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Scottish FA

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Saw on Sky Sports News this morning that the Scottish FA have proposed that next year, tape used by players on their socks will have to be the same colour as the socks.


What are those idiots north of border up to? Referee's are made to be like robots already with undershorts and undershirts having to be the same colour (although this does not apply to Knaphill), and the tape will make it worse,

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In the league rules NLN. Only takes a club to proopse a rule change and get some support for it. In fact makes you wonder the amount of moaning about it why the clubs didnt do it last year......

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Originally Posted By: Krooner
In the league rules NLN. Only takes a club to proopse a rule change and get some support for it. In fact makes you wonder the amount of moaning about it why the clubs didnt do it last year......

Does that help you a bit Kroons...
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Kroons...Is there a rule on how high you have to wear your socks, ( and before you pop in BJR, as you are pretty sharp, and have the quickest wit on the site, when playing football,) as long as you have pads on..Just that last few weeks I have noticed some players with socks half way down their shins..I never used to let players do it as it looks slovenly but is there a directive from the FA ????

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So is it another rule that Ref's can turn a blind eye to as at present they are..I don't want to go on at Ref's ( pls note capt R ) as although u know me Kroons and my record, It seems some of the good ones will use common, ( and I include you in that ) and others who have never played seem to grow a mustache wear jack boots and don an ss badge above their fa one..

As someone said earlier...Why can't a manager stand up in tech area when 4th off stands up all the time??

But then rules are rules..( DIG COMING UP ) Pls note CT.....

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