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Ricci Crace


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Very good player when fit, knows where to goal is, wins his share of headers (given that he's not a big target man) and is an intelligent player. It's a shame to see him leave to be honest. That said, his chances are likely to be limited, and he deserves to be playing regularly at a good level. Good luck to him.

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Originally Posted By: Hawker
Ricci has signed for us over at Harlow where i'm assuming we'll pair him with Frendo.

What sort of player is Ricci? Pace? Good on the ball or in the air? ?


He is very much a 'kevin philips' type striker but has suffered for nearly 2 seasons with injuries. If yo get him playing and confdent again, he'll score bread and butter goals, but your team needs to carve up the chances for him, he is no one man band.
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He wants the ball to his feet without too much running. However once he has the ball he is quick thinking and, as others have said, knows where goal is.


He does get angry with his colleagues at time if he feels that they are not pulling their weight or not up to his class. He wants to win and get his share of medals and cups.

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Originally Posted By: Sponsor of Beer
Originally Posted By: andyetfc
Originally Posted By: Sponsor of Beer
Or just a cancelled contract, to assist a move...

What about assisting the club in these troubled financial times?

Surely taking Ricci off the wage bill, almost 5 months after last kicking a competitive ball for the club, has done exactly that?

Can someone therefore explain why put a player on a contract if the club is not gong to financially benefit when they leave apart from 'taking them off the wage bill'? Why did we not off load him 5 months ago and we would have saved even more!
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I may be wrong, but I imagine that the idea of having him on contract was that if he hit form / stayed fit, and another higher club had come in for him, we would have been entitled to some kind of financial recompense?


I guess we didn't offload him 5 months ago, as it was hard to say at that stage how long his injury would have taken to sort itself out, and that he was still part of our plans at the time. With the benefit of hindsight, it might not be the best outcome, but if he'd come back into the side before Christmas, and started banging in the goals, it would have been justified.


Also, (and I'm guessing here, so I might be way off the mark), if we were to release him from his contract early, without him agreeing terms with another club, wouldn't we end up owing him money for canceling his contract?

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Originally Posted By: andyetfc
Originally Posted By: Sponsor of Beer
Originally Posted By: andyetfc
Originally Posted By: Sponsor of Beer
Or just a cancelled contract, to assist a move...

What about assisting the club in these troubled financial times?

Surely taking Ricci off the wage bill, almost 5 months after last kicking a competitive ball for the club, has done exactly that?

Can someone therefore explain why put a player on a contract if the club is not gong to financially benefit when they leave apart from 'taking them off the wage bill'? Why did we not off load him 5 months ago and we would have saved even more!

Part of my convo with Steve Browne included the players on contract systems. He is confused at the policy of players on contract, unless they are 18-21 age groupish who still have a long future and potential of a transfer, thus gaining the club another source of income. Not my specialist area, but he seems to know exactly what type of committment the club should expose itself too.
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Originally Posted By: Enfield United
Originally Posted By: andyetfc
Originally Posted By: Sponsor of Beer
Originally Posted By: andyetfc
Or just a cancelled contract, to assist a move...

What about assisting the club in these troubled financial times?

Surely taking Ricci off the wage bill, almost 5 months after last kicking a competitive ball for the club, has done exactly that?

Can someone therefore explain why put a player on a contract if the club is not gong to financially benefit when they leave apart from 'taking them off the wage bill'? Why did we not off load him 5 months ago and we would have saved even more!

Part of my convo with Steve Browne included the players on contract systems. He is confused at the policy of players on contract, unless they are 18-21 age groupish who still have a long future and potential of a transfer, thus gaining the club another source of income. Not my specialist area, but he seems to know exactly what type of committment the club should expose itself too.

Sounds like this Steve Browne fella is a hell of a bloke, knows everything, and Townies saviour to boot. Wonder why he has never done it though when he has been in charge. Still not to worry cos he ain't the Number 1 and you appear to have turned the corner nicely, so must have found his true vocation.
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