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oh oh.......this is worth a read...

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I always thought singram was a member of the WT (yes harry I know you thought it was me) grin but read carefully the possible implications of a loss of income through abandoning PTT....






# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 08:12

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Quoting: jimbo66

a pathetically small percentage really interested in picking the team, and as the novelty wares off (after the first few weeks) it will just get smaller


And I assume the 1855 that voted includes those that chose option 1 [complete default to coach]?









# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:19 Edited by: danceron

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Why can't the results (not team selection obviously) be posted immediately?---------------------------------------------------------





# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 11:47

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Quoting: Daves Nan

Bcause if 66% of a society want to do something then that is the will of the society if 4% of the society want to do something then that is not the will of the society.

Well done in missing the point, took a bit of effort. burusu is asking about the legitimacy of the voting numbers in absolute terms. I asked a similar question earlier: Will there be an appreciable difference in team selection if 500 or 5,000 use the Team Selector? I would argue that no, with the limited team we have, I'm sure we'll even out our team selections after 100 or so.


I did miss your point intentionally. Should we have a quorum for our votes? What do you accept as a number indicating the will of the Society? An absolute majority? What might voter turn-out say about the legitimacy of the rest of our votes? We haven't had more than 10,000 voters since the Nike vote on Feb. 12th.Quoting: Daves Nan

The simple fact is 30,300 where eligible to vote and only 1,855 bothered

Member participation is never a simple fact. 30,300 were eligible to vote in the original PTT poll but only 9,708 did. 25.8% said: I am not interested in picking the team. So only 2504 members actively said they weren't interested. I have no idea where I'm going with this (it's 2:45am)







# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:04

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Quoting: singram1961

And I assume the 1855 that voted includes those that chose option 1 [complete default to coach]?


Yes, that's quite right and will also probably be the largest group in the vote.






# Posted: 12 Jul 2008 12:10 Edited by: Brenton

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From the PTT poll:


31.3% I want to pick the team and I

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Just to add to Unc's post, singram is now a reserve member of the Voting Committee, elected by the MyFC members. The point being made is an interesting one. On PTT, the Operator has allowed those who do NOT want to PTT to actually have a vote to this effect. This has not happened with any other vote. People have just abstained or not voted. Many of the more perceptive members have seized on this apparent anomaly - why has PTT been selected for this special treatment? MyFC members have commented that (for instance) there is not an option to vote for NOT owning the club - the other headliner for MyFC.

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