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Hornchurch v Romford - Charity match


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This evening the mighty Urchins faced the mighty Boro in a Charity match at Hornchurch Stadium. A crowd of around 300 saw a game played in the best of spirits, the highlights of which included plenty of goals, a goalkeeper getting caught offside, Danny Benstock having a spell in goal and an amazing penalty save which you can see by clicking here (if you weren't there watch it carefully !)


Anyway, the final score was 4-4 or 8-8, or something like that - who cares. The important thing was that a stack of money was raised for the two designated charities, St Francis Hospice and Victim Support, and a good time was had by all.


Have a good break everyone, and see you next season !


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Yes Well said Robbie, and well done to both teams, it was nice to see everyone there

10 raffle prizes, ex pros ex cons , you name it they were there!!

my mom definitely Benno, we all love you mate

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Yes great night, I even got interviewed live and broadcast all over Bridge Avenue.


I thought there might have been scantly clad Urchinettes on display though, I suppose we will have to make do with Danny Boy dropping his shorts.


The Stadium look great, plenty of colour and seats. We be intrested to see some info on the redevelopment.One little H&S problem though. The overflow car park was very dark, when I reveresed out of my parking space I nearly wrote off an entire Urchin family that were walking behing the car. Just too dark to see them. Honest guv I did look.


If you have any digital pictures of last night that I could use for our websites, could you please sent them via email. Official has my email address.


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I certainly enjoyed watching Danny running around in his little shorts - esp at the beginning of the 2nd half!! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/blush.gif" alt="" /> At least he's now signed my shirt and he even remembered my name, I was quite touched (oh dear, I feel like I'm stalking the poor guy now).


Great game - an annual fixture would be super.

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thanks Boroman...I was looking for you last night but you scarpered quickly into the night.......!!


great night and we'll have to do it each year....I understand also that Mick was talking to Paul last night about a pre-season at Rush Green which would suit us due to our pitch renovations which start Thursday............great stuff.....


as for the car park....hmmmmm....well as you saw we've trebled the size of it and we still have the land on the corner to extend into which will be done this summer along with the tarmacing.......the lighting will be done then as part of the contract.....apologies if you had a problem.....(I hope you won't post it on the meldrew thread..!)


personally I think we will have to get permission to tarmac the top level as well due to the large increase in traffic.....and then we're back to the 'subsidised residents'....all in good time Boroman...all in good time.....


it was good to see the turnout last night and also good to see the two camps back together again......your earlier perseverance on these forums is mainly responsible for that so........ well done.... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

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Any home pre season that would bring in a sizeable gate would suit us.


We could play for the Wyn Godfrey Trophy if someone knew where it was.

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As an official I don't normally go on the message boards, but I must say thanks for the efforts to all the people at Hornchurch, who made us very welcome. I didn't recognise the ground. The intense rivalry on the message boards was not evident, and everyone mixed well, and I believe the money is still being counted so both charities will benefit. We were well looked after in the bar, Jonah spent ages talking to the kids, and it was nice to meet up with Danny, Kevin, Vinny and Rizzo again.

Both sides made the effort to make it entertaining and was a good way to end the serious stuff of the previous 9 months.

Once again thanks

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the 'tashiod' one on the mic was maxhinio....previously with Hoffmeister united.......Heinekin Rovers and the great 60's championship winning side......Real Carlsberg.....


the no 22 could have been anyone....can't help you there...


As for the fierce forum rivalry of the past nine months....cor blimey boroboys......that wunt stoop will it......nosmo will have nought to do in the evenings...!



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  • 7 years later...
  On 22/02/2011 at 14:01, Eastside Urchin said:

Personally I think that if a charity game took place,one specific charity(st Francis hospice for me as it's local) should be involved



That's a very worthwhile charity, but if both clubs had a different prefered (proper) charity it might add a bit of spice to the fixture, and hopefully attract a bigger gate.

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