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Heybridge meeting?


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After speaking to the Ryman Football League we have been advised by them not to make any concessionary arrangements regarding admission for the replayed game at this stage. The matter of the abandoned game will be discussed at the next Ryman League board meeting on the 29th January after which the league will announce it

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The League...what's it got to do with them?


Swifts can charge what they like, I'm not going to pass judgemnt on what they should, or shouldn't chrage, thats their business. (I will keep my personal thoughts to myself)


But don't hide behind the League, Swifts should make their decision, whatever it is, and have the balls to announce it as their own.


I lay no blame on Swifts for the light failure because it was out of their control, but admission criteria for the replay is entirely within control of Heybridge Swifts.



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Nah, your alright, I'll just have my usual 3/1 at the next game ;-)


There was no need to use the League, the decision could have been made by Heybridge.


I have a lot of time for the board at Heybridge, they have always been welcoming to me, Mick was very supportive when I first got involved at Billericay and for that I shall always be grateful.

I have a lot of sympathy for swifts and hope to see them in a stronger position very soon. So I don't want this to sour our relationship.


But those who know me, know that I prefer to take the honest approach to things, meet them head on. The trouble is, I expect everyone else to do the same, using the League as a screen was not the right thing to do in my opinion.



Right, I've had my say and I'll leave it at that, but I will take this opportunity to wish you swift, and all your fellow swifters a happy healthy and prosperous 2009.

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From the Heybridge forum:


"I see on the Billericay forum the debate has started about the re-admission prices. My source at the club believe's the Ryman league may make the game be played under cup rules which would mean the gate being shared between the clubs and Heybridge having to pay for the Billericay team's transport to the game.

If that happend i cant see Heybridge wanting to have any concessions for that game.

I dont see how that would help any of the fans."



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Let's all grow up, thank the League for their exceptional attention to this matter and their obvious concern for the supporters of two of the oldest surviving clubs in the Ryman Prem, and let the board members of the two clubs sort the matter out in a sensible manner as it appears impossible for the Ryman management to act as adults.It is surely time for the Ryman League to elect a younger and less restrained management in the immediate future.

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Originally Posted By: venturer
Let's all grow up, thank the League for their exceptional attention to this matter and their obvious concern for the supporters of two of the oldest surviving clubs in the Ryman Prem, and let the board members of the two clubs sort the matter out in a sensible manner as it appears impossible for the Ryman management to act as adults.It is surely time for the Ryman League to elect a younger and less restrained management in the immediate future.

All that was said was Heybridge, as a club, should/could have been able to make a decision on admission for the game and that the league didn't have to make a decision for them. We havn't said that the league pays no attention to both of our clubs, because we all know that they do.

You are saying that we should be thanking the league, but then you say that the ryman management are not acting as adults? And to elect a younger ryman management? What would that improve?

Also we have wanted both clubs to come to an agreement if you have read all of the posts from the game, including the forum topic on the day/evenin after the game.

I am not sure about anyone else, but I am pretty sure everything that has been posted on this forum topic has been mature.
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Originally Posted By: Pooch
From the Heybridge forum:

"I see on the Billericay forum the debate has started about the re-admission prices. My source at the club believe's the Ryman league may make the game be played under cup rules which would mean the gate being shared between the clubs and Heybridge having to pay for the Billericay team's transport to the game.
If that happend i cant see Heybridge wanting to have any concessions for that game.
I dont see how that would help any of the fans."

That's an interesting concept. Is there a precedent?

Presumably, if it were to happen, 'ricay would have the choice of using the unexpected income to mitigate their expenses from the abandoned fixture (players wages, travelling etc..), and/or partially (or fully) recompence their inconvenienced, out of pocket travelling fans.

Likewise, with the latter option, 'ricay fans who are "flush" enough to feel benevolant can choose NOT to claim recompence and leave the funds in their club.

Swifts get a good chunk of the revenue from the re-arranged fixture and hang onto everything from the abandoned match.

Is everyone a winner, or am I missing something?

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Originally Posted By: venturer
Dear Adam,
You are obviously very naive and have been living in a non cynical world for a few years. I will no longer waste my time putting my literary gems on BTFC notice boards.

Feck me, it was a literary gem!!??

I thought it was the usual, load of old bollox
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I think Venturer was potentially having a dig at the Ryman leaders if i am reading it correctly. I think there was an element of tongue in cheek comments and ultamately saying that the clubs should be allowed to do what they see as fit rather than wait for some tie and blazer brigade to ponder clubs predicaments over a game of scrabble and a gin and tonic tongue

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  • 3 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: The Town Crier

Apparently Heybridge approached the League for guidance.
The league will discuss the matter at their next meeting. Not before.


Today I beleve. Any outcome?
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Originally Posted By: Rick the Dick
Originally Posted By: The Town Crier

Apparently Heybridge approached the League for guidance.
The league will discuss the matter at their next meeting. Not before.


Today I beleve. Any outcome?

Nothing as of yet Rick, I know Heybridge wrote to the league with a proposal. and we wrote giving information as to the timing of events on the day and a reminder that our club (Fans players officials) had inured expenses.

As soon as we hear anything it will be published on the main website.
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Thanks T.C. Time is a great healer, & it's almost healed the painful hole left in my wallet by the events of that day... almost smile



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