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Congratulations to those Ebbsfleet fans who knocked over my 5yo daughter and her friend at Covent Garden yesterday, Punch aND jUDY IS SUPPOSED TO BE FOR KIDS NOT DRUNKEN LOUTS....I hope you are really proud of yourselves... upon escaping from the crowd of violent drunks we walked down Charing Cross road then towards the River by the side of the Station we were ran straight into by another Ebbsfleet fan when i protested i was surrounded by his mates (terrifying the kids) and told i cant say anything to Ebbsfleet fans and me and the kids were subjected to a foulmouthed tirade and threatend with violence...


I know Ebbsfleet is a small club but to pick on 6 year olds and family groups really not on...The Bravery of 20-30 fans picking on small family groups is amazing....


You may have reason to be proud of your club after Yesterdays result but you should be ashamed of your fans....I havnt seen such neanderthal behavior in London for many years...





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They're not football fans either, I am so sorry that you had to encounter these disgusting people.


They are a disgrace, not just to this club but to human kind in general.


Did you manage to get any pictures of these people though? Bit of a daft question I know but if you did get any pics we'll make sure they never represent this club again, not that they represented us yesterday but you know what I mean.


Me and a mate also made fools of ourselves in the centre of London, but it was all good spirited and nobody got hurt.


We had a lot of people that have never seen the club play before and will never see us again, it is likely to be one of these. Unfortunately at football, increased numbers means increased numbers of idiots which these clearly were. No-one I know that supports this club would have acted like this.


I am really very sorry for you first encounter with our club.

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I'd like to add my apologies as well, none of our regular supporters are like that; with a fan base of just over 1,000 regulars, plus the MyFC membership, there were many thousands supporting us Saturday who are not representative of our club; I doubt if many even know where our ground is - we are a family club where children can stand safely in the ground with the adults; I'm so sorry for you and your children.

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Thanks for you kind words...


To be honest i was expecting another tirade of foulmouthedness after posting the original post, but i can see that the people who have posted replies are nothing like the ones we encoutered on Saturday. ie articulate and literate and concerned for the public perception of thier club..



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DocH, if you think there were 25,000 people from the area there on Saturday that's the size of a small town. In any small town you'll get lowlife scum, hooligans and idiots who can't hold a pint. I doubt any of these people have turned up at a Fleet match before, and we don't have that sort of trouble at any normal game.

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I'd like to add my apologies for the encounter you had with Ebbsfleet 'fans'. We really are not like that and there is never any trouble at our matches. With a Wembley final, all sorts of people 'come out of the woodwork' and claim to be fans without ever having been to a match before. I cannot apologise too much for what happened and hope that, if you ever come across Ebbsfleet fans again, they will be the true fans and it will be a much more pleasant experience.

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One of my colleagues was on the tube on Saturday and said it took him forever to get to a party he was attending due to teenagers constantly pulling the alarm chord and being sick - I have no idea if they were football "fans" or not and if they were, whether they were our supporters or Torquays, but whoever they were it sounds like they too should be ashamed of themselves.


There is also a suggestion on the Torquay board that there was a group of 6 or 7 lads (Millwall I believe it suggested) ejected from our end on Saturday. If true, I hope that their details have also been noted so they cant attend our games in future.

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Unfortunately you'll get this kind of behaviour when a large majority of the people at Wembley aren't really interested in the game and are more concerned with drinking and fronting out the opposition fans.


There was trouble outside the stadium after the game, and in the town in the evening. This is sadly the type of town that Gravesend has become and is the reason I won't go in the town in an evening anymore.

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Originally Posted By: Alan W (GNFC)
There is also a suggestion on the Torquay board that there was a group of 6 or 7 lads (Millwall I believe it suggested) ejected from our end on Saturday. If true, I hope that their details have also been noted so they cant attend our games in future.

Those idiots were on my carriage on the train home. Drunken foul-mouthed idiots who were obviously not Fleet fans ("Where the hell is Ebbsfleet any-way?"/ "I don't know, but it's Wembley innit"). They started bragging about being chucked out and how the would hvae "done the Torquay fans over" if they had the chance.
Ended up staggering off the train at Bexley.
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I was really shocked to hear what happened to your family. We took our 5 and 6 year olds along to the match. There were loads of kids there and the atmosphere was brilliant. I want to thank all the Ebbsfleet fans who made our day so good and express my fury at the very small minority who can wreck the team image so easily.

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The bit I cannot understand, DocH stated that he complained because he saw another Ebbsfleet fan,or ran into, whatever way he likes to word it, why did he start complain, angry ? been drinking himself? if its this is the case and they retaleated,with the rest by surrounding him etc have they not the right? My question is why did he start on the Ebbsfleet supporter in the first place ?? If it is straight bullying from the Ebbsfleet fans then I cannot abide it, but if you have someone start moaning and complaining,that you have never met in your life before, do you not have the right of reply. I am also giving DocH the doubt he never swore having kids with him, but who knows ?

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
The bit I cannot understand, DocH stated that he complained because he saw another Ebbsfleet fan,or ran into, whatever way he likes to word it, why did he start complain, angry ? been drinking himself?

Did he say that?

Originally Posted By: DocH

we were ran straight into by another Ebbsfleet fan when i protested i was surrounded by his mates (terrifying the kids)

Sounds to me like all he did was challenge somebody's rudeness in banging into him and his kids (naive in this day and age perhaps, but commendable) and then got a load of abuse from the other tw@ts. I think your accusations against him are somewhat wide of the mark and unnecessary BustaGut.
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Stu how do you know that someone never bumped into his kid , said oops sorry mate etc etc, but he he got angry because it happened, Accidents do happen and I would not have liked it either, but you are assuming that he was all sweetness and light are you not ?? maybe that was not the case, and the walk along the river front is not a narrow one, so to just to happen to bump into a fleet fan? seems a little bit far fetched, just posing a question, as your all assuming it was the fleet fans, where as it could have been six of one and hald a dozen of another.thats all.

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Originally Posted By: BustaGut
Stu how do you know that someone never bumped into his kid , said oops sorry mate etc etc, but he he got angry because it happened, Accidents do happen and I would not have liked it either, but you are assuming that he was all sweetness and light are you not ?? maybe that was not the case, and the walk along the river front is not a narrow one, so to just to happen to bump into a fleet fan? seems a little bit far fetched, just posing a question, as your all assuming it was the fleet fans, where as it could have been six of one and hald a dozen of another.thats all.

Sorry Busta I don't see where you're coming from. I don't think that it's unlikely this happened, in fact it's a very distinct possibility. To be fair DocH came on here and at first was obviously very angry and maybe grouped all fans as yobs but when he/she found out we were decent people he/she agreed that these people were in a minority.

Also I don't know what it is but I've always imagined DocH to be a woman.
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Originally Posted By: Stu M
True, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt.

But on the basis he's come back on here and accepted the true fans' point of view, I'm willing to take his story over the bunch he described.

If it's exactly as he stated, and they abused him and his family for no reason at all, and they are regular supporters of Ebbsfleet, If it was discovered who the person's were, that were involved, I personally would give them a ban for life.
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