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This new Child Tax Credit thing, what a complete waste of time.


I sent off my application, had loads of bits of paper back chasing me for it when they had already confirmed they had received it. Got confirmation of what I would be getting, then yesterday get me first pay slip since tax code went down, and low an behold I effectivley break even. So what was the point of the f**cking operation in the first place. Just cost a load of money in beaurocracy.


Now this Westbrook tart is really getting on me nerves. I am sure these "Get me out of here" are just set up to give druggies a bit of publicity. Cause they are so called celebs, we are supposed to all feel sorry for them. Well how would ever feel sorry for me. It was the same with that Barrymore and that Tara Parma what's her face.


It's supposed to be all for charity but they all sell there stories to gutter papers when they come out and us twats bloody read it on the hope there might be a picture of thier t&ts.


Now I sat in the middle of London at present watching our pulic money being spent on ploicing this Mayday demo thing. What's it all about, I thought Mayday was some Russin thing that Northerners and Welsh people who "worked downt pit" used to celebrate. Now they were proper geezers, not like all this namby pamby leftie mob know who smash up McDonnalds in the name of anarchy. Shoot them all I say.


At least the pit men did normal things like support their local team and drink proper beer, this mob wouldn,t know one end of a football pitch from the other and drink herbal tea.


Another thing I can't understand, and don't get me wrong I am definatley not a racist: If one is a Scottish, Welsh, or Irish Nationalist, one is somehow seen to be a bit to the left,a freedom fighter, a hero of the people (braveheart) etc. If one is an English nationalist, one is seen as a Nazi. Whats the difference?


Why is everbody who shows pride in England confussed with the NF or BNP. Other countries, whatever their political leadership celebrate their national days with pride and include all ethnic backgrounds, visitors etc in that. Why can't we be allowed to do the same here. Livingstone allowed St Patricks Day but snub St Geroges Day, isn't that racist in itself.



What the hell is going on in this Country?

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Now I sat in the middle of London at present watching our public money being spent on ploicing this Mayday demo thing. What's it all about, I thought Mayday was some Russian thing that Northerners and Welsh people who "worked downt pit" used to celebrate. Now they were proper geezers, not like all this namby pamby leftie mob know who smash up McDonalds in the name of anarchy. Shoot them all I say.

There a bunch of students and people who wish they had been hippies thinking the world owes them a debt (and yes i do agree with student grants)! They think by smashing up peoples shop and carrying banners around will make the world listen to them.......Not as bad as the a bunch of barbour and Hackett wearers who participated in that let's all kill a fox march last year!! which had great celebrities such as Jim "i ain't a BNP member" Davidson and Vinnie "your right i can't act" Jones!
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In the particular groups you refer to last years were protecting jobs (rightly or wrong) and these lovely lads are avoiding them at all costs

Just watched them parade past me in fleet Street and a days work would break most of them in half

The rest of my income tax followed behind on pedal and motor bike (circa 20 in no) or eight number to a large banana sandwich van and there were 4 no vans

Other plods walking the street in dozens

How jolly how very British and how much more do you have to take from me Mr,Brown??

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I like this site. Great start Official.


1. Our youngest daughter who, through no fault of her own is a single parent family and choses to go out to work, part time, as Assistant Head Cater in a large school, would you believe ! She qualifies for the new tax credit, applied at the end of last year, and is still bloody waiting. I contacted the relevant agency on her behalf via E-mail because we couldn't get through on the phone, and received a reply saying she'd have to phone, as they didn't deal with enquiries via electronic mail. Four months, and I reckon they owe her a lot of money by now !


2. Daniella (I've got a new nose) Westbrook. Apparently, the alligators in the croc pond were FALSE. Need I say more ?


3. The London demo. Round up all the lefty work-shy trouble makers and move 'em out. I'm sure Putin would gladly lease us a Gulag in Siberia. After all, Fidel still lets the Bush Man use 'The Bay' in Cuba for undesirables, and quite right too !


4. The Red Cross of St George. I've already had my say on this matter in another thread !


5. AND FINALLY, (as they say on the news.) One of my own Victor's. So the latest suicide bombers in the Middle East have proved to be British ? Is that British by Birth, British by Birthright, or are they just lucky enough to have been given a British Passport, courtesy of Big Tone ??? BRING BACK THE DEATH SENTENCE FOR TREASON, I SAY !!!!!!!!!! They are not the same British as I am !!

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5 I think you will find they emigrated here they got a job so were allowed to stay! As i have heard there is no proof that the passport is a fake. So They must of got the passport from the Home Office under which government though i dont know!


I can't actually post what i think of these individuals as the words i would use wouldn't be suitable and would get me reported the moderator!


The actual reasons that Hamas and Al Aqsa have claimed for the attack isn't even the usual of a "fight for Palestinian freedom" but the so called "revenge" attack because a Terrorist leader was killed1



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Brilliant Boroman......love it......now its my turn and I'll be brief......my bloody password wont work because they've been messing around with this forum....so...


I want compensation for inconvenience......everyone tries to bloody well get it off me.....and if I dont pay up they try and sue me.....if i defend the case they report me to the Human Rights Board.........or whatever its called....bloody left wing lazy leeches with their guardians and white socks....I hate 'em.....


now then.....I also hate everyone else today....of all persuasions of every colour and of every creed.....but.....being a fully fledged hypocrite......there's always an exception......


I dont hate the new temp in the accounts department because she's got the best t***s I've seen for ages.....I wonder if she fancies a quick s*** in the filing room......that'll cheer me up... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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I scared of you today Official ough and confused <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" />


The t***s cant be that Good! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

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No if all the street crime stopped perhaps those plods could be effective for a change in gaining a criminal record for the benefit cheats

What a lovely way (benefit cheat) of describing thieves

Lets revisit old ground, This is the fourth richest country in the world? really! and yet it fails to adequately educate its youth,treat its sick or allow its pensioners to share in the countries prosperity

and its infrastructure such as transport systems are failing to perform at any recordable level of efficiency

BUT we can afford refugees by the 100 thousand we can afford to support twenty three countries in the EURO/C/MARKET who are negative contributors and we can afford to support thousands of benefit thieves

What an absolutely jolly people we are

One last moan, there was a pratt on here the other day who felt that the green belt should be dismantled to allow the construction of homes for all our new visitor friends

That green built has been protected by generations of dedicated hard working Brits and is our inheritance to hand down to our children and must remain so.

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I agree with you pabird.....there is one exception that I would make though......planning for football and sports grounds should be allowed......community related you see......but....


all the time that we have greedy avericious labour councellors backing residential planning applications under the 'old pals' act...it will still continue......I hate them as well...... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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One last moan, there was a pratt on here the other day who felt that the green belt should be dismantled to allow the construction of homes for all our new visitor friends
That green built has been protected by generations of dedicated hard working Brits and is our inheritance to hand down to our children and must remain so.

Tongue in cheek perhaps? And I never said anything about building houses or asylum seekers!!! <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />
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The Pratt as u delactley put it was me it was tongue in cheek i was complaining about the fact that people say the country is crowded yet we have loads of green land sitting there!


because i love staring at green muddy fields !



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Asylum seekers by the 100 hundred thousand where did ya get ya facts from the NF?


I actually think it's because the C2C line my local one is privatised they spend too much money on making it look nice and not on maintaining tracks and signals! As is the bus service!

The Tube will soon be and mark my words it will be even worse Frances Public services run like clockwork!


I will say told ya so when the buisness pull out of Britain and the hard working brits are no longer getting work ie with Ford! The pound is to strong for alot of small buisnessman who work with Europe all it does is jump up and down where as the euro is staying at a steady rate.


Benefit thieves here we go daily mail terrotry!

one im staying away from.


The majority of my councillers are actually Tory's.

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You are a pratt because all that green space is ours and remains ours you know "this green and pleasant land"

PS Ill have a little bet that not one of these [****!!****]!hole ministers will live within fifty miles of one of these proposed new green belt schemes

I find it so sad that people died for a way of life idiots like you would give away

Trust me being British and sharing the British way of life is an unsolicited reward the inteligent protect from the idiots.




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What eaxctly is a way of life idiot you don't know anything about me. Idiot !

Now lets tell you something about my political views i was a member of the Lib dems for 3 years but withdrew my membership because of The Partys stance on "Operation Iraqi Freedom"


We actually thought the WWII cause of the threat to OUR country (not just your country ours Black Asian White or whatever) being invaded and our Government was opposed to Fascism not to protect Green land!


What exactly do you class as intelligant being Right-Wing ?


If theres anything i hate more than the Give us a Break lefties! It's The Better Than you right-wingers!

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Goverment figures will tell the exact count, Check them

Strange how you guys never comment on the real issue IE we are the 4th richest nation on Earth and fail to educate our youth,treat our sick or allow our senior members to share in the country!s riches then a major something is wrong

And if you do not understand that benefit thieving in this country is rife then you are in sad denial

The pound has never weakened to the Euro level, the pound has not been going up and down it has been Europes most consistant currency

For christ sake start purchasing any newspaper, turn off eastenders and try watching the news

As for the national services in France, they bloody well should run like clockwork they have been robbing the EU blind from day one to pay for their services

Sour grapes then you tell me which year France was ever a positive donor to EU funds? but please no other pap if you are unable to answer, Ill give you the answer, the parasites have never made positive input.

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I also hate this euro nonsence.....if people like the idea of a united europe....why dont they go and live there.........as for the euro monetry system.....hmmmmmm...


I hate that as well.....on the 1st January 2000 I had a few pesetas in a spanish account....they swopped it in to euros and it went down by 40%....great....I've never forgiven 'em....all my spanish friends hate the euro thing but they've been lumbered with it......


the krouts like it cos its propping up their tattered economy...


the frogs like it cos they know we dont and the rest of europe is to thick to really understand what goin on...they just wanna get their hands on our euro subsidies.....which we're paying for.....


they also want to get their hands on our green belt which we've paid for in more ways than money......same as their nicking our fish from our waters....


I bloody well hate the lot of 'em.....


I also hate the bird in the accounts department as well now cos she's just knocked me back....not a good day..... <img src="/forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif" alt="" />

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You truly beleave that asylum seekers all get together in there Hundreds of thousand and all storm across maybe you should try and word it properlly! we had 70,000 odd aplications last year now where are these hundreds of thousand isn't the population over 50million aswell mmm big damage on the population 70,000(is not all where accepted)!

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