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Originally Posted By: coach et 64
Originally Posted By: Beeswax
Oh he knows who I am! He took umbrage about me coming on the forum about two years ago! He's still trying to get one over! When I met him at Beesland last season, he was full of rumours about managerial vacancies! Now he has some bullsh!t gossip on me allegedly! Let him do his worst; nothing changes for the italian scallion grin

Well something have changed...i'm still at Hullbridge but you joined the queue at the local job centre!!!lol

at the local job centre - is that it? doh You're a pr@tt and always will be.
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touchee say the French!!No go and sort out a match programme for us next year that is gonna be the envy of non league footie evil

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He still does, Coachie. I've had the pleasure of reading through a couple of editions he currently produces, and it's superior to the vast majority of ESL clubs, witty and informative. Not bad for EOL 2nd Division, really, is it.
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Originally Posted By: coach et 64
touchee say the French!!No go and sort out a match programme for us next year that is gonna be the envy of non league footie evil

As soon as you heard on this forum that I'd walked out on Basildon United, you phoned me three times asking me to come to Hullbridge and I asked you to arrange a meeting with your committee to discuss things. For the record you offered me every position from Club Secretary downwards ("Well, Beryl's not getting any younger!"). I sought the advice of a couple of people "in the know" who said that the committee at Hullbridge would "treat me right" and it would be a good move and to be honest, I was interested. I kept contacting you to say that I hadn't heard anything and you kept telling me that your chairman would be contacting me very soon but he never did. I went to the League AGM hoping that you and some of your committee would be there to talk but you weren't there but Beryl was so I hung around hoping that something would happen but it never did.

It would have been a good time to give me the "Programme of the Year" Trophy at the AGM but it never happened and due to circumstances hasn't happened yet so probably never will!

For the record, I was offered "something" at Bowers, Clapton, London APSA, Romford, Stansted and Ilford. Basildon United wanted me back but I turned them all down. I never turned Hullbridge down but your lot obviously weren't interested as I didn't hear anything more.

So don't give me that "you are doing me a favour bow locks" - your loss is my gain.
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Originally Posted By: Groynestrain
He still does, Coachie. I've had the pleasure of reading through a couple of editions he currently produces, and it's superior to the vast majority of ESL clubs, witty and informative. Not bad for EOL 2nd Division, really, is it.

Many thanks, mate.
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True Beeswax,when i asked the then chairman i was told we had someone doing the programme which as a manager i could only acknowledge it.The fact i asked you in the first place shows that i keep you in great esteem and as you know things change very quickly in football.Never say never...

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