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Originally Posted By: ROFL45
Originally Posted By: BustaGut

As you don't know me your opinion about me counts for nothing, You have come on this forum to stir it up no other reason. It is a opinion, and don't care if you think it's Bollox UU because I do not believe I am far off the mark. If these people have a problem With MYFC take it up with them, dont come on here looking for support, as It serves no purpose whatever. Why come on here bleating, your problem is with MYFC not Ebbsfleet. Or do we set up another site FREE-FREEMYFC MOANERS as many myfc members have said to on this forum many times get over it.
You failed in your bid to run MYFC stop sulking

I don't need to know you, I've read enough of the puke you write. You never have a clue what you are talking about and you never will, just another keyboard warrior who does sweet FA for his club but thinks its his.

Just out of curiosity Rofl, how many games do you get to see at home?
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Originally Posted By: Hempstead Gaz
Originally Posted By: ROFL45
Originally Posted By: BustaGut

As you don't know me your opinion about me counts for nothing, You have come on this forum to stir it up no other reason. It is a opinion, and don't care if you think it's Bollox UU because I do not believe I am far off the mark. If these people have a problem With MYFC take it up with them, dont come on here looking for support, as It serves no purpose whatever. Why come on here bleating, your problem is with MYFC not Ebbsfleet. Or do we set up another site FREE-FREEMYFC MOANERS as many myfc members have said to on this forum many times get over it.
You failed in your bid to run MYFC stop sulking

I don't need to know you, I've read enough of the puke you write. You never have a clue what you are talking about and you never will, just another keyboard warrior who does sweet FA for his club but thinks its his.

Just out of curiosity Rofl, how many games do you get to see at home?

Just in the interests of answering a polite question likewise which is refreshing as some posters like to assume things and make pathetic judgements, I miss maybe one in ten due to work or family commitments. I expect this makes me someone who shouldn't hold an opinion on the team he supports?
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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
crikey busta thats a bit of mixed up mistaken identity rant ...calm down old boy...its just a forum....smile

It's not really mixed up UU . I look at at MYFC as a short term sponsor that will drop us in the pooh when they get bored.I am fed up with there members coming on here because they cannot get listened to on there own forum, if they want to enter this forum talk about the team,tactics etc etc, no problem. They paid there
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Not going to have any sort of rant but would like to put forward my perspective on this. I won't comment on ROFL45 as he seems to have turned up out of the blue (whether or not he goes to 9 games out of 10).


I have to be honest, my awareness of EUFC was very limited prior to November 2007 when I signed up to MyFC. Without MyFC I probably would never had any sort of involvement with the club unless Norwich City were ever drawn against them in the FA Cup. My reason for joining MyFC was not to 'own a club' or 'pick the team' - I certainly would not be big headed enough to think that I know more than the manager (unless that manager was Peter Grant or Brian Hamilton!). My 'motives' were to try and help a club that needed financial support as well as regaining my positive outlook towards the game at a time when Norwich City were in free fall.


Once involved, I wanted to find out as much about the club as possible and this has led to many friendships (worldwide thanks to MyFC), great days out at Stonebridge Road, Wembley and even at a rainsoaked York. I could never devote the time to the club that any local supporters could or even MyFC members such as Yorkfox. Meeting up with people at Wembley who were an avatar on a forum up to that point was an unforgettable experience. Just as unforgettable was meeting up with diehard fans both at Wembley and San Stonebridge. The whole Ebbsfleet experience has taken me back 44 years to the days when I started watching Norwich and re-invigorated my love of the game. Who can't be failed to be impressed with the likes of Scott, Kev, Kenny & even Paul etc etc who follow the club to distant parts of the country week in week out.


With regard to the MyFC experience, I am in two minds - most of the time it has been a positive thing (for me that is). However, in recent months, I have become more and more distanced from the powers that be by the way the place is run and the seeming squashing of any dissent on their forum. I don't agree that those that have migrated to FreeMyFC have any other agenda than wanting MyFC to operate in the democratic way we all anticipated when we joined up. I certainly can't agree that it is sour grapes as those that have joined FreeMyFC have never bidded for any positions of power on the MyFC site or the Society Board.


When It comes round ro renewing next February, I will probably sign up again as it is the only way I have of communicating in a straightforward way with a number of new found friends. Whatever happens, I will still be committed to EUFC and give my support as much as I am able as a Norwich City Season Ticket holder. I will certainly attend as many games as are practically possible, will join the Trust so that I can contribute direct and regularly buy merchandise.


Sorry that this is a bit long winded but I believe that there are quite a few like me but who have never ventured onto this forum. Certainly the majority that I have encountered have only the club's interests at heart.


Up the Fleet!

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There are a number of MYFC that get on here that are fine. I would go as far as saying they seem like very nice people.With Mr Horn being one of them.

The point I am trying to make and very badly is. That as a club we have enough problems, without having to keep listening to the bickering that goes on within MYFC forum. If I wanted to know I would pay my

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
I am not interested in there personnel gripes with MYFC. I am interested in the affairs of the club, to me they are in the main two different things.

I'm with Busta. Just because some of us don't want to sign up on some new forum to rehash the same old sniping and fighting as we get on the other two forums anyway, we're accused of burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the club's plight.

Which is nonsense. We can all see plain as day the financial hardship of merely surviving in the Conference and what a MyFC failure could do to the club. But I don't see that means I have to go and join fine upstanding citizens like ROFL and his buddies and rehash the same old bitter and twisted arguments we're always likely to have (this thread alone is just such an example).

This forum has actually talked some football for a change amongst EUFC fans and MyFC members. It was a 100% improvement on all that close-season garbage.
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Originally Posted By: Stu M
Originally Posted By: BustaGut
I am not interested in there personnel gripes with MYFC. I am interested in the affairs of the club, to me they are in the main two different things.

I'm with Busta. Just because some of us don't want to sign up on some new forum to rehash the same old sniping and fighting as we get on the other two forums anyway, we're accused of burying our heads in the sand and ignoring the club's plight.


I don't disagree with you on this - all I wanted to do was to put my perspective on it. I certainly don't think that this is the right place for inter-MyFC infighting. I just think that some FreeMyFC members probably thought that making you aware of what was afoot was better than being kept in the dark. Anyway, no one would be Appiah than me if we all stuck to footie debate!
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