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Would you pay part of a players wages each month ?


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In the last few days since the survey below was launched, a number of people have said that they would pay an extra amount of money each month by direct debit to boost the playing squad.


IF the people followed through, then the annual players wages buget would have increased by

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Keith, I have no doubts about the generosity of MyFC members. It's one of the things I see as most positive about the society. My question is regarding the propriety of doing this. I don't think it's a sustainable business model to pass the hat every time we recognize a new need. Especially as the club grows (we hope), we have to find a way for our sustainable business model to be sufficient for our ongoing needs. But as I stated before, without the detailed financial statements for the club and MyFC. it's impossible to determine what's sustainable and what isn't.


The MyFC ideal was to keep the cost low to individual members and to make everyone on an even level. Frequent requests for additional funds for ongoing club expenses departs from that philosophy. I personally would rather pay more annually than be faced with frequent whip-arounds. But others who may see that as too expensive would probably balk at that suggestion.


Having said that, I'd love to know what the actual salary budget IS. smile

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Originally Posted By: rsheard

Having said that, I'd love to know what the actual salary budget IS. smile

there are the secrets of the pharoes and the secrets of the sphinx....the secrets of the dead sea scrolls that modern man has been unable to decode through centuries past....the templars de vinci code.. the turin shrouds..the cathedrals of turin..ely and toledo and the magdalene scripts remain as much a mystery now as they ever did....the secrets of the mighty universe above and around us have remained unchallenged for 20 million years under mans intensive scrutiny and the final resting place of cleopatra and the hidden vault of the grail and the ark will baffle scientists and seismic airial photography for centuries to come.....those baffling and elusive secrets however pale into insignificance whan placed alongside of the most fiercely protected secret known to mankind..

a football teams playing budget.... devil
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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
No team will ever reveal their true playing budget espcially a long as there is a wage cap in operation.

Knowing the total playing budget is necessary for the proper budgetting for the club for the coming season. It will be part of the published figures otherwise the members of MyFC will not be able to properly allocate finance.
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Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter
As we are picking the team and deciding on who to buy , should we not get younger fitter players.

If you have any suggestions of suitable players please give details.

Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter
Or better still why not employ a manager to do it for us.

Procedures for the recruitment of players are being discussed and I would expect the 'head-coach' to have a major say in whoever is signed. And don't be under the illusion that a club always signs a player the manager wants (Chelsea and Shevchenko come to mind).
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Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
No team will ever reveal their true playing budget espcially a long as there is a wage cap in operation.

didn't spot that at first slarti but its an interesting one from a fleet perspective..I wonder if the league will accept the MyFc members subscriptions as income..?
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