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Originally Posted By: oldfan
I firmly believe that the MyFC purchase of the Fleet can work to the benefit of all, provided that PTT is not part of the deal .
I have been involved and interested in football from the 1950's (including standing at Stonebridge Road in the freezing cold in my school cap and in short trousers with my rattle!!!!).
I cannot remember any club being successful if the owner(s) or Chairman interfere with the selection of the team, they all start slipping down the table. You pay a Manager to do the job and just as in all walks of life he then lives or dies by his results.
If the Manager gets fed up because of PTT and leaves who do you think will take a job which involves his hands being tied regarding team selection?
Enjoy being a part owner and supporter of your own team but leave team selection to the manager - you saw what happened last season, Success!!

Being a member of MyFC and a new supporter to the club I can appreciate why you would be prepared to stand in the freezing cold at Stonebidge Road, I'm a past tenant of Highbury and the now emotionally retarded Emirates and watching the Fleet play has brought back my love of good honest football.

The truth is though that whilst you don't now have increased attendances of 30,000 plus (!) you would never have gotten the potential and actual financial support of those numbers without the original strapline of "Own the Club, Pick the Team".

The deal was done on those terms and if PTT isn't offered up meaningfully perhaps Ebbsfleet won't have the continued support of those sort of numbers. Speculating I'd say its touch and go whether those numbers still remain as bringing in PTT and meaningful dialogue from key club management including Liam Daish has been woefully absent to date and members can find out far more from reading the KM online and this forum for free!

There had to be a hook, a reason to encourage 30,000 people to pay up for a team that none of them had even known existed before. The previous owners, the Fleet Trust and the membership of MyFC all swallowed that hook, trying to spit it out now is shameful.

My reason to support Ebbsfleet is because I can go to the matches and want to but without the meaningful involvement for thousands of globally based members who basically subsidise your ticket price (the club runs at a circa
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Loosey

globally based members who basically subsidise your ticket price

Until the above line, I thought this was a rational, sensible post!

Maybe a little strong but basically fact. Otherwise please challenge it :-)

Otherwise I will be pleased to take your comments on the rest of my post as a compliment!

Regards, loosegooner
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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
Originally Posted By: Loosey
My reason to support Ebbsfleet is because I can go to the matches and want to but without the meaningful involvement for thousands of globally based members who basically subsidise your ticket price (the club runs at a circa
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Originally Posted By: Loosey

Maybe a little strong but basically fact. Otherwise please challenge it :-)

Otherwise I will be pleased to take your comments on the rest of my post as a compliment!

Regards, loosegooner

Ok, consider it challenged!

So, the membership is subsidising the ticket cost - by how much?
To make up for the deficit of 30,000 x
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Loosey

Maybe a little strong but basically fact. Otherwise please challenge it :-)

Otherwise I will be pleased to take your comments on the rest of my post as a compliment!

Regards, loosegooner

Ok, consider it challenged!

So, the membership is subsidising the ticket cost - by how much?
To make up for the deficit of 30,000 x
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Originally Posted By: Loosey

Appreciate the challenge and I'm seriously not trying to be controversial but I was just illustrating a point, maybe in a slightly harsh way I accept.servicing of loans etc.
I'm purely using the the figure we have been given of circa
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: Loosey

Appreciate the challenge and I'm seriously not trying to be controversial but I was just illustrating a point, maybe in a slightly harsh way I accept.servicing of loans etc.
I'm purely using the the figure we have been given of circa
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Let's make this whole debate moot by getting another 700-800 to the ground each home game. This is not a smart-ass question, by the way, but what can I, as someone from overseas, do to help with this issue? If there's some kind of PR campaign that can be waged electronically, I'm willing to help in any way. I'm just not clever enough to know what that plan might be at this point. If I were wealthy, I'd buy a block of tickets and have someone distribute them throughout the community, but as a teacher... well, that's another subject altogether.

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Starting to sound like a broken record, but there are far too many reasons for the people of Gravesham to not go watch the Fleet, than there are for them to go, except for "Exceptional Matches"and they only happen once in a blue moon!

The average person in Gravesham doesn't and never has, given a fig about their local team!

As I said in another post, unless MyFC have a miracle or two up their sleeve, unfortunately avid new supporters like you Rob, will sooner or later be very disappointed!

I hope I am wrong because you(and a few others) have gone more than that extra mile to try and make it work!

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I don't care how you put it, 30,000 people picking the team isn't going to work!!

I would suggest that many (if not most) are going to end up with a team that includes players they did not select and are not happy with. Finding that they don't really 'pick the team' may mean that membership will go down anyway.

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Originally Posted By: American FLEET FAN No1
As I said in another post, unless MyFC have a miracle or two up their sleeve, unfortunately avid new supporters like you Rob, will sooner or later be very disappointed!

AFF, I don't think that either Rob, myself, Yorkfox and the like will ever be disappointed with our involvement with the Fleet. It might take a different path in the future depending on the success of the MyFC enterprise i.e in the way that we 'invest' in the future of the Club. I am sorely tempted to put my money directly to the Trust but I have a lot of good contacts worldwide on MyFC who I would have difficulty communicating with other than via the MyFC network. With regard to attracting 'local' support, I wonder whether the regeneration timetable has slipped back for the area given the economic downturn. If that's the case, it will be even longer before we can target the 'new' locals!
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