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i did 6 which was a nice top up from last nights session.. i quite fancy a bottle of wine tonight with about 40 quids worth of K.F.C... also i shall try to exit the office at 4.30 to get in a few sneaky pints before getting on the train reeking of beer n fags... lovely...

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Yeah, I was wearing a bright white jacket and looking miserable. I can't be bothered to start a new post, so I'll just put it on here:


Okay, so this bloke is 23. We met on tuesday, nothing happened except for a few text messages.


We met again on thursday, talked for ages and then at the end of the night, something really DID happen if you know what I mean. We talked on the phone for a little while after but the next day he didn't contact me at all <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


Then on friday we met up in O'neills and were talking and stuff and at the end of the night we kissed goodnight (big style!). He wanted me to go off with him again, but I didn't. We promised to meet up yesterday.


We did, and once again we were talking normally and he was being quite affectionate. However, he then started to ignore me! Basically, he's been messing me about and giving me mixed signals. So at 3am this morning I sent him a drunken text messege, asking him directly if he liked me or not. He still hasn't replied and I don't know what to do!! I'm quite upset about it, 'cos I really really liked him and I know he's a lovely bloke really.

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I went to the Adelaide afterwards as well and that just made me more depressed! It's a complete craphole, full of mingers- there my first impressions anyway! Oh yeah, he's from Borehamwood, which may explain a few things, and he supports Chelsea.


I think it's because he's older than me and sees that I'm a bit naive and so thinks he can take advantage of me. B@st@rd!!!

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