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London or Heathrow

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I have a dilema


Next year i have ayear industrial placement


I'm asponsored student studying construction management


Soon i'll be given an option of wether i should


A) Work in london on a site for year wich would mean commuting every day as well as leaving my house at 6:30 in the morning and getting home about 19:00


B) Work at Heathrow which would mean i get lots more money but longer hours and longer commuting time


C) Live in a caravan with loads of Irish people and not commute at all but possible run the risk of becoming an alchoholic


Any ideas or thoughts on what i should do would be grateful

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A. do 2 weeks, then get a proper in the city leeching money off the general populance and u.k industry, skimming a few per cent for yourself.. buy a big house, give it large, get found out at 40 and booted with a handsome pay off then 'think' about putting something back into society..then pour yourself a pimms and retire to the pool...

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Sounds complicated to me, but i would choose a, basically becuase it would work out the same as b.


Theory =


a), yes, you are going to have to get up at 6.30 and commute but if you choose B)...

b)If you work at Heathrow, yes you'll have more money but like you said, you are going to have to travel further and so the extra money you'll earn will go towards extra travel costs and therefore you still don't get that much more in your pocket. Also, do you really want to work longer hours and then commute for longer hours?


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Thanks for your advice but has anyone got any ideas how i can make money without working ( Not taking the piss out of those who do work, but it sounds like a mugs game )


And if you have got an idea, is there any ideas how i can lie about doing my industrial plaement because without it i cant get my degree.

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Sorry, if i knew how to make money without working i wouldn't be sitting here, at work.


Or you could come and work here in my office. All you have to do is sit in a chair and surf the net for 8 hours a day and get paid for it!



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I spent too many of my years working too frigging hard

On my next turn around I will join the ranks of all parasites

Choose from the law, insurance or the banks if you insist on being employed


Consultency if you insist on the building game


come on you parasites

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