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As I have said before, my opinion is that PTT can never succeed !


Ok, it will work to some degree, but as previously stated, we'll end up playing against Fleetway in the Gravesend League in a few years !


I like all the new suppport.

I like all the media coverage.

All the MyFC people I have met seem ok ( haven't met Wah Wah yet so that may change grin!!)

I like the financial investment in the club..

I like the on line merchandise.

I still like standing in Geek Corner.

I think those who make the effort to come over from overseas to the games deserve high praise indeed ! Not many English fans would bother if roles were reversed ( apart from Allstars & Jeff ! aka the junior Stadler & Waldorf grin).


It's just the picking the team bit that I cannot agree with.








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Originally Posted By: doheochai
I suspect that when it actually starts and is running for a few weeks then it will turn out to be far less controversial than it is at the moment.

I suspect it will be more controversial, especially if we play crap & lose all the time !
You know what will happen then ? Forget the big white horse as the angel of the south equivalent, it will be a 'kin great old Tea Hut !!
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Originally Posted By: Hirsty

I suspect it will be more controversial, especially if we play crap & lose all the time !

Could happen anyway whether MyFC members PTT or not. We are going to have some turnover in the playing squad and anything can happen. But if the team did perform poorly then there would be justifiable reasons for reviewing the situation, revising how PTT works or scrapping it.
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Surely you must admit, especially after this great season, that Liam is well qualified to manage ( I said manage !) a football team at this level ? more than the likes of you, me or Mrs Miggins, or even Hempstead Gazza ?





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Originally Posted By: Hirsty
Surely you must admit, especially after this great season, that Liam is well qualified to manage ( I said manage !) a football team at this level ? more than the likes of you, me or Mrs Miggins, or even Hempstead Gazza ?

Absolutely - but this has nothing to do with Liam Daish. There will be a dozen managerial vacancies up the league over the next couple of months and he could be offered any of them. Irrespective of PTT he could be gone.

PTT is the idea that sold the MyFC concept 'own the club - pick the team'. It is the reason why MyFC own EUFC and the reason we have enough money at the moment to make sure the club is probably the most solvent of any in the conference or the two divisions above. It is also the reason why we might not be in such a financial position next season if PTT is not implemented. If it turns out that the members are quite happy to continue subscribing without PTT, I won't cry any tears.
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Yes I know all that !


I think that the last voting figures that you ( or maybe Yorkfox ?) published on here indicated that a "watered down" PTT was favoured with Liam having the final say ? or did I dream that ? That was when Clowntown agreed to be p*ssed on as one result/option polled more than 25% ?


It still goes against the grain though !




PS....I used to be an "owner". We were called Shareholders in those days. Now my shares don't appear to be worth the paper that they are written ( or typed !) on. Cost me more than

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Originally Posted By: doheochai
I suspect that quite a number will not renew next year because PTT was not implemented this season.

Thats a disgraceful attempt at trying to get people to accept the most stupid of ideas.
The votes that MyFC have had show that its not "Pick The Team" that will cause a huge downturn in numbers - its a total lack of interest by the vast majority of the members.
The votes that MyFC have already held have been mostly ignored by the vast majority of members - this should be your concern, not PT effing T.
When/if MyFC fails - it wont be anything more than indifference to the entire idea. Fleet were not the club they voted for, nor were they some Midlands/Northern based club they might have accepted as a second choice. The majority of the members just don't give a flying toss. This was highlighted by their lack of response to the plan to lay on transport for them. They all said yes to the idea - the reality was somewhat different.

Those who are desperate for their chance to choose the team know this would be the main reason for new members to join, after all - what else do they get for their money? The ability to watch the games via PC? How many games will they see for they next 8 weeks?

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Hmm ... have to come in on this as I am a MyFC purist! I think you maybe do the members a disservice if you think they will make poor selections. The reason not many people are picking the team now is that we're NOT picking the team! I would guarantee that if we said "this week, the members ACTUALLY pick the team" there would be a much greater response. I do understand what supporters on here are saying and how they feel - but it can't just be ditched as otherwise, all MyFC is is a mechanism to get a lot of money into a small club. That's not a bad thing, of course - but it's not MyFC. I have a sticker on my car - Own the Club, Pick the Team. I believed it last summer when I signed up and I believe it now. You were always proud to be Ebbsfleet supporters - we are MyFCers who are now proud to be Ebbsfleet supporters. But we were MyFCers first and we still believe in MyFC, as well as EUFC. x

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What would happen if there was a vote - and over 50% of those that voted were against pick the team?

If only 500 people voted and 300 were for it thatat would mean that 1% of all members were bothered, or 99% were either not bothered or against it.

You can play with stats all you like, but the simple truth is that there will never be an honest majority in favour; the rules would change as in Zimbabwe, and half of ALL members would be required to say no to it.

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Why do you insist on coming on this forum and stirring up trouble?

I really don't understand what pleasure you derive from the constant winding up of Fleet fans, this should be the happiest week us fans have ever had there are all sorts of messages of comgratulations from fans of other clubs and all you want to do is start an argument.

Hirsty, Jeff, Gaz et al, it is absolutely pointless to argue the merits of PTT on this forum the decision will be made by the silent majority at MyFC and they don't read this forum.


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Originally Posted By: Darter
Hmm ... have to come in on this as I am a MyFC purist!
I think you maybe do the members a disservice if you think they will make poor selections.

Why? Because we would rather let a paid professional select the best players, rather than a number of amateurs - many who will NEVER have seen the team play? This isn't doing anyone a disservice - this is just a sensible outlook
Originally Posted By: Darter

The reason not many people are picking the team now is that we're NOT picking the team! I would guarantee that if we said "this week, the members ACTUALLY pick the team" there would be a much greater response.

Hmmm, that's your opinion - how many bothered to participate in the vote regarding this? How many bother to take part in votes that affect the club as a whole?
Originally Posted By: Darter

I do understand what supporters on here are saying and how they feel - but it can't just be ditched as otherwise, all MyFC is is a mechanism to get a lot of money into a small club.

And whats wrong with settling for that?
Originally Posted By: Darter

That's not a bad thing, of course - but it's not MyFC. I have a sticker on my car - Own the Club, Pick the Team. I believed it last summer when I signed up and I believe it now.

So, in effect, you want your chance to select the players? Is that the reason you joined?
Originally Posted By: Darter

You were always proud to be Ebbsfleet supporters - we are MyFCers who are now proud to be Ebbsfleet supporters. But we were MyFCers first and we still believe in MyFC, as well as EUFC. x

There is nothing wrong with MyFC deciding that this part of the ideal just doesn't work, and being big enough to scrap it. Scared it would be seen as a backwards step - or brave enough to see it as a move forward into running a club more effectively?

The "Pick The Team" idea was voted on recently in your forums - how many of the 'we' bothered to pick from one of the four options? Prove that a significant number of the 'we' would actually bother to do this regularly - often on a twice weekly basis.

This would surely be the best way to get rid of the doubts. Ye then could all come back on here at Christmas, with big "I told ya so" comments - if, and thats a big IF, you have a few months of sensible statistics to back up your claims.
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Gaz, I don't even know why we would have a vote. We didn't have a vote on "do you actually want to own the club?" as that's what we all signed up for - that and pick the team. I think this is where people like yourself can really help to bridge the gap. Most people want to pick the team in some form or another - not many just want Liam to do it.You can't take the option away when folk have paid up on that basis. Jeff (just using him as an example cos I know him) presumably joined because the chosen club was Ebbsfleet. I joined to pick the team and own the club. So I can't now be disenfranchised, in all fairness. The main thing is we all want to learn and to make the club successful. I am really committed to the club, I come to matches, I try to put money in where I can. I want to try to be part of your community, even though I live in North Lancashire. I like this forum and find the debate is more honest and certainly more polite than on MyFC. I'm staying around come what may! And talking to my MyFC pals, we have decided that even if MyFC folded - we'd still now continue to follow the Fleet. And there may be a lot more like me out there!

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PatMan I'm really interested to read your comments. I can see where you are coming from. However, if we scrap it before people have even had a chance to do it - there is no doubt folk would not renew. Some would - but I believe that many wouldn't. I am the most regular poster on MyFC, I have nearly 8000 posts since August last year. I spend an awful lot of time there! And I think I can gauge the feeling of a lot of the members on there. Anyway, I don't want to fall out with supporters on here at all. I like listening to the views of original EUFC supporters. It helps to inform my own views. I want the club to succeed, that's the be all and end all of it.

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Originally Posted By: Darter
Hmm ... have to come in on this as I am a MyFC purist! I think you maybe do the members a disservice if you think they will make poor selections.

you nearly got away with it for a while there darter....different sex same old wanchai moonie bollox...

shame this had to rear its head with so much for the true fans and the town and club to be happy about....not a coincidence either....someone at the PR department of moonie HQ wants hanging... hanged
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The thing is patman, a lot of them are suddenly realising, they don't own the Team, and if they aren't allowed to pick the Team..........They were diddled by the greatest con trick of the 21st Century!

RSHeard and a few others are glad to pay, and go watch a Team halfway across the world, because they are true Football Fans, and by paying their money have an identity with the Club!

People like Wah Wah are on an ego trip!

To work out where he comes from, read his posts! How many times does he quote "In my many talks with Will Brooks?".............Go figure!

Wah Wah.........You have been rumbled!

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