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Fleet Fun Weekend 12 & 13 July Help Needed


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Me again. Please see post below from Myfc regarding the Fleet Fun Weekend. If anyone can put themselves forward to help out please PM me.


This topic has been raised before on the forum and if we are have some form of

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Originally Posted By: Darter
I've offered to help on the other forum - as much as I can do from up in Lancaster and I plan to be there for the weekend.
We were originally going to call it the Fleet Family Football Festival - what do people think??

I think from Brooks' post quoted it sounds like an away-day/weekend for the members, typically little mention of (or thought for ?) non-MyFC fans or the public.
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That is a potential problem.


Good job we have proper Fleet fans on the Society Board.


If we're not careful then MyFC will take over this club, we can't let that happen. They can come and play with our ball just as long as they remember it's our ball.


The only way we can make sure us original fans are heard properly is by shouting loud enough and telling people what we want.

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Originally Posted By: Santa
Originally Posted By: Darter
I've offered to help on the other forum - as much as I can do from up in Lancaster and I plan to be there for the weekend.
We were originally going to call it the Fleet Family Football Festival - what do people think??

I think from Brooks' post quoted it sounds like an away-day/weekend for the members, typically little mention of (or thought for ?) non-MyFC fans or the public.

This wasn't the original idea. We first proposed this on the MyFC forum several weeks ago, as something for everyone to get involved in, Fleet Trust and MyFC.
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This may sound a little pedantic (what, me? Pedantic? Never!)


I have seem lots of posts here asking for 'volunteers'... But what exactly are people volunteering for? It might be easier to get people to put their hand up and volunteer if they had some idea of what they were volunteering for!


Its no good me saying "yes" if I then get put onto the kids face-painting stand... unless of course the idea is to have a small army of paramilitaries working to sabotage any ideas of a united EUFC is the plan ...



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PatMan, good point! I think the idea is to dole out the jobs when you've said yes grin


It's the preparation that is necessary I think - booking people to do things. It really needs to be done as locally as possible, I realise that.

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