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Pop Babe XI

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EFMTFTV you forgot about the very lovely Appleton sisters and does Kylie Minogue get into your team or is she just on the bench?

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Have to say the majority of the Babes XI is superb.




Lovely as Kimberly is, there is a nicer bird in Girls Aloud.


Rachel from S Club has never really done it for me. She reminds me too much of that bitch Jennifer Aniston from that crap yank sit-com.


There are much nicer pics of both Holly and Emma around.


Err.... that'll do! Nice work!!



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She was quite a fox actually.


Think the soap stars one would be mainly filled with babes from neighbours. I'd have to pop over to the hollyoaks site as well, even though I don't watch it I know there are a few stunners knocking about.


The main 2 - 'enders and corrie really let themselves down with babes actually, there is never a stunner in town. They obviously go for acting talent while the rest just try and keep the loaded and handcream generation in tow!

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