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Another team to go Full-Time

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Putting previous rivalries behind and after three years of finishing second it really would not be an injustice if Canvey where to win the Rymans next year.


They would also make much more interesting local rivals than Margate who lets be honest still hate Dover far more than they will ever hate us and will never match Maidstone or Dartford in my hate list.

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Far too reasonable, Starti. I shall always hate Canvey, if for no other reason than King Kong slagged off the Fleet 2 years ago. And they are Pikey's. And they are in Essex. And they try to buy success. And they are sore losers.

Mind you, I could come to hate Grays just as much!!!

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And they try to buy success.

I hate to be the voice of reason but every football team tries to buy success....the only difference is some teams do it through an individual benefactor a la Burger King, some do it through corporate sponsorship ( which seems to be more acceptable ) and others do it through turnstile income ( which is probably the most deserving route.)

To paraphrase Kevin Keegan " I would love it...just love it " if some kindly millionaire decided to " buy " success for the Fleet but as that doesn't seem to be likely to happen if we want to progress we need to get bigger gates and support player pledge schemes and supporters trust schemes. It's still buying success it just that instead of one man contributing it needs two hundred. I can't see that it is either a more or less honourable way to fielding a better side.

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And they are Pikey's.

Much as I love my club, and much as I enjoyed chanting 'Pikeys! Pikeys!' at Canvey, I'm afraid Gravesend is just as overrun with pikeys. Has anyone actually tried getting out of the town centre these days without some sort of trouble. Or walked around on Saturday without getting overrun by sportswear and big jewellery?

Sadly, it ain't confined to Essex.
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