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FAO Non MyFC Fleet Fans


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Originally Posted By: Tinman
It's true. PTT will never happen because the majority of the membership don't want it. But that's because there's only a handful of people actually left! I'd stop arguing about PTT and start thinking about how EUFC are going to spend the few paltry grand MyFC will be able to contribute in February.

But that's not entirely true either. When we had the original poll, 10,000 members voted (one of our highest turnouts ever), with the exact same result regarding PTT.

Don't get me wrong; I'm not 100% anti-PTT. I'm an Option 2 voter each week, but don't just overlook the parts of the history that suit you. It's just not that black-and-white.
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Originally Posted By: rsheard
don't just overlook the parts of the history that suit you.

i. 10,000 is representative of about 1/3 of everybody that has joined. 20,000 didn't vote. and have never voted. for anything. did they pay their money to login and read the forums? no. they've gone. who knows why but i think there may be a correlation between "Own The Club - Pick The Team" and the delays and general arsing about over PTT. even before there was a vote. they left. the majority of people that remained weren't bothered about PTT.

ii. it's nothing to do with history anyway. it's about the present. 700 turned out for the most recent vote. less than 3% of the so called "membership". what are all the other people doing? they're not voting. they're not posting. they're not PTTing? does this really suggest a good renewal rate?

EUFC need some contingency because the figures look very much like MyFC has had it. not cast in stone i grant you. but at the very least it's very near, or at, the top of the "Biggest Risks" list. The contingency to this risk at the moment appears to be "faith". Not sure I'm entirely comfortable with this mitigation strategy to be honest.
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Originally Posted By: Im Just A Patsy
Originally Posted By: Loosey
something tells me you are more of a I'm Just a Troll

Yep - just a good old forumtroll doing the rounds - I only popped in to see what was what, now I'm popping out again. I was only teasing you Gordon - nice to see you still have a tendancy to over react... excited

Lol, well done, but I was just teasing you! Talk about over reaction! Who got a rise out of who? But then at least I use a real username. grin
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Originally Posted By: Loosey
But then at least I use a real username. grin

Sometimes you do loosey, sometimes grin

Anyway, enough of this, I have left it all behind me, just thought I'd see if and how things were progressing, but obviously the same old crap continues to be hitting the same old fan (sic).

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If only the Fleet could initiate some kind of meeting of minds and hearts in the collective union of doing some good in the world. As such I feel that come kind of Fleet-led charity initiative might be needed, and one which touches even the stoniest hearts with a sense of altruistic pride. Furthermore, if only this initiative were attractive to children too, so that they can become more involved in the club. We all know how much children love animals, and this, coupled with the current interest in the environment among many of our adult population, leads me to suggest the following:



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dogs tail soup with bamboo shoots is a delicacy in china...


and of course most human beings have a liking for dogs tails...yummy yummy scrumptious...as indeed do dogs themselves..they often eat their own tails... doggy


now back to the topic....all this talk of PTT and legals is interesting of course and technically slarti is correct...the myfc members do pick the team they then rig sorry collate the vote at paddington bear enterprises and no fcker at the club takes any notice as liam does what he gets paid to do with paddington bears silent nudge wink approval....what does matter however is the renewals and that is the ONLY thing that matters...


here is the list of grievances that are currently obvious to all... even the blind tart that harry shagged...grin


own the club...?

pick the team...?

forum democracy ...?

no debt build up allowed ...55k a month...?

banning members and losing renewals..?

financial transparency...?


ebbs is no different to many other clubs that have had sugar daddies and lived above their means whilst running up considerable debt...in ebbs case at 55k per month (source.. FT member and insider who knows everything aka wanchai) it is onerous to say the least and the consequences are unimaginable...!




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Originally Posted By: Bernard
If only the Fleet could initiate some kind of meeting of minds and hearts in the collective union of doing some good in the world. As such I feel that come kind of Fleet-led charity initiative might be needed, and one which touches even the stoniest hearts with a sense of altruistic pride. Furthermore, if only this initiative were attractive to children too, so that they can become more involved in the club. We all know how much children love animals, and this, coupled with the current interest in the environment among many of our adult population, leads me to suggest the following:


God bless them, Bernard, god bless them.

They save chickens, horses, pandas...
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It's all wafting over my head to be honest Sal, like cheap jazz.

I realise that you feel the need to express your views on all of this and can understand why you are doing that here.


However, the majority of the posters, lurkers or trolls who frequent our usual virtual Fleet love-in either already know exactly what has happened or couldn't give two hoots.


You're the moderator on the Edgware forum. You can take it all there and control everything. grin

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