In all probability the previous majority shareholders will arrange onward funding and this time next year Ebbs will be continuing as it has always done.


And that is a shame. It could have been so great, but spoilt by one man, ably surrounded by his Lieutenants, Arithon and V. That is the real story here.




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This is V's contribution to the debate on the "Official Forum. His contribution though is not to have a debate, close it down. No interest in being constructive and the usual self serving lies. Why is that? Well usually when two groups start discussing matters the opportunity often arises to discover the duplicity of a third group.


"Do we even want to have a debate about this debate, Gaz? I had a hard think about whether to post anything on the topic, but here it is:


I know absolutely nothing about FF - I've only been on there a handful of times these past two years as it wasn't particularly welcoming to new fans. The last time was a short while ago when I went to see what the recent fuss was about, and well - I'm not impressed really. I gather from Gaz that there are some old fans on there, and if you want to work to bring them in, then great - a worthy aim if some of them can be brought back to support the work we're all doing for the Fleet.


What I'd be more skeptical about is wasting time on the disaffected MyFC types. Some of them are in my (ample) experience simple hell-raisers and just love the havoc as Chris mentions above. Others are convinced that Will Brooks or "the Powers" (whoever they are) in MyFC are the anti-Christ, and will go to great lengths to prop up their claims and campaigns of disinformation. Still others are the "internet geeks" that Hannah speaks of, who by nature or remoteness obsess on details and pick fault in anything. None of them can be helped tbh.


As for the other site, I was on there in the beginning because I thought I had friends there and wanted to do my bit to build bridges. After a time they turned on me as they do everyone eventually. Sad really. That's fine though - their site, their privilege - but it is slowly fading away now and it'll be gone by next year I suspect. Gone because it feeds on attention and we're not currently giving it much, or gone because they've moved on to the Purple Bishops or whatever club they target next. I spent too much energy on fighting back for a time, and I learned that it really isn't worth it. My advice would be just to leave it, and let them come here if they chose to reconnect with the Fleet. Welcome them in after a time, but be firm on managing the bile - the bitterness surfaces quickly and you recognise it easily by the nature of their posts. We have a few of those already as you've probably noticed.


Most of all though - my advice would be not to have too many of these discussions as they only serve to highlight an apparently balanced "us and them" discussion which in reality isn't about fairness or democratic debate: it's about the Fleet and the fans versus a dozen angry individuals. Let's move on."


At a time when sensible people want to explore opportunities V wants the kibosh put on it all. When people who do care about the Fleet may want to seek a way forward V wants to take it backwards. You can have a discussion, but its got to be V's discussion, you can have an opinion, but its got to be V's opinion.


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That is a disgusting but sadly typical post by V - oh, and he seems to know a lot about what is being said on freemyfc, doesn't he? Of course he does - they all came crawling back with pretend usernames - many of the accounts I have activated are people who do not post and I am well aware that one of them will be V, one of them will be Arithon, one will be the WT in all its nasty guises, one may well be Brooks - I don't know who they are and I don't care, frankly, as long as they don't troll and abuse us. Now V has a little platform on the "official" forum to continue the abuse.


Just for the record, V was someone who claimed to be our friend - then used information he had gathered from a free-to-join, independent forum to get paid-up MyFCers banned. He has been duplicious and has no loyalty to anyone but himself. He is like one or two others on there only interested in getting "power" and influence - I use inverted commas as there's really no cachet in being on the Board of a Society which has hardly any members and no money grin We were around before he ever showed up and we'll be there when he's long gone - except in our case, we'll be doing something real and tangible, not playing little games like him and Arithon. What goes around comes around - never forget that, you who called yourselves "friends". The people with integrity and decency are still working together just as they always have and are still true friends - we don't need MyFC for that. I wonder how many of those whom V and Arithon think are their friends will still call when MyFC collapses??

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Gaz has changed his tune now..


"They keep ressurrecting old topics on there, some of which were mine, discuss, criticise and alter my posts to their own ends, and I have no right to reply on there.

I still would like a united Fleet support - by all means have 2 forums, one a bit more 'liberal' than this, but both need to be fully behind Fleet.

I guess when their subscriptions expire they will finally move onto somewhere else to spoil."


Your posts haven't been altered Gaz, but then it was an easy lie to tell wasn't it? How pathetic. A few of your more "radioactive" members pipe up and you do a swift about face. As I said, pathetic.

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Originally Posted By: loosely
Gaz has changed his tune now..

"They keep ressurrecting old topics on there, some of which were mine, discuss, criticise and alter my posts to their own ends, and I have no right to reply on there.
I still would like a united Fleet support - by all means have 2 forums, one a bit more 'liberal' than this, but both need to be fully behind Fleet.
I guess when their subscriptions expire they will finally move onto somewhere else to spoil."

I have made several enquiries of the GM's and they have not changed any posts and perhaps more importantly HG is not banned from this forum, Blanc is no longer a moderator on here and Hannah has never been, I am not sure about Cassandra or Jimmy who were moderators before they left but if you all check through the previous postings you will see the little M after their user names if they are.....David Holden is a site admin and will therefore have powers over this site but its inconcievable to think David would mess around with posts

If Gaz has so much to say why doesn't he come back on here...? the sites coming back to life now and thats a good thing which of course may well be irking them all on the happy forum...grin
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I know for sure I had a post added to and I saw HG had one amended at the same time.


As I said at the time probably a bit of Friday night fun by someone, basically a lampoon , but whoever did it should have put them back to normal fairly quickly and apologised in my view.


Its hard enough sifting the windups from the genuine, but you have to be able to assume the poster's words actually came from the poster.


Loosey saying this "is unhelpful":

"Your posts haven't been altered Gaz, but then it was an easy lie to tell wasn't it?"

mind you which forum everyone is referring to there I don't know.




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