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A paradox

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We have a board (MYFC) who feel the need to vote on almost everything to try and get a job done, then argue and pontificate over every part of the decision and we have David Davis who is a breath of fresh air and gets things done then sorts out the paperwork afterwards.


My question is, can the 2 ever work successfully together?

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Originally Posted By: Hempstead Gaz
My question is, can the 2 ever work successfully together?

I don't see why not - but it will take a thick skin by DD to do so. The EUFC board is a separate entity from the MYFC board, so all the recriminations that happen in MYFC after a vote can be totally ignored by EUFC (hence the thick skin).

Also, IMHO, the MYFC board should be setting policy, not trying to decide on the minutiae of everyday management. Once the policy is set, DD decides how to implement it and then just gets on with it. For the everyday minor management decisions - they should be delegated anyway. No club owner in the country would attempt to micromanage everyday decisions - there are just too many of them and the 'owner' is too remote from them.
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This raises the issue again of who actually is on the board of EUFC? Unless the situation has altered very recently, neither the CEO or Chairman have been appointed as directors of the club. It still appears that only the anonymous Mr Levine occupies this position.

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Originally Posted By: Hempstead Gaz
We have a board (MYFC) who feel the need to vote on almost everything to try and get a job done, then argue and pontificate over every part of the decision and we have David Davis who is a breath of fresh air and gets things done then sorts out the paperwork afterwards.

My question is, can the 2 ever work successfully together?

Gary if you want to know how it all works please feel free to pm and I'll go through it with you.

David is the CEO of the football club. The board represent the members of MyFC (the owners). If any decision needs to be made concerning the club then it is put out to discuss and if needed voted on. In all cases up to now the results of any vote have been made with the best interest of the club at heart. we work on a daily basis with David and without each other would not be able to move forward. 5 of the 7 board members or original fleet fans so it is in our interest to make sure that neither party is neglected. If David needs help or a job to be done then we are there to action it. Since his appointment we have all worked very well together sharing the same goals. Not sure where you feel the problem is. I'll gladly give you my mobile no. if you would like to discuss or even meet up at a game. Cheers Mark
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..it would be good in an early match programme if the whole organisational structure of the club could be explained to us all using organagrams to show who reports to who and how they link with each other along with a synopsis of who does what.


It might stop confusion and uncertainty and clear up who queries are best addressed to in future?


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Hi Mark, I really don't have a problem with the relationship between MYFC and EU FC - it's just that on one side (the owners) almost everything seems to need to be voted on, which at best can be a little slow getting the actual job done, and at worst only attracts a couple of % of the owners.

On the other hand (EUFC, or DD more specifically), they identify a problem and deal with it at once, worrying about the ramifications later.

The bad language is just an example.

30,000 do not get to hear it, so cannot really comment - as with a lot of things, the ground, catering, toilets, the clubhouse, programmes, etc, etc.

Our new CEO does seem to be a dynamic man of action (which I heartily applaud) and just gets on and does it.

My query is where is the demarcation line between decisions that have to or are made my the 30,000, and those made on the spot dy the CEO?

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Hi Gary,


I understand. Yes most areas do need to be voted on. The speed of the vote depends on the necessity of request. In general it is quite simple. You are correct that only a minority seem to vote. However, those that do vote are serious in their roles as 'owners' and always vote sensibly.


As David will agree, there are many aspects of the ground/facilities that need improving. Whilst David will make the decision to improve these areas, he knows he has 30,000 members that he can rely on in getting the job done. Take the turnstyles for example. They were in a disgusting state. The club highlighted the problem, it was mentioned to a member who used his professional skills and his own time(at no cost) to turn up over a few days and sort the problem. If David needs match posters designing, there are members with this skill set who can be called upon to get them done quickly and professionally.


I think the club will benefit greatly from the current set up.


Cheers mate



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As you have exampled, Mark, that is jhust one of scores of areas in which the club has benefitted MYFC.

My real only gripe is that the manager will be constrained and somewhat hampered by selecting HIS team of choice by haveing to depend on the vote opting for "Let Liam pick the team".

Until the vote is cast each game, and the result announced, surely Liam must wonder whether he needs to actually be at the game on matchday, as one day the team, tactics and formation may not be in his hands.

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Couldn't help overhearing this conversation :-)


Yes there are things the MyFC members will want to/should vote on.


The issue for me is a question of timing, I am certain over the next few weeks a few things will crop up that need immediate or quick decisions, because I haven't had the time to review them as I work through current operational issues.


From my point of view, the trick is to ensure all events that can be foreseen are given enough time for sufficient action.


For the purposes of an example only, let's make it easy and assume the deal we have with Nike will be in place next year:


We know that new Home shirts need to be issued to players on 29th June 2009 (ish), ready to start training beginning of July.

Prior to that the shirts need to be delivered to the Club, to be numbered and named 22nd June 2009.

Lead time 4 weeks. Add 2 weeks contingency. So shirts to be ordered 11th May.

Before ordering, colours to be decided by members. So 14 day vote to commence 27th April.

Members need 14 days to debate colours/style and receive input from Club and others. Debate starts 13th April.


So article is published with initial recommendation on 12th April.


In reality - there will be activity prior to that in relation to "do we carry on using Nike as a supplier..."


As I said, the above is an easy example so won't be deadly accurate. But hopefully you get the picture.

I already have the office staff drawing up dates on which all significant events for the next year will fall.


We will then follow the above exercise for every event, to give us a start date for each process, probably with more contingency time built in where appropriate.

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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Woah there - are you saying its new shirts EVERY year now??

Of course. We need the money! LOL. No sorry, I didn't make that very clear, did I? Purely an example of the process. It could have been anything at all but as I've been rushing around making sure we have enough 1st team shirts for the West Country tour, it's what stuck in my mind.
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A word of warning Digitalis.


On this forum we enjoy it when our club fail to make clear matters of importance. If some of the members of this site have have nothing to moan about then you may be responsible for an upsurge in domestic violence in the area. For example, Dave Holden will start "taking it out," on us hard up tax-payers and H.G will give his Phillipino Maid, Ting-Tong, a good kicking.


And it will be your fault for giving us far too much accurate information!


So we would all appreciate it if you were to start spreading some rumours as well please!



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