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Hello from a new member/supporter in New York

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Hello from New York. I read the recent article in the New York Times on EUFC and MYFC. [http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/08/sports/soccer/08club.html?_r=1&scp=1&sq=ebbsfleet%20&st=cse&oref=slogin] I've been a fan of English football for about seven years. I'm sure most of you know more about EUFC than I ever will, but I hope you will bear with me.


I found the idea of "membership" to raise capital for the club very attractive. I've always been curious how it works at Barca. So on November 8 I signed up as a new member. I'm happy to be supporting the club.


I am doing my best not to be a posuer here. I know how I would feel if, for example, a Canadian walked up to me today and said, "Hello, I am now a New York Giants supporter." So I want you to know from an American's perspective that I love English football and am looking forward to spending time in this forum.


If anyone wants to offer any advice, I am all ears, as they say.


Also, I sent my payment to MYFC four days ago, but still cannot log into the member website. Does anyone know how long it takes to get into the MYFC database?


Thank you in advance.

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Originally Posted By: team_sheepshead

I am doing my best not to be a posuer here. I know how I would feel if, for example, a Canadian walked up to me today and said, "Hello, I am now a New York Giants supporter." So I want you to know from an American's perspective that I love English football and am looking forward to spending time in this forum.

I wouldn't worry sheepshead - despite the views of some that we're a lot of boorish oafs who chase MyFC members away from here with burning sticks, you'll find us generally quite welcoming. So welcome aboard! You might need to pick which camp you're in though - the rose-tinted spectacle-wearing head-in-the-sand brigade or the pessimistic platoon. Or you could sit on the fence like me... wink

Originally Posted By: team_sheepshead
Also, I sent my payment to MYFC four days ago, but still cannot log into the member website. Does anyone know how long it takes to get into the MYFC database?

I wouldn't have thought it would take that long so I'd email them and ask what's holding it up.
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I was reading about some of the debates here on the forum before I even risked posting :-) Although I'm not fully aware of all the business/political issues involved with EUFC and MyFC, I can certainly sympathize with the longtime EUFC supporters who now have to deal with people like me, who until a few years ago didn't know Sir Bobby Robson from Robin Hood.


On this board, I intend to mainly listen, read and learn.


I think you'll find the idea of direct support of a club appealing to many Americans, who have been turned off by wealthy, faceless sports magnates here in the States. Here in New York, season ticket holders to American football are being asked to pay the teams $5,000+ just for the privilege of buying their tickets in the new stadium.


About the MyFC website, I have emailed a man named Gary over there, but have not heard back. I hope it is not a bad sign.


Thank you for the welcome.

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Welcome to the madhouse sheepshead, hope you enjoy the ride.


Its good that we are still attracting new members from across the pond, when you do get to log on to the MyFC site you will find that there are quite a few of your countrymen/women who are very active on the forums and particularly in the chat room when the boys are playing.

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