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There will be a "Let Liam pick the team" Button

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Originally Posted By: Darter
Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Darter
Used to be all of that Prisma but now it's none of that :-(

So if its not the chat, not the matches, not something else... Why will you (and others like you) continue to renew next year?

I have already renewed for year 2 and I want EUFC to do well and go from strength to strength. But I am getting to the point where I have had it with MyFC and all it represents. There is a culture of control on there now which feels all wrong to me. I think after year 2 I will just send the money to the club directly ...

I'm sure you once accused me of being anti MyFC Darter? Aren't MyFC and EUFC intrinsically linked? Won't the death of one seriously harm the other?

And I thought you were sticking to Off Topic on MyFC? The Soapbox forum is absolutely not off topic, and you seem to have been on that most of the night? wink
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I've just finished my first session on the new version of the MyFC site. I don't dislike a lot of the technical things I see. That said, I think the PTT fire has only been fueled with this version.


From what I can tell, each week there's a 2-part vote. The first part holds three options (outlined on the first post in this thread), plus an abstain button.


The problem is that it's not yet clear how that first vote will be counted. Is Let Liam choose one option and members choose (the aggregate of the other two options) the other option? Or is it each option stands alone, which essentially splits the members PTT vote.


Before this ever gets settled, the members (not the web team) will have to organize a real and binding vote with well-worded options.


I don't have a personal desire to pick the team, but I do worry that without a real PTT option, MyFC will see an exodus in February. I don't think we'll lose members if we ultimately vote to PTT in the purist sense. But I would like it settled definitively once and for all, and that won't happen until there's a real members' vote on the issue.

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Originally Posted By: chris blanc
Originally Posted By: Darter
Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Darter
Used to be all of that Prisma but now it's none of that :-(

So if its not the chat, not the matches, not something else... Why will you (and others like you) continue to renew next year?

I have already renewed for year 2 and I want EUFC to do well and go from strength to strength. But I am getting to the point where I have had it with MyFC and all it represents. There is a culture of control on there now which feels all wrong to me. I think after year 2 I will just send the money to the club directly ...

I'm sure you once accused me of being anti MyFC Darter? Aren't MyFC and EUFC intrinsically linked? Won't the death of one seriously harm the other?

And I thought you were sticking to Off Topic on MyFC? The Soapbox forum is absolutely not off topic, and you seem to have been on that most of the night? wink

Doesn't seem on-topic to me ... it's where all the concerns are put, Chris. Soapbox isn't a very on-topic sounding name for a forum, is it?
Don't bother having a go at me, I couldn't care less laugh
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Originally Posted By: American FLEET FAN No1
The longer it goes, the more it sounds like an American Presidential Candiate election! evil
I don't particularly understand the intention behind holding the first vote for every game. Maybe the thinking was that when the team's playing well, more people will vote to keep hands off, but when we hit a losing streak, everyone will suddenly want to intervene?
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I just hope the inevitable confusion and debate is worked through before the regular season gets under way. The team don't need a distraction like that in the background.


Is there any chance that BBC Kent is going to broadcast the friendlies? I'm guessing no, but I'll hope nonetheless. Lord Chas? Work some magic!

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Originally Posted By: Stu M
Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
those who want ptt will claim the let Liam choose button has caused the lack of renewals and those who don't want ptt will claim that ptt has caused the lack of renewals

I agree with the first part Slarti, but not sure if the non-PTTers would walk away if PTT was allowed. The mindset of those who joined up only to PTT will of course mean in all likelihood they'll walk if it's not given, but those who don't want to PTT would, I imagine, stick around and just not select a team if full PTT was a reality.

Stu, I didn't say that non-PTTers would walk only that they would blame PTT for those that did. I think there will be a lack of renewals whatever happens and PTT or the lack thereof will get most of the blame.

Personally I think the biggest moaners whether pro or anti PTT will mostly renew anyway, its the moaning that they enjoy, this isn't in any way unique to MyFC of course it is just an online version of the Teahut brigade.
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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast

Personally I think the biggest moaners whether pro or anti PTT will mostly renew anyway, its the moaning that they enjoy, this isn't in any way unique to MyFC of course it is just an online version of the Teahut brigade.

I would hope that the moaners, either 'pro' or 'anti' sign up... These are the people who have shown some interest. The biggest concern I can see is that from the votes that have taken place so far (well, the ones that get mentioned here) is a complete show of apathy. Less than half the members bother to vote, lets hope this isn't an indication of how many will renew.
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I don't understand how you can vote on a team for a pre season game when we have 14 fit players (2 of which are keepers).


Combine this with the fact it's vital that Liam tests trialists and members of the youth team, it all seems incredibly ludicrous - as does the whole idea.

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Originally Posted By: Ian_D
I don't understand how you can vote on a team for a pre season game when we have 14 fit players (2 of which are keepers).

Combine this with the fact it's vital that Liam tests trialists and members of the youth team, it all seems incredibly ludicrous - as does the whole idea.

could not agree with you more crazy2
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Originally Posted By: Ian_D
I don't understand how you can vote on a team for a pre season game when we have 14 fit players (2 of which are keepers).

You can choose from 3 keepers, including Rob French.

Originally Posted By: Ian_D
Combine this with the fact it's vital that Liam tests trialists and members of the youth team, it all seems incredibly ludicrous - as does the whole idea.

Agreed, but a point needs to be made that the system of picking the team will not work. The sooner it is proved, the better. First off, see what members vote for. Gauranteed more choose for Liam Daish to do his own job.
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This is great to see so many reasonable people expressing views about the PTT so I feel inclined to lay my cards upon the table for all to see:


I am of the camp that the best team each week will most likely be the team that our coaches would select. With that being said, I see the general need to have PTT be a part of our venture and be a "real" part not and "watered down" part in order to keep MyFC membership strong and growing.


This PTT process is obviously going to require some level of compromise to move forward. With that being said, the PTT used must be a real PTT and not one that is changed by the manager with ease, otherwise people will not care about using PTT because it clearly won't matter in the long run if the manager has too much in the final say. If we don't have some sense of a true PTT we will lose a lot of our attraction to "new members" as most of who we are trying to "recruit" already back one of more other football clubs, plus with out some true PTT we will lose people already signed up. (Just speculation, but why after we took over EUFC has the % of members voting dropped so dramatically? Perhaps because they haven't been allowed to PTT like our inviting slogan suggests and therefore aren't interested in being involved)


With the above in mind, I have a few other observations, those of us that want the coach to pick the team can work toward that end without having a coaches choice button and without allowing PTT to be used more as a suggestion by our coach because he has excess flexibility with his roster changes. Here people will bring up McPhee at defense and how we wouldn't have made that choice, I am certain Liam didn't wake up the morning of the game and say to himself "Hey this might work well, might as well give it a go and see what happens." I am certain he had this as a possibility in mind significantly before the game and that could be told to us in advance of the match so we could consider and make the same unusual selection. As long as we get accurate and in-depth reports from our coaches (which we want) you should be able to read through the information provided and then be quite able to select the team so that it reflects the team our coach would start, yes it means you have to spend a little more time but if you are a backer of your team you should see it as a joy to be able to get to know your players and coaches better.


Some of the "hardcore" PTT people will never be happy (especially those that think of this as football manager) because even with a system where what we select is what gets started they won't be happy because quite often the team will be slightly different from the choices they made. In football manager, what you pick is what plays but that is a vacuum with only one voice so combine 30,000 voices and real people with real lives and real careers and it is clear that being too selfishly tied to your individual believes will disenfranchise you from our overall project.


Having the coaches give us the detailed reports will require some work on there side and as such I think we should be willing to pay our coaches (assuming we have the coaches we want in place, which right now we do) a bit more than the usual wage since this project will require a bit more work from them than normal. If we have a coaches choice button then based on general human nature the coaches will be inclined not to provide us with as much information as if they didn't have a button. The concern for security is brought up but in the case of PTT and who plays each week I view it as a mute point, other teams scout us and know us and for the cost of 35 pounds a year they know everything that happens on MyFC too, we likewise scout our opponents and know them going into the matches so this is just a fact that our starting lineups and players will, more or less, be publicly known, MyFC or not.


Sadly right now the PTT in place doesn't address any of the above and seems to only "cloud the water". I want to see our club move forward and be a positive part of the local community for years and years to come as that will ultimately benefit everybody. I can only hope that MyFC gets things together to maintain and grow membership levels and provide our club with the resources needed to be all it can be for the betterment of us all.


Sorry for the length but it is a complicated issue and not easily expressed in useful terms succinctly.


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You are right in one aspect Linfield, it was a long post.

However, most regular fans do not see the issue as at all complicated. PTT will not work, for the following reasons:

1. There is no evidence that the Wisdom of the Crowd is any more expert than an experienced professional doing the same (and already successfully) job.

2. Liam will be a least reticent giving out in depth detail of who is in form, who is carrying a knock, has a cold, had an arguement with wife/girlfreind/boyfreind and who isn't mentally right to play.

3. A player reporting injured or ill on matchday morning will give Liam no chance to contact the Crowd to elect a replacement, particularly if 2 versatile players were due to be on the bench, and either could be a replacement.

4. Public knowledge of the team will give an instant advantage to opposition - Liam has already proved he does his homework on the opposition, hence his eyeraising (and inspired) choice of Hawkins over the younger, quicker and fitter Ricketts. LD KNEW experience would count against a talented attack.


Why does your 75p per game give you more rights than my

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Originally Posted By: Hempstead Gaz
You are right in one aspect Linfield, it was a long post.
However, most regular fans do not see the issue as at all complicated. PTT will not work, for the following reasons:
1. There is no evidence that the Wisdom of the Crowd is any more expert than an experienced professional doing the same (and already successfully) job.
2. Liam will be a least reticent giving out in depth detail of who is in form, who is carrying a knock, has a cold, had an arguement with wife/girlfreind/boyfreind and who isn't mentally right to play.
3. A player reporting injured or ill on matchday morning will give Liam no chance to contact the Crowd to elect a replacement, particularly if 2 versatile players were due to be on the bench, and either could be a replacement.
4. Public knowledge of the team will give an instant advantage to opposition - Liam has already proved he does his homework on the opposition, hence his eyeraising (and inspired) choice of Hawkins over the younger, quicker and fitter Ricketts. LD KNEW experience would count against a talented attack.
Why does your 75p per game give you more rights than my
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