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cracking snarl up on the cesspit

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I think the problem for MyFC is that to a large degree, the forum IS MyFC's persona--ugly as it may be. When I was involved with The Motley Fool (fool.com), another online business that exploded in size, the tone never got as vicious and childish as MyFC's forum gets, and to this day I maintain that it's because the Gardner brothers, who founded The Fool, never allowed themselves to lose their cool or be drawn into a flame war. They answered thousands of emails and messages, many of which were very aggressive, without ever losing a professional tone. The webteam at MyFC didn't take this approach, and it's hurt the forum. They claim that they're just like other members and have a right to whatever they want to post, but it's simply not so. They are the "professional" content and technology providers and need to hold themselves to a higher standard.


And off-topic, I spent last week in Las Vegas at the high school speech and debate national championships, but managed to get to a Blue Man Group show and Cirque de Soleil's Mystere show--both terrific. (And to toot my own horn, my Public Forum debate team won the national championship.) It's good to be home, however, and back on the forum.

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Rob, you have it exactly right. They want to run with the hare and the hounds and it can't be done. The Web Team are not contractors, they are young guys with technical skills who have been brought on board at various times by Will. I fully believe that the WT should not now post. They are paid employees of the Society and should not also be members. They occupy a privileged position, because as both you and I know (having both formerly been Forum Team members), there is much discussed in secret which is kept from the members. Anyone who suggests that isn't the case is lying. I used to have fairly regular phone contact with Will when I was on the FT, and I know others spoke to him frequently. I knew things which the members do not get told.


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thats a good post rob and views that I agree with....one of the reasons I never became an offical or director of my own football club was because I hold the same views...if you take up the blazer you can't wear the t shirt.....(and the t shirts more fun)


las vegas?...you serious?... its worse than basildon...grin

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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
las vegas?...you serious?... its worse than basildon...grin

Would that be the same Basildon known to all in Essex as Bas Vegas UU?

Rob, I hope you won enough in Vegas to finance another trip to San Stonebridge.

Originally Posted By: rsheard
(And to toot my own horn, my Public Forum debate team won the national championship.)

There are many Public Forum debate teams in America that can talk the hind legs off of a donkey but only Robs team can persuade it to go for a walk afterwards. discussion
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Fortunately for my wallet, the debate competition kept me too busy to visit the casinos, so all I lost was the cost of the airfare, the show tickets, and hotel. But I seriously wonder about the folks who selected Vegas as a location for 5,000 teenagers to visit! Not to mention that the average daily high temperature in Vegas in June is 108. "But it's a dry heat."

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I hope that you have all been watching the PD James thriller "Death of an Expert Witness" which has just concluded on ITV3. Guess which father of a well-known MyFC figure played the murderer? Some excellent performances in this including from him.

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