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In three weeks time I have been booked into take my Pre RCB exam and briefing. (You need to pass it to become a Officer in the Army)


I have done no training for it and really can tbe assed because i have alot on at the moment i do want to join the army but i just dont think i'm mentally prepared to do this exam do you think i should take the exam and just sse how it goes and risk the chance of embarassing myself or killing myself or should i phone them and tell them that i am unable to attend


The other question i would like to ask is should i lie about certain things in My application form thingy or shpuld i not take the risk.


I'm already in the Oxford Officers University Training core and this is more than likly to piss them off.


I think i have kind of made my mind up but what do you think.






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Never lie on an application form!! It will always be there, on your records and causes more trouble in the long run than if you tell the truth in the first place. Remember, they can't discriminate against anything.


Also, cancel the interview if you don't feel that you are ready to do it at the moment. If you attend it and haven't trained, or are mentally ready to do the test, it is going to look bad for you. Your aren’t going to look professional, and you will just be letting yourself down for the future.


Yes, you maybe able to take the test again, but wouldn't you like to just take it once and pass it and have praise and respect for doing well?


I feel that if you do your best in any test, you gain respect from others and it doesn't matter what result you get. But if you don't try for the test and just do it because it is booked, then you are just going to be letting yourself down.


Cancel the test, and re-book it for when you are ready to do it, and have time to train/revise for it.


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Claire, like the fact you say Markyate not as inbred as you think, I feel a bit responsible for that!


I wouldn't play around with the army, they frown on poor preperation and they aren't all that forgiving. However on the lying front, it really depends what the lie is and how likely it is to bite you on the backside later on, sometimes you can get away with it sometimes you can't..

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