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FAO of harry

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Originally Posted By: Loosey
few mealy mouthed moan at alls do FAlls on here.

I guess they are better than mealy mouthed moan at alls do FAlls, throw toys out of pram when it doesn't go their way, leave in a fit of pique only to reregister?
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Originally Posted By: Bernard
Originally Posted By: Darter
Originally Posted By: Jimmy
Why not go and congratulate yourself on your own forum then?

I'm not congratulating myself, Jimmy - I'm congratulating other people, who just have a love of the game. That's all. No worries smile

You make me vomit.

i find copious amounts of beer do that to me smile

i see sal more of a decent glass of wine for the more refined palate.....
bernie....you must be a lager drinker
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I can't be arsed to find it now, but my of my earlier posts about the MYFC involvement was that I thought they had made their opening pitch too high (ie a conference club)and that with the money they had and the new way of looking at things ie . PTT etc they would have been better starting with a new club at the bottom. It would have given them time to iron out problems and no existing fan base to piss off.

probably wouldn't have gone down well with their membership tho.


looks like with the edges they may have belatedly found one. For them I think its a pity they have already jumped into bed with us.


Good luck with the project, but those MYFCers who joined for the good of the game, I think they have a duty to stick with us and renew for a few years yet.



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Originally Posted By: wobbly Wayne II
I can't be arsed to find it now, but my of my earlier posts about the MYFC involvement was that I thought they had made their opening pitch too high (ie a conference club)and that with the money they had and the new way of looking at things ie . PTT etc they would have been better starting with a new club at the bottom. It would have given them time to iron out problems and no existing fan base to piss off.
probably wouldn't have gone down well with their membership tho.

looks like with the edges they may have belatedly found one. For them I think its a pity they have already jumped into bed with us.

Good luck with the project, but those MYFCers who joined for the good of the game, I think they have a duty to stick with us and renew for a few years yet.

wise up wayne....you wanted the money as you wouldn't have lasted a season without it but did you really ever think you were getting fans...?

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I wonder what next seasons new method of selecting a football team to support will be for the likes of nomads such as Ms Darter and her ilk?


Celebrity Come Football Supporting On Ice? Clock Patience using a pack of cards depicting football teams? Closing your eyes and picking a team from a list at random....?


Even better for them if you can also get a job or position from scratch with such new club.

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Have to disagree "mate". I can't really see what the advantage is for EUFC of "supporters" such as Darter who flit from team to team with such an exit strategy. She hasn't exactly proved to be in it for the long-haul despite appearances to the contrary arising from her own pen. It is entirely up to her which team she decides to support this month or next year and good luck to her in her new role. It won't be easy and no doubt will prove challenging. But lets not get things out of proportion. I do not see that people like Darter are really overall much good for Clubs such as ours. Maybe in a very limited way for, say, 5 minutes, but not any longer. If you still disagree I hope you get loads of such supporters at your Club and reap the (long-term or probably not) "rewards" too. It will however probably all end in tears as you probably know will be the case.

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Originally Posted By: Jimmy
Originally Posted By: Loosey
few mealy mouthed moan at alls do FAlls on here.

I guess they are better than mealy mouthed moan at alls do FAlls, throw toys out of pram when it doesn't go their way, leave in a fit of pique only to reregister?

Hahahaha, so not only are you a moan all do FAll, but your also a know FAll as well. Lol, thought my little effort would get you going.... You lot are better than ex lax.
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Originally Posted By: kmj
Have to disagree "mate". I can't really see what the advantage is for EUFC of "supporters" such as Darter who flit from team to team with such an exit strategy. She hasn't exactly proved to be in it for the long-haul despite appearances to the contrary arising from her own pen. It is entirely up to her which team she decides to support this month or next year and good luck to her in her new role. It won't be easy and no doubt will prove challenging. But lets not get things out of proportion. I do not see that people like Darter are really overall much good for Clubs such as ours. Maybe in a very limited way for, say, 5 minutes, but not any longer. If you still disagree I hope you get loads of such supporters at your Club and reap the (long-term or probably not) "rewards" too. It will however probably all end in tears as you probably know will be the case.

are you serious.....30,000 darters have just saved your club from going to the wall...my club is hx with 300 grand in the bank....sals new venture is just that...brand new and lively and without baggage....

fck me I need a doctor...grin
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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
Originally Posted By: Howezy
I just realised the title is grammatically incorrect...

it should be FAO Harry or FA of Harry... not FAO of Harry.


I'll shut up now.

we did that pages ago jack....shape up and get with it....grin

Well i thought i could get another laugh.. apparentally not.
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Originally Posted By: Loosey

Hahahaha, so not only are you a moan all do FAll, but your also a know FAll as well. Lol, thought my little effort would get you going.... You lot are better than ex lax.

He's got you there Jimmy. You can't beat genius, especially when it's so sure of itself.
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kmj, I'd refer you to my earlier posts. I think I covered all your points! I also think you'll find that a lot of your own long-term fans are interested in football in general, not just EUFC. I don't believe I've said anywhere that I have lost interest in Ebbsfleet - I simply do not want to put my personal efforts into MyFC. Two entirely different things, I think you'll find.

Edgware FC will be a traditional club. The team will be picked by the Manager. It is nothing to do with MyFC. Oh, and I have already renewed for the second year of MyFC as it happens - so my money is in the bag.

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Originally Posted By: Stu M
Originally Posted By: Loosey

Hahahaha, so not only are you a moan all do FAll, but your also a know FAll as well. Lol, thought my little effort would get you going.... You lot are better than ex lax.

He's got you there Jimmy. You can't beat genius, especially when it's so sure of itself.

I will leave now - only to re-register when I can't deal with the fact that noone missed me or in fact cared where I had gone.

You have become a parody of yourself gooner - that in itself is particularly hilarious.
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Hey Jimmy, if I even thought that you knew what you are talking about I'd stay to bat it back and forth and such, blah blah. But you know FAll and I only popped in to comment on the Edgware Venture, saw the typical wallys dripping spite and had a laugh. I'll leave you to it. Let me know when North Kent discovers the wheel or comes through the Industrial Revolution.


Tatty Bye Wallys.

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