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FAO Non MyFC Fleet Fans


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excellent post graham.....well done


so many points of view and much differing of opinions...I have for my part tried to show both points of view as I read them daily on both forums and hopefully that has helped...I am not an ebbs supporter and have no interest in fans experiments with football clubs/teams either so if there is such a thing in this as impartial then I am probably it (unless some idiot pi55es me off then I take whichever side suits me devil)


so whats the answer...well depending on what side of the fence you are sitting on there are several and perhaps the debate should take a diversion in the direction of solutions now as we have pretty much exhausted the problems I think...


firstly...much honesty and mutual integrity is needed here now and it needs to be put inplace quickly and without any spin...


the members of MyFc have to be dealt with fairly and squarely and its no good snow brooks and his 7 dwarves hiding in their cave in fulham hoping that we are all numpties and therefore wrong and that hordes in excess of 30,000 will renew...they won't...


the members need to be shut away behind closed doors for a couple of weeks so they can thrash out the problems that brooks's idealistic but flawed project has burdened them with....no more multiple threads with bollox and in fighting...shut them all down and concentrate on a simple vote for new rules set by a newly formed commitee to include DD.. JM..WB and the society board with perhaps an invitee from the football world or the FA...sort out a new set of rules and those that stay stay and those that don't go.....that way a fairly accurate forecast of renewals and subsequently income can be projected along with other incomes that david will have a handle on...at the same time a good PR person can use the new way forward to hopefully regurnish the members interest...not brooks he's to subjective...


whatever the outcome act on those figures and at the same time get rid of some of the ridiculous overheads that brooks took on in the initial deal....they are plentiful and those that know... know where they are...


the fleet fans need to accept and understand that their club only exists because of the myfc members and if they all leave then the club probably goes forever to be replaced by afc fleet at level 5/6....thats too high a price to pay for not swallowing a little pride and accepting that the members have rights..many members are now good fleet fans and that is a bonus but the majority of members are not fleet fans and couldn't care a hoot about the club...they signed up to fck around with playing at running football clubs and many of them can be kept onboard if the new membership rules give them some latitude....of course they cannot pick the team but they can certainly make suggestions to Liam through a piece of software and who knows....he may think yeah..thats a good idea I'll go with that...


there are other ways of involving the fans/membership in the running of the club as well and that part of brooks idealistic new footie world can move onwards and be successful with a little common sense and good PR...


once a way forward is found (and whatever the consequences arising from those decisions are dealt with) then shut down the myfc/ebbs forums apart from football related threads/posts and give everyone a breather and time to regroup....stop all the bollox (yeah me too grin) and move on...


those are my suggestions as to a way forward...by no means exhaustive and without taking legal issues into consideration which will no doubt be a subject for further discussion as the thread goes on (if blancet doesn't move/delete it whilst he's pi55ed devil..


what are your suggestions...?

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Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter
Question put to me lunchtime.

Whjy dont you all PTT and then get Liam to play his team and afte rthe matche explain why he did what he did and why the team we picked was not for him

looks like it was a good lunch RS from the spelling...drinkies
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Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter

Whjy dont you all PTT and then get Liam to play his team and afte rthe matche explain why he did what he did and why the team we picked was not for him

In effect this is what is happening now - except for the explanation bit.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter

Whjy dont you all PTT and then get Liam to play his team and afte rthe matche explain why he did what he did and why the team we picked was not for him

In effect this is what is happening now - except for the explanation bit.

No it isn't Dom, many members are prevented from picking the team because there is a, albeit very slim, chance that the members choice option will win and so we are forced to vote for the let Liam pick option.
If the option of Liam not having the final say was removed then I am sure many more members would be empowered to use the software.
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Is not the ideal of voting the freedom of choice? with or without the Liam choice, if enough bothered to vote then if what you say is true, that choice would be obsolete or irrelevant, without having to remove peoples choices. they are only prevented from picking there team by there apathy to vote, no other reason.

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
Is not the ideal of voting the freedom of choice? with or without the Liam choice, if enough bothered to vote then if what you say is true, that choice would be obsolete or irrelevant, without having to remove peoples choices. they are only prevented from picking there team by there apathy to vote, no other reason.

sorry busta but I disagree...they are apathetic because they know they have been shafted but they will vote in numbers when they are ready.....probably in february...!!
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I think PTT is not the issue any more ... some active MyFC members are absolutely fed up with the way the forum is controlled and the way decisions are made in general. Since Phase 4 a few weeks ago, when the forum was shut down for a weekend and the "relaunched", members have not been able to post threads directly onto the forum. You have to have it approved by the Forum Team. This is ostensibly to avoid clutter, duplication or legal infringements, but in reality innocuous threads have been rejected. Control of information is power, as Stalin knew ... it's not those who vote, it's those who count the votes who have the power - he said something along those lines, I believe frown

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Originally Posted By: Darter
I think PTT is not the issue any more ... some active MyFC members are absolutely fed up with the way the forum is controlled and the way decisions are made in general. Since Phase 4 a few weeks ago, when the forum was shut down for a weekend and the "relaunched", members have not been able to post threads directly onto the forum. You have to have it approved by the Forum Team. This is ostensibly to avoid clutter, duplication or legal infringements, but in reality innocuous threads have been rejected. Control of information is power, as Stalin knew ... it's not those who vote, it's those who count the votes who have the power - he said something along those lines, I believe frown

Am i missing something?

lots of people have paid money to pick a team yet some have never seen the players and dont get a say
the current manager wins a major non-league trophy without their help (or did he?)

so...get rid of the manager, pay your money,place your votes and away we go... what the prob?
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The only disagreements with Myfc that I have really seen on here is PTT and dummies that come on here calling themselves owners. The rest that goes on on the MYFC I am not privy to. It does seem to me, as if it is a power struggle, the same thing that goes on in most business. With people wanting to be top dog and the top dogs not allowing them by every means they have at there disposal. The majority who went into this venture thinking they ever were going to own something or really have a effect on how things are run, entered with there eyes shut. Most will walk February even if they had everything they wanted , or thought they wanted. as they will get bored if they are not all ready. This venture was sold as a game, own a club pick the team. That's its biggest failing. Its not a game, as they are finding out, it is real peoples lively hoods and futures they are dealing with. This includes real politics, and other people that fight back, you cannot get any cheats or hack it, and days don't pass in minutes. Your correct the game players will vote with there feet a leave in February,with boredom. They can buy a game pick the team, and cheat as much as they like. Then move on when the latest game/team comes available. Why do it for real?

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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast

No it isn't Dom, many members are prevented from picking the team because there is a, albeit very slim, chance that the members choice option will win and so we are forced to vote for the let Liam pick option.
If the option of Liam not having the final say was removed then I am sure many more members would be empowered to use the software.

Interesting point Tony

and I don't see any reason not to try it. It's not like the members choice will win any vote.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast

No it isn't Dom, many members are prevented from picking the team because there is a, albeit very slim, chance that the members choice option will win and so we are forced to vote for the let Liam pick option.
If the option of Liam not having the final say was removed then I am sure many more members would be empowered to use the software.

Interesting point Tony

and I don't see any reason not to try it. It's not like the members choice will win any vote.

strange exchange of opinions there from the marxist myfcer who wants to own the club and pick the team and the hard line fleet supporter who supposedly doesn't.. !!

the members will never pick the team guys...you both know that so what is the point of continuing the discusssion and sticking your heads in the sand....or perhaps you have alternative agendas....? smile
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Originally Posted By: doheochai

Again - open to anyone -

What do local supporters expect from MyFC?

I expect responsible ownership safeguarding the future of the club, for future generations of Fleet fans.
I expect MYFC to have full say over all off the field activities, and am looking forward to fellow fans having a say how they want the club to prioritise how money is spent in that area. I might disagree with some of the decisions but thats democracy.
I expect MYFC to run the off the field activities more proffessionally than the shambles of the past years.
I expect MYFC to dip into the pool of the 30,000 members to find the right people to do the right jobs.
I expect MYFC to dedicate a proportion of the budget on attendance raising ideas. The sign of MYFC success is more people clicking the turnstiles.This is something we have been pitiful in doing in the past.
I expect MYFC to pick the Manager and his back room staff and set the budget accordingly.
I do not expect MYFC to pick the team, but I do expect MYFC members to receive updates post match on why Liam took the decisions that he did.

If we were seriously thinking that membership would fall below the required amount, I would expect MYFC to be covering the local area in adverts converting locals to part with their 35 quid. I don't think thats happened yet.

I would expect MYFC membership not to make the same mistake again by voting too many locals onto the MYFC board, that was a big mistake.

PS. I am not a MYFC member

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
It does seem to me, as if it is a power struggle, the same thing that goes on in most business.

MyFC is an evolving process and it will take time to work out where we are, what we are doing and how we are doing it. A lot of it could/should have been sorted earlier but wasn't. So there are some serious discussion now about how we can do the job right and at the same time ensure enough memebrship renewals not the be facing a crisis in February.

Originally Posted By: BustaGut
With people wanting to be top dog and the top dogs not allowing them by every means they have at there disposal.

Actually, at this point, I suspect it is the last thing on people's minds. You need a seriously hard neck to even consider standing for the Board at this point. Apparently one board memebr has resigned and another has indicated he will resigning at the next election.

Originally Posted By: BustaGut
This venture was sold as a game, own a club pick the team.

There was certainly an element of that in it. But MyFC has moved a long way from that point over the past six months.

Originally Posted By: BustaGut
Your correct the game players will vote with there feet a leave in February,with boredom.

and a serious danger exists that a lot of others will as well.

Next February could see EUFC facing anything up to a half a million of a shortfall in the finances. Then we need a plan B.
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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin

strange exchange of opinions there from the marxist myfcer who wants to own the club and pick the team and the hard line fleet supporter who supposedly doesn't.. !!

the members will never pick the team guys...you both know that

I don't think there are many Fleet fans or fans of any other club for that matter , that really want to pick their teams players or tactics.

As you say, if its not going to ever happen. lets say it and move on.
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I'm still with Tony on this one. The members should all select their team with the understanding that Liam has the final say. But this process has to go both ways; we have never had comprehensive, or even accurate information regarding players' status in the selector area, and Liam has never discussed team selection with us in general, or specifically for any one game.


Even with the very small numbers of people selecting teams now, the teams are very close to what Liam is fielding anyway, and would be even closer if we had injury information ahead of time. So the PTT issue for me is almost irrelevant, but points to the information gap that exists and goes a long way toward explaining why the members are apathetic.

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