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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
Originally Posted By: Darter
Hmm ... have to come in on this as I am a MyFC purist! I think you maybe do the members a disservice if you think they will make poor selections.

you nearly got away with it for a while there darter....different sex same old wanchai moonie bollox...

shame this had to rear its head with so much for the true fans and the town and club to be happy about....not a coincidence either....someone at the PR department of moonie HQ wants hanging... hanged

No coincidence either. Saw this thread, saw Dom was posting and so thought I'd be brave and say what I think. Why is it wrong for MyFC members to want to do what they've signed up for? No-one wants to put anything at risk. People want to learn. And PLEASE do not link me with the Operator, the Web Team or the Forum team. If you were on MyFC forum, you would know my position vis-a-vis all those things. I used to be on the forum team, I'm not now - that should tell you a lot about me! I could lie and say nothing - but that's not my style.
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Originally Posted By: Darter
I used to be on the forum team, I'm not now - that should tell you a lot about me! I could lie and say nothing - but that's not my style.

you really didn't need to explain yourself so much darter...someone not being on a forum team tells me nowt to be honest but I do believe that you are beginning to sound more familiar by the day and I ask the same question one more time...why have you and wanchai attempted to raise this issue now whilst the good folk of ebbs are celebrating a little history being made....

feel good factor makes them compliant eh...?
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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
Originally Posted By: Darter
Hmm ... have to come in on this as I am a MyFC purist! I think you maybe do the members a disservice if you think they will make poor selections.

you nearly got away with it for a while there darter....different sex same old wanchai moonie bollox...

shame this had to rear its head with so much for the true fans and the town and club to be happy about....not a coincidence either....someone at the PR department of moonie HQ wants hanging... hanged

It was probably my post that got this thread onto the PTT topic, and I make no bones about it.

I am a long term supporter and this is indeed our finest hour, and I witnessed an occassion on Saturday I never thought I would see. tears were in eyes at the end of the game.
But that will all fade if we sleep walk and let the PTT slip in during the close season, and that for me will be by far our darkest hour and eclipse our performance this season.

I am probably pissing in the wind, but this is one issue that is bigger than all and it determines whether we are a serious fan owned club (which is good) or a joke (which is very very bad).

Never thought I would say this , but this makes me want to start a protest in the Plough before games to get fans to boycott if it goes ahead. I dont expect King Carlos or Slim Jim to join me tho.
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Originally Posted By: Hannah
Exactly UU.

Look at the title of this thread and look at the current content. Doesn't match does it? Let us have our glory before it's back to the dreaded MYFC debate...

spot on hannah and as I said no coincidence....get the mugs whilst they're all happy...so fckn transparent its an insult in itself....

back on thread.....

well done you fleet
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Originally Posted By: Hannah
Exactly UU.

Look at the title of this thread and look at the current content. Doesn't match does it? Let us have our glory before it's back to the dreaded MYFC debate...

Well said Hannah. Everyone fvck off so we can enjoy our moment of glory.
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Originally Posted By: DA11
Originally Posted By: Hannah
Exactly UU.

Look at the title of this thread and look at the current content. Doesn't match does it? Let us have our glory before it's back to the dreaded MYFC debate...

Well said Hannah. Everyone fvck off so we can enjoy our moment of glory.

I have been enjoying our glory for 4 days now, its what we done on the pitch that was our moment of glory. And I am revelling in it. And am still raising a glass or two in appreciation.

Please do not tell me to [****!!****] off as that makes me sad. Grow up.
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Originally Posted By: Darter
PatMan I'm really interested to read your comments. I can see where you are coming from. However, if we scrap it before people have even had a chance to do it - there is no doubt folk would not renew. Some would - but I believe that many wouldn't......
It helps to inform my own views. I want the club to succeed, that's the be all and end all of it.

Darter - judging by the lack of interest shown by huge amounts of the MyFC members - you will lose loads no matter what you do. Don't pin all your hopes on team selection being the saviour of MyFC, I think it will need something else to retain the interest.
Plenty will renew, those that have been bitten by the Fleet - those who travel to strange, distant towns for midweek games, those who have bother to attend KSC matches, those who sing and stand in the pouring rain when covered seats are available, those who crossed the Atlantic for 2 weeks holiday timed to see a couple of games - and then flew back 6 weeks later for the final. Them, and many others who have made an effort to turn up will almost certainly renew...

And your last comment contradicts your earlier statement - you surely want the club AND MyFC to succeed...
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Originally Posted By: wobbly Wayne II
Originally Posted By: DA11
Originally Posted By: Hannah
Exactly UU.

Look at the title of this thread and look at the current content. Doesn't match does it? Let us have our glory before it's back to the dreaded MYFC debate...

Well said Hannah. Everyone fvck off so we can enjoy our moment of glory.

I have been enjoying our glory for 4 days now, its what we done on the pitch that was our moment of glory. And I am revelling in it. And am still raising a glass or two in appreciation.

Please do not tell me to [****!!****] off as that makes me sad. Grow up.

oops sorry Wobbly. Wasn't aimed at you. Wife has just slapped my wrists.
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I want both to succeed! I spend hours of every day on the MyFC forum. I stepped down from the FT because of a personal attack by Arithon. I have not spoken to him since that day. We were good friends before. I am not linked to Dom. I do not agree with a lot of what he says, as it happens. I am not posting in conjunction with him or anyone else. I am on my own, doing my own thing. Most of the MyFC members would not post on here beacuse they are afraid of being attacked. I am not afraid, I couldn't care less, I am 50 years old and I get attacked all the time on MyFC. I was not aware that there was some embargo on discussing PTT on here - had I known that, I probably wouldn't have bothered posting on the thread!! We talk about it all the time on the MyFC forum, as you will appreciate. I have not come on here to troll or offend. I am genuinely interested in getting to know the main people on this forum. That's it really. x

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I have already signed up to MyFC for 2 years and bought my season ticket for next season for EUFC. It will cost me thousands of pounds to get to matches and all my weekend time, but I will do it - and there are plenty of others like me, as you so rightly say.

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Darter - there is no embargo on any subject here... Famous for letting threads waiver blindly away from the original topic... And don't worry about offending people - we have all done it and had it done to us... Easily done by replying to the wrong person, or having the original meaning lost by using only written words!


LOL @ your comment about the MyFC members being too scared to post here!

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Originally Posted By: DA11
Originally Posted By: wobbly Wayne II
Originally Posted By: DA11
Originally Posted By: Hannah
Exactly UU.

Look at the title of this thread and look at the current content. Doesn't match does it? Let us have our glory before it's back to the dreaded MYFC debate...

Well said Hannah. Everyone fvck off so we can enjoy our moment of glory.

I have been enjoying our glory for 4 days now, its what we done on the pitch that was our moment of glory. And I am revelling in it. And am still raising a glass or two in appreciation.

Please do not tell me to [****!!****] off as that makes me sad. Grow up.

oops sorry Wobbly. Wasn't aimed at you. Wife has just slapped my wrists.

No problem.. carry on lapping up the glory, we've waited a long time for it.
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Thank you PatMan. I have had a very hard day today on the MyFC forum, I have taken a lot of abuse - and not for the first time. I am presently trying to demonstrate to the members that things are not always what they seem. Most people don't want to hear it. I have more than once been in tears over what has been said to me on there, I don't mind admitting, and I consider myself to be a strong person.

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