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Youth Teams Update

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Mr Holden. How condescending. It seems to me that you delight in returning sarcastic statements whenever you do not agree or cannot be bothered with what is being said. This forum should be for debate and if honest folk feel that it is the best medium for this, then so beit. Personally I have no interest in the rediculous little story thread, but do not feel the need to chide those who do. I find your sanctimonious attitude rather tiresome and wish that if you had nothing better to contribute to this thread, that you take up your little calculator and get on with your tax work "yawn"

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Poppycock David!


Don’t try to excuse Super Daz’s ignorance by quoting irrelevant statistics. Any mater that is connected to GNFC, and does not offend anyone reading this forum should be allowed to be discussed on here.


The matter is connected to GNFC and is not offending anyone else and therefore deserves a mention on ‘OUR’ forum. Read that David ‘OUR’ forum.


If I posted imbecilic ‘yawn’ and ‘boring’ message’s after your some of your countless boring bablings then I’m sure you would soon get deleting.


One rule for one and all that…


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Come on chaps lets cool it down a bit.

It is an emotive subject to those of us who are involved which isn't helped by some of the comments posted by a few people on both sides, it is no good getting into a slanging match which does nobody any good.

I have had one thread on this subject removed because someone got too carried away don't lets have it happen again.




Mike F

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William Hill are offering 3/1 against this thread lasting till Monday before it is deleted.

They refused to quote me on the odds of receiving a sensible posting from anyone at the club. laugh.gif

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What bothers me is that there are people posting anonymously when they've obviously been coming on here long enough to make personal observations about people. If you have something to say or disagree with someone, at least have the decency and nerve to put your name to it.

As far as this thread being deleted, I'm sure there's no need for that as long as nothing gets out of hand.


I doubt anyone wants a repeat of all the trouble we had before with all of this kinda thing that led to us needing 4 moderators, lets just stick to the thread everyone. Have fun

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Just had a message from my missus who bumped into a parent of a boy who was trialling at the Edenbridge game. Seems he went down to try out for G+N but was put into the Eagles side. To say the boy and his dad are puzzled is an understatement. I think he came away thinking he had trialed for Eagles, which he hadn't, he had trialled for G+N who were in fact Eagles. Now if thats not obvious im a ......no doubt some one will fill that in.


there saved someone some typing. smirk.gif

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If Gravesend would have beaten Blue Eagles would players want to join the team?

Difficult to answer. Has a decision been made as to where training ,home games etc are to take place? Would Eagles be happy to travel from Maidstone to Gravesend for training. Also do they all want to play in the Kent league with all that entails. I didnt see a lot of parents supporting Eagles at Edenbridge.
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Don’t try to excuse Super Daz’s ignorance by quoting irrelevant statistics.

Not ignorance, more flabbergasted at the lengths people go to to over-rate the subject in question. Personally, I couldn't give a flying f*** about your problems in the kids teams. It's boring. A new team has been created as the 'official' team or whatever. Big deal. Get over it. If your kids were good enough they'd be in the team whatever the name and whoever it's run by.

Most of the kids aren't up to the standard, no matter how much mummy and daddy bullsh*t to them into thinking they they are going to be the next Wayne Rooney. The reality is that they don't come along very often.

So I will post my opinions along with the rest of you - although you won't like it - but at least I haven't removed the thread - the last WAS removed because certain people over-reacted then claimed to be innocent afterwards.

Now this is freedom of speech & I wait for your abuse by reply.
Be quick though, as I may not be at the Fleet next season. <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/confused.gif" alt="" />
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Be quick though, as I may not be at the Fleet next season.


I have noticed a few comments lately , which have been more intriguing than an Eastenders storyline !!


Anyway, lets hope we don't lose any fans thru' the turnstiles next year, and that we actually welcome a lot more.


we need you all !


Our mission for next year has to an average of 1,500.



PS. just so that I don't go on a tangent from the thread;


The higher end of boys footie has always been the same, its more than 25 years ago that I was in the same plight, ie. played for a successful team all the way up from u'11's to u13's , however from u14's upwards it took on another dimension, we moved leagues got in a load of players and I suddenly found myself not wanted. So I done what every other youngster who got dropped done, 'found myself another team ' and continued to play a reasonable level of enjoyable footie until I hung up my boots thru' a toe injury at the grand ol' age of 30, and started a life dedicated to the Fleet and shellfish.

Whilst it was not on the wholescale team change that this thread seems to indicate, it is part and parcel of footie, and one that will always remain. Especially if your boys club is affiliated with a pro or semi pro club.

i suggest that you all move on, and let the kids find somewhere else where they can enjoy their footie away from the pressure of the politics.



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No not abuse, nor disguised obscenities, just information. A 'fair' trial gives an opportunity to all boys in attendance. This wasn't and the parents are annoyed because the boys in question were every bit as good as the other team chosen by Mr Chatwin. It is well accepted that you are not interested and quite frankly your opinion on the matter is not in the least bit important as the purpose has only been to hopefully get some of the senior people at the club to appreciate this injustice and what it means to the local youth football community. ie The club should not go posting articles in the local press about how good the Youth section is for local boys, if it is then going to kick most of them out at 13 at the whim of one person. Now I agree that enough has now been said, so back to the Rocket Science


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Super Daz, you still dont get it do you? And sadly you probably never will.

Its about kids playing enjoyable football and having fun. Its got FA to do with playing for your beloved(?) Fleet. I would be as enthusistic about this if it was any team. My guess is you aren't a parent. So like the rest of the megalomaniacs posting you dont have a clue what goes on.


As you are obviously an expert on kids football you might like to take the squad for a training session.


Oh and just for your information my son was chosen for last years squad.


If you wont be at the fleet next season can I be the first to wish you a pleasant trip.


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So if it's all about playing enjoyable football and having fun - get him in another team.


If it's got FA to do with playing for The Fleet why is the saga being dragged on and on and on.....


Your guess was wrong, so I do know what goes on - my boy plays football at the level he enjoys and at level he can play well at. My two girls don't like football but maybe one day.


So your son was chosen for last years' squad - that doesn't give an automatic qualification for the following year. So I repeat my opening statement in this reply:


'So if it's all about playing enjoyable football and having fun - get him in another team.'


Let's face it, based on the comments and statements made about the current situation / farce / whatever else you wanna call it - is he really going to enjoy his football now?


As for not being at the Fleet.....did I get your hopes up?

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Let's face it, based on the comments and statements made about the current situation / farce / whatever else you wanna call it - is he really going to enjoy his football now?

No, that's why my son asked me to tell his Manager immediately after he informed us about what was happening ( and before my very first post on 8/4/03 ) that he was not interested at all in playing for Mike Chatwins U14 side. Also if Nike Trainers son was selected for last years U14 side them he is not directly involved in this years debacle, therefore neither he or myself have any personal interest in getting our sons into Mike Chatwins squad whatsoever.
The original thread was started to warn the younger players/parents & managers as to what to expect when they reached the end of the U13 season as it was not general knowledge before. Secondly I was trying to get G & N to run a second U14 team next season in the MNYL ( a fairly common feature in the leagues particularly the Bexley League ), but they do not want to know stating extra personnel to run the team & the junior team being held to ransom buy the senior team. As the boys have already been told that they are not good enough why on earth would the senior team hold the junior team to ransom.

Three boys have been offered pos'ns in next seasons U14 side & one has turned the offer down. Our team now officially ceases to exsist & I hope that the remaining 11 boys of the squad find other teams quickly. I also wish all the boys under the G & N umbrella the very best of luck for the future, but watch your back lads.


Mike F
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OK, so now all is done and dusted 2 boys kept the rest sold out by all concerned with the Youth Section. Maybe an article in the Medway News (sponsors of the Medway League) or local press would be a better medium for alerting boys and Parents of what they can expect.



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