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What level of playingbudget would you have ?

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Last season liam managed to turn out a side capable of beating any conference team, but the squad was not good enough to sustain a winning level every week.The reason for this could have been that the wage budget was not big enough to attract enough quality players.Obviously the club should not pay more than it can afford,but in winning the trophy,im led to believe a very large amount of money has come into the club.To me this money is a windfall and must not be wasted, im not interested in the play-offs, i want us to win the league.Give liam a large chunck of the trophy money and tell him to spend it wisely.Four more players to the squad on

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Originally Posted By: Yorkfox
Would be interesting to see if there is anything online about player budgets for other teams on the net. A quick glance found an article that said that Darlingtons playing budget for next year was to be cut 50%.

A word of caution to all Ebbsfleet fans !!!

Darlo went for it last season, paying bigger wages to a fair few players, than even big spending Brentford could afford.

They failed (just) and have noew released about 8 players, and will be a mid table side, with a whole new squad next season

If Ebbsfleet go for a bigger budget, the consequences of failure are frightening
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The figures quoted came from an myfc article, pre a vote this Thursday.


You may know this, but I didnt. the higher figure towards the end of the season is partly due to the loan players, but also bonus payments for players reaching a certian number of games played. Somebody did say, rightly or wrong that if next year with a larger squad, some players would play less and the bonuses would be less ?.



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no probs YF I guessed that you had extracted them off the forum....


here's the rub of it tho.....


lets say you averaged a 1000 through the gate last season with full charge at 12 quid less concessions at say 30% thats 8 quid ie 8k per home game and another 4k from additional revenue each home game...thats 12k divided by two weeks = 6k a week self sustainability on wages and other overheads....!!


we don't need to arthur anderson to tell us what those figures suggest if the budgets 30 grand every two weeks...36k a month losses which is about where we started on here regarding finances...


yeah the trophy dosh is handy but its already been spent covering incoming losses....


knife edge YF...knife edge....a two year period of minimum budget and merging/settling in 'tween both parties would be my vote...liams good enough to do it....thats if he wants to and if those impatient for league football will let him...


interesting times ahead for all concerned YF..interesting times.. dark3







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its the old argumemt, an average 1,500 attendance makes the figures look much better. Hopefully as a few off field things get going better, then that will help to. The actual figure chosen my members will be very interesting. I still suspect a figure straight down the middle wont be far off things.


It does feel a bit like UU asking me to buy him his next car ( with HIS MONEY ! ), but he doesnt tell me how much he can afford, or what type of car he wants. An argument could be that all the figures quoted are affordable ( ? ) , so the choice really is how much risk you want to take, or to put it the other way, how ambitious you want the club to be.


If you are Liam, how do you react to a

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trouble with a subsidised budget tho' YF (especially under the current circumstances with all the unrest over several issues manifesting itself on the cesspit) is that its only sustainable IF certain things happen..one of the much vaunted points of a fans owned club was that it would not be reliant on owners/directors/sugar daddies...


at this moment in time unless there is money around that hasn't been revealed yet (big sponsorship etc) then I would suggest that sugar daddies are a safer bet right now...


my vote (not that I will get to have one as there will be no choice in this respect) would be to get as close to break even as possible on the budget and sit tight for two years...


now about that car....grin

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Yorkfox,we have the team to win the league, weve got the manager to win the league,if we are top of the table we will have 2,000 at home games (with or without nice toilets).What we havent got is a big enough squad to win the league, now i dont want us to spend what we havent got,but whats happened to the

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