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New items in the official shop

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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Looks like it, SK.

Can't see why tho, surely that just limits the amount of sales?

Oh for F's sake. Seems really stupid to make it a MyFC only thing. Cause as you said they a limiting on what they are going to make. If they made it available for everyone they would sell like hotcakes.
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Originally Posted By: StaffordRangers4Life
There are plans to make it available via the Fleet Trust and hopefully market it to the 25,000 plus that went to Wembley.

Apart from elitism, is there any reason why certain items have been limited to MyFC, at least for the time being?
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: StaffordRangers4Life
There are plans to make it available via the Fleet Trust and hopefully market it to the 25,000 plus that went to Wembley.

Apart from elitism, is there any reason why certain items have been limited to MyFC, at least for the time being?

I can't give an authoritative answer but the pre order is on the MyFC site, maybe to show the manufacturer that we have a minimum order base? We've been told on the MyFC site that once we have a load made up they will be in the Fleet Trust shop.

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Originally Posted By: StaffordRangers4Life

I can't give an authoritative answer but the pre order is on the MyFC site, maybe to show the manufacturer that we have a minimum order base? We've been told on the MyFC site that once we have a load made up they will be in the Fleet Trust shop.

So, this "book" that 'mikefleet' refers to in the original post, which has to be pre-ordered by 20th June to ensure your name gets included...
How is that going to work for non-MyFC members - or is that item just designed for them?
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Originally Posted By: PatMan
Originally Posted By: StaffordRangers4Life

I can't give an authoritative answer but the pre order is on the MyFC site, maybe to show the manufacturer that we have a minimum order base? We've been told on the MyFC site that once we have a load made up they will be in the Fleet Trust shop.

So, this "book" that 'mikefleet' refers to in the original post, which has to be pre-ordered by 20th June to ensure your name gets included...
How is that going to work for non-MyFC members - or is that item just designed for them?

Unfortunately (at the moment at least) it looks like only MyFC members can preorder a copy with their name printed in it.

I would like to see it pre orderable for regular Fleet fans though with the same chance of getting their name in print.
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Originally Posted By: PatMan

How is that going to work for non-MyFC members - or is that item just designed for them?

I agree with you Pat, so I have asked on the article about this "Can these items be pre-ordered by non members so that they too can get their names in the book ?"
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YF, frustrating isn't it... Certain MyFC members do more than their fair share in getting rid of the "Us & Them" feeling - and then some no-nothing marketing type eejit can feck up all that good work with a click on his order sheet!

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Pat, I think a lot of it is the practicalities of putting things on the MYFC site and them being or not being available for non members. In this case, I would hope a phone number that you could ring with CC details would solve things. We will wait and see.


The people at MYFC seem to like good ideas being put forward with practical ways to make them work straight away. I think basically they have had so much to do with Wembley, that they cant do everybodys ideas. Theory is that when a new CEO is appointed, then the Webteam can stand back a bit from the day to day EUFC stuff and concentrate more on the website.


This is where the Bakert Pledge idea worked so well. It wasnt just why dont we do this, it was why dont we do this and this is how it can be done. Actually, I think it was just done and probably the MYFC WT read about it on the forum. To be fair though. they were among the first to get their hands in their pockets.


As to them and us, I think we have to try and ignore individual posts or statements about things. Otherwise how can something work if member 28,928 says something random and silly on a Tuesday morning and its then quoted as MYFC this, that. To be fair, I think people realise that is the case now.


I try and ignore the them and us bit now, as the people I wanted to meet at Wembley were the like of Kenny and the gang and yourself.

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Originally Posted By: PatMan
YF, frustrating isn't it... Certain MyFC members do more than their fair share in getting rid of the "Us & Them" feeling - and then some no-nothing marketing type eejit can feck up all that good work with a click on his order sheet!

Pat, i hate to say it but one way of getting rid of this supposed "us and then " is to get out the
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AFF i think you have missed the point here . If MYfc owns the club then technically the official club shop is part of the club therefore the owners can sell their products to whoever they want to. In practice i think you will find that very soon, the book and cd will be on general sale.

It is being limited to MYfc members at to moment before it goes to print so that members who pre order will get their names printed in it.As it is being produced with MYfc money for MYfc members then that is their right.

However if you wish to make a contribution of

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