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A little Dicotamy for the left

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Now we have a most wonderful scenario building as follows

1. The great A.Bevan introduced the NHS as the great leveler where working class people could go IN EMERGENCIES and gain the same treatment as "Toffs"

2. The labour party have always claimed the NHS as their very own although it was actually introduced under a tory goverment and the crinkly leftie MPs have always insisted on free treatment in all situations emergency or not

3. The EU are now declaring that NHS systems in Europe should only be for free treatment in emergency situations and we must pay for the rest

Almost the entire electorate wish to see a free at point of service NHS system

So you see there is a place for the EU it sorts the labour parties policies for it, Who!ever said the EU was the begining of a federal state and should be avoided at all costs (substantial)

Sorry that was me!

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The NHS is a total joke. It's been mis-managed for decades and all that will ever happen is governments will chuck more money at it.

Meaning higher taxes. Which everyone (particularly the middle classes) will moan about. (Although they didnt seem to moan too much about chucking money at an unnecessary war)


But all healthcare should be free to those who cant afford it. i.e. the poor, children and the elderly.

However, I think that people who can afford it, should pay for their healthcare and shut up whining.

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There is no such thing as free. If it's "free at the point of delivery" then it has been collectively paid for.


Who decides who can and who can't afford healthcare? Does it depend on the nature or the expense of the ailment? Do you have to have an assessor examine you first to decide if you will have to pay for treatment or not?


Healthcare should be free at the point of delivery to ALL people with the only proviso being that they need it. Same applies to education. Surely this is the mark of a civilised and caring grown-up country.


Each should pay according to their means - the ability to pay -through taxation, thus when ill or injured, everyone is entitled to and receives the same treatment, as soon as needed, without fear or worry to add to their problems. We cannot allow a two tier society to continue or to be ensshrined in legislation.


Ideally and eventually there will be no haves and have nots anyway.


Eat the rich, I say.



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Pabird :In theory, it's a good idea.


But perhaps it should have happened after the war. There are too many differences between the various governments and economies at the moment for it to be viable.


Also, they have let a number of Mickey Mouse countries into the EU, with terrible economies (Malta, for example. Why?!)


But European countires should be striving for far more unity, if not a total federal state.


Old Man: The rich should pay for their treatment, or die!! Revolution in nigh!! Soon everyone will be a citizen and invisible!!

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very predictable Invisible.....human nature will prevent 'equality in everything'


if you won the lottery would you divide it 'equally' amongst the population...course not...straight into an offshore bank account and then you'd buy a villa in the med and a big boat to take you around all those ancient underworld ruins.....(loved hancocks book by the way).....


there will always be have' and have nots..... always have been always will be......eat everyone I say.......more for the few that are left....!


the rich don't taste to good by the way...


to much 'rich' food....! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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A bit like the Virgin Mary, then. She didn't DO IT either, and look what happened to her. Immaculate, I say !!

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