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Enjoying the walk

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I've just read the latest Chairman's blog on the website and wanted to say - "Spot on Steve!" We've just had two unexpectedly beautiful days (while SWMBO was out in Spain!) and what a waste it would have been to spend them worrying about stuff that just doesn't affect the ordinary man in the street like you and me. I can't stand all that scare-mongering that goes on in the media - if it isn't the c***** c***** it's the evil of plastic bags or how this food or that can give you a terminal disease. Let's hope we get one or two more glorious Saturdays or Tuesdays this autumn so we can all come along to watch Ricay, enjoy the footy, friendship and fresh air and enjoy some time out from the REAL problems we may have in our lives.

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Originally Posted By: brucie
It wasn't 'sun' over the last couple of days guys, it was the low energy light bulbs giving off UV rays - ha ha

I thought it was a bit hazy on the opposite side of the street. cool2

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I think resentment of large city earnings is miss-placed. It ignores the fact that a large part of that dough gets spent locally & creates a healthy local economy. Financial services etc... has been an important invisible export that we've all benefitted from. The effects of the current situation will eventually affect us all, even mobile DJ's smile


But I agree that the media love to make a Drama out of a Crisis. Particularly the BBC, who are always looking for a way of justifying the licence fee paying for 24 hour rolling news stations on TV & Radio.


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I agree with Rick, whilst you may not feel sorry for the big bankers on 'telephone number' salaries that played the game and lost - remember everyone else that works for those banks that are on modest salaries and have lost their jobs too.


I have obviously been more personally affected by this than others, with friends and family close to me losing their jobs due to the bankruptcies of these banks. They've done nothing wrong, they were not responsible for the allocation of funds, but still they are, or will be soon, redundant in an industry which isn

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