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Pitch Works


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I was asked in a previous post to give a brief update of what work was to be carried out on the pitch over the summer. Here is a rough outline of what will be done.


Firstly, the pitch will be spot sprayed with a weedkiller to ensure it is weed free before the main works commense, this has already taken place.


Secondly, aeration will take place via a vertidrain machine, this will improve drainage.


The pitch will then be overseeded to promote growth in the bare patches and thicken up the grass in other areas.


The pitch will then be top dressed with 80 tonnes of top soil, a 70/30 sand and soil mix. This will be dragged into the pitch to give a smooth finish.


Lastly a fertiliser will be applied to feed the exsisting grass and promote growth.


After this has been completed its all about getting as much water onto the pitch as possible.


Hope that has given you all a good idea of what will be going on this week at the ground. Any questions, post them on here and i'll get back to you asap.







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Thanks for the update TBM-interesting-good luck with it;and hope you get the rain required about mid June i guess.


I do not understand the vertidrain machine stuff-but being inquisitive-i wonder whether you would hazard a guess as to whether this is likelty to improve drainage by 10%,




Sounds good though


(is this works that was meant to occur last summer-but got postponed ?



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Obviously I can't say how much the works will cost without prior permission from the chairman. As for why you would want to know that anyway, only you know I suppose.


As for the final results of the vertidraining, only time will tell, the pitch drainage had already inproved vastly since the drainage trenches were installed last summer. The aeration element of vertidraining is the most important part to the pitch, this will help to break into the compressed soil that makes up the pitch.


Keep em' coming guys and gals...or if anyone has any questions directed towards Ray i'll happily pass them on.



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Cheers again TBM-provides an interesting and pleasant positive distraction whilst all the other 'stuff' is going on.


How deep into the compressed subsoil is this vertidraining stuff going ?


I never realised that in the end, some pitch works were done last summer-i thought they were postponed.


Seemed to have worked though,although lack of autumn rain probably helped last season.


well done and thanks TBM and Ray.

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The pitch is an asset to the club , even on the last home game of the season it looked in very good condition , alot of surporters from different clubs have said in the past that the pitch is one of the best around . lets hope for a finish to all the crap thats going on and field an 11 to be proud of and have a couple of desent teams ( league teams ) play on the Hallowed turf of HDP . Up the Gate .

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Not a criticism, more of a remark, but when we played you in the KSC - the grass looked it was a little too short. It appeared to have a very dense, close covering, but the close cropping allowed for an uneven and at times unnatural bounce.

Our groundsman, Peter Norton (acclaimed one of the top 5 in the country) tends to keep it a bit longer, which allows a smooth, but slower roll on ground passes.


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The vertidraining will be done at a depth of 8 inches MM.


The problem we have had at HDP this year has been a lack of growth, there was no winter feed to help the grass to maintain its growth. We would have the grass longer if it was possible, as you say it does give a cushion effect, allowing for a true roll of the ball.

Anyway, always nice to have an outside opinion, I hope to get down to Stonebridge Road at some point next season, I am a MyFc member afterall. Congrats on the trophy win, we took a small coachload to cheer you on, a lovely day out.

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Cheers AGMark.


Whilst i thought the pitch had stood up well over winter,with not too many bare patches, in hindsight, it did look a fairly putrid green/yellow colour (and quite a few weeds in it ) which i guess bares out your comment about no winter feed and lack of growth.


still better than many though,thanks to yourself and ray

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The virtidrain/hollow tine spiking will alleviate compaction , which in turn should promote root growth. In cricket groundsmans terms (which is my forte) what grows down, also grows up.A longer broader sward will also aid prevention of waterlogging, as long as it it kept cut whenever possible.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Originally Posted By: AGMark
I was asked in a previous post to give a brief update of what work was to be carried out on the pitch over the summer. Here is a rough outline of what will be done.

Firstly, the pitch will be spot sprayed with a weedkiller to ensure it is weed free before the main works commense, this has already taken place.

Secondly, aeration will take place via a vertidrain machine, this will improve drainage.

The pitch will then be overseeded to promote growth in the bare patches and thicken up the grass in other areas.

The pitch will then be top dressed with 80 tonnes of top soil, a 70/30 sand and soil mix. This will be dragged into the pitch to give a smooth finish.

Lastly a fertiliser will be applied to feed the exsisting grass and promote growth.

After this has been completed its all about getting as much water onto the pitch as possible.

Hope that has given you all a good idea of what will be going on this week at the ground. Any questions, post them on here and i'll get back to you asap.


Hows it going/Gone ? AGM

What stage are you at ?

Has reseeding been done-or indeed -have we already got little green shoots of recovery on the pitch aswell as off the pitch.

Has the mixed weather been good for the growing.
Do you need more rain,or sun and a few showers now ? (let me know and i'll have a word )
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Although not an expert opinion, it looked pretty good to me out of the club house window at last week's meeting.

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