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On confguide it says that Robin Trott was at grays?!haven't heard anything about him but from we could do with a defender(with aaron having left and ade maybe(?)retireing), and if stevenage payed £8000 for him he can't be to bad!

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Grays messageboard implies good things about him, as there are 2 or 3 postings saying they'd like to keep him.


It seems, however, that he didnt want to go full time, as he has his own business.


Dave is right - it seems he left Stevenage at the start of March to join Grays till the end of season - again, his reason for leaving SB seems to have been that since he is a painter/decorator, he didnt want to go full time. The wpord "Class" appears regularly in the message board comments for him, including from a Stevenage fan, so sounds like Andy's made another good signing.

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Yeah Trotty is a legend at Stevenage. Always gave his best and was/is still loved and respected by the Stevenage fans.

We seee him as one of our own. good luck Robin in your new home (But not against us)


He'll get a welcome reception when he visits Stevenge next season.

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Trott was player of the Year at welling and those nice chaps from St*v*nage nicked him from us, must be in his 30's now but he sure was a class center half!!



PS Turner,Hogg,Trott,Handford..... a few ex Wings at your place now arent there?

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Turner,Hogg,Trott,Handford..... a few ex Wings at your place now arent there?

Knight, Watts, Booth... hell, even Abbot's worn the Fleet red for all of 20 minutes! Maybe we should just swap our squads every other season! smile.gif
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