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Membership Renewal

Special K

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I think the total sum of those that pledged to renew at this point amasses to 37K..something like that.

Look objectively on MyFC now..do anyone really thinks that it is attractive to an outside person in this shape and form?

It is like a supporterclub to EUFC,and in that shape and form it can never attract enough people to make it financially sustainable in the long term,not to mention short term.

EUFC struggle to even get 1K of their own locals to attend Stonebridge Road..and you think tens of thousands of outsiders is going to fork over 35 quid in the return for virtually nothing?

It won

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MyFC are doing some things to address the situation - for instance, they are using a group of members as a retention group to assist in contacting others about renewal.

Some people joined for multiple years last year (I joined for 2 years) but I assume that that membership money will have already been spent in this year - I don't know, I may be wrong on that one.

I spoke to someone on the MyFC Board the other day and he thought sufficient renewals would come in. That may be optimism or he may know something we don't. Anyway, Claudius sums it up pretty well, I think.

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I'm not going to waste precious thumb-twiddling time getting into the debate.


I just wanted to say that if anyone thinks we're not aware of the probable issues around renewal time and haven't been working on contingencies, then I am saddened.


I can't wave a magic wand and make 30000 MyFC members renew, I don't have the money to personally finance the club. But to think we are blithely sailing on with no awareness and taking no actions, just because we aren't declaring publicly what we are doing, is naive. frown


I won't be drawn into any more discussion on the subject. Enjoy the debate.

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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
Originally Posted By: Hannah

By the way, my name has a capital letter at the beginning and there should be an apostrophe between the h and the s.

and gyp has a Y hannah and my comments to jeff were not as you read them but no surprise there then...now I really am off here at gaz's request so please fell free to talk nonsense amongst yourselves....oh sorry...you can't can you hannah as your boyfriend has been banned....grin


I never said I wanted you to leave here, Karl, or stop posting. What is needed, and wanted by all is a truce, and a stop to the tit-for-tat point scoring and petty squabbles.
The club needs for ideas and workable solutions from the brains on this forum. Most cannot be implemented, but maybe one or two can be. All good ideas are worthy of exploration and debate.
If we all pull together, the club will come out of this a lot better and more successful than ever.
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Originally Posted By: Digitalis
I'm not going to waste precious thumb-twiddling time getting into the debate.

I just wanted to say that if anyone thinks we're not aware of the probable issues around renewal time and haven't been working on contingencies, then I am saddened.

I can't wave a magic wand and make 30000 MyFC members renew, I don't have the money to personally finance the club. But to think we are blithely sailing on with no awareness and taking no actions, just because we aren't declaring publicly what we are doing, is naive. frown

I won't be drawn into any more discussion on the subject. Enjoy the debate.

I think thats a shame. There have been some very responsible posts on this thread, notably from HG and a few others, and yet because of some negative comments you deny the opportunity to engage with or support those people who are extremely concerned. When you did this before on a MyFC thread you took umbrage at the frustration it caused. I don't see you engaging with the people who truly own this club, either emotionally or financially and that is your job.

No doubt you will continue in umbrage.
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I'd be happy to be wrong but Davids post doesn't really contribute anything. He has almost immediately written off this thread because of a few negatve comments while there are some contributors who want a healthy discussion. So we all suffer?


Anyway, no matter. It doesn't need to sidetrack the debate.

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I'm also a little surprised to read David's response. Yes, of course we know that the EUFC and MyFC hierarchy are discussing Plan B, Plan C and however many other alternatives - they have to, the renewals are not in the bag. Even if they were, there are ongoing financial pressures which will still be there. I think the naivety is to imagine that supporters won't think out loud about it. Ebbsfleet fans, whether long-standing or recent, need to put their heads together too.

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Originally Posted By: loosegooner
Originally Posted By: Digitalis
I'm not going to waste precious thumb-twiddling time getting into the debate.

I just wanted to say that if anyone thinks we're not aware of the probable issues around renewal time and haven't been working on contingencies, then I am saddened.

I can't wave a magic wand and make 30000 MyFC members renew, I don't have the money to personally finance the club. But to think we are blithely sailing on with no awareness and taking no actions, just because we aren't declaring publicly what we are doing, is naive. frown

I won't be drawn into any more discussion on the subject. Enjoy the debate.

I think thats a shame. There have been some very responsible posts on this thread, notably from HG and a few others, and yet because of some negative comments you deny the opportunity to engage with or support those people who are extremely concerned. When you did this before on a MyFC thread you took umbrage at the frustration it caused. I don't see you engaging with the people who truly own this club, either emotionally or financially and that is your job.

No doubt you will continue in umbrage.

No it is not. A CEO's job is to run the company and provide a return to shareholders - in this case the 'return' is a successful football team rather than a financial return. In most limited companies the CEO only reports back to shareholders through the AGM and the annual report, and in the largest companies, by quarterly statements. David is far more involved than that, so is already exceeding the communication provided by most CEOs.

As shareholders, MYFC and the individuals who own shares cannot expect a CEO to explain every action he takes or to give advance information on the strategies he is considering.
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A fine example of a supporters trust in action is that of Exeter City, the club hit the buffers then some "disputed" actions by those that took over the running of the club then the Trust stepped in and bit by bit have turned it round.


The Fleet Trust had approx 250 members up till the name change now I believe it has about 70 members.

If people are serious about their concerns regarding the viability of our current situation I would strongly reccomend them joining the Fleet Trust it only costs

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Originally Posted By: loosegooner
I think you are probably right, excepting that our CEO chooses what he gets involved with. One moment he contributes to a thread, another he chooses to be annoyed. Convenient.

Who should choose then, Gordon?

Actually, I regret making that initial post. It was out of frustration with my sensing, rightly or wrongly, implications that we're not aware of the issues or doing anything about them. I shouldn't have reacted emotionally.

I'll back off now and focus on the business, I shouldn't have intervened.
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Originally Posted By: Jeff
The Fleet Trust only has seventy members?

I am sure a Fleet Supporters Trust committee member will be along any post soon to give a more accurate figure.

Two points of interest are the drop in numbers after the name change and that despite the perceived worries by a perceived number of supporters the one organisation that will be at the club longest for the supporters i.e. some form of supporters group is not as well endowed with members as maybe it should be.
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