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I don't know the finer details of the MYFC membership deal but I don't understand how their votes are binding anyway with so few people voting. Don't they need a certain amount of the membership to vote or do just those that can be bothered decide what is going to happen to OUR club?


Seeing as a lot of the MyFC brigade like to remind us that they're "owners" maybe they need to be reminded that with ownership of a business, comes responsibility. You don't get to pick and choose what decisions you make, you have to make all of them, no matter how un-interested you might be in it.


If the majority of members can't be bothered to vote on day to day issues, they should stop the voting and all decisions be made by the elected board on their behalf. That way things might be decided by people who are fully informed of all the implications.


And as for the stupid idea of putting MyFC on the front of the shirts - what have MyFC done to get us to Wembley? The team have got there through sheer hard work this season and now MyFC want to use it as a publicity exercise!


The majority of tickets were sold through the club office and not on the MyFC website showing their apathy towards the whole thing. Surely under their own strange voting rules the majority have spoken and proven themselves to be normal fans, independent of MyFC who would never want the biggest day in the club's history to become a PR stunt.




I think I need a drink now smile



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Started to read this thread, but after about post 60 I started to lose the will to live.


From what I have read the idea of putting a number of supporters names on the Cup Final shirts was put forward by Eurostar?


MyFc had a vote and despite voting yes to the half-baked idea, Eurostar have now said no?


As a resume will someone tell me whether the above is accurate?


Or have I totally mis-read this and the reality is that Eurostar and their logo are being replaced as main shirt sponsor by the MyFc logo? In which case yet another shot in the foot by the Club (whatever that now means?)



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I think that unless this is just a one-off for a single game this is a dangerous and potentially expensive precedent. The club and its identity should always be more prominent than the current owner. Otherwise expect Dubai to feature prominently on the front of Liverpool shirts come August. Just another way to fleece fans. A change of sponsor = change the shirt. Likewise a change in owner = also change the shirt. The way the financial climate is heading expect a more than average number of insolvency practitioners and firms of accountants to appear as administrators on said shirts!

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Originally Posted By: John Pearce

From what I have read the idea of putting a number of supporters names on the Cup Final shirts was put forward by Eurostar?

MyFC member usernames, yes.

Originally Posted By: John Pearce

MyFc had a vote and despite voting yes to the half-baked idea, Eurostar have now said no?

That's right. Eurostar observed the negative feedback to the idea among some of the forum members at MyFC and thought better of it despite the final vote result.

Originally Posted By: John Pearce

Or have I totally mis-read this and the reality is that Eurostar and their logo are being replaced as main shirt sponsor by the MyFc logo? In which case yet another shot in the foot by the Club (whatever that now means?)

Eurostar aren't being replaced. They will still be main shirt sponsor, but they offered to supplement their logo with usernames. Instead, it will now be shared with a MyFC logo. As far as I know, this will be for this game only. Not sure whether there are any plans for the shirts to include a MyFC logo next season.
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Originally Posted By: Stu M

That's right. Eurostar observed the negative feedback to the idea among some of the forum members at MyFC and thought better of it despite the final vote result.

Actually Eurostar also took notice of the negative (indeed hostile) feedback on this forum. Not every situation is totally dictated by what happens on the MyFC forum.
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Originally Posted By: Jeff
Originally Posted By: Stu M
Not sure whether there are any plans for the shirts to include a MyFC logo next season.

I bloody hope not.

Of course there will be an MyFC logo somewhere. They own & run the club now, why wouldn't they want to promote themselves to attract more members ? You're a member Jeff....if you don't like it......vote NOW !

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Half the time, I am not sure what I am voting for Hirsty!


With this one though, I think that commonsense has prevailed.


It should be left as is. No names, no 'legends', no MyFC branding.


This is THE FLEET in a Cup Final remember. Not MyFC or Eurostar.

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Originally Posted By: Emily
Surely under their own strange voting rules the majority have spoken and proven themselves to be normal fans, independent of MyFC who would never want the biggest day in the club's history to become a PR stunt.

yes well the problem is emily that the normal fans actually DID vote for the said publicity stunt but it was overturned by eurostar (well they withdrew the idea)

when the fans speak at the democratic moonie HQ no one listens...they just do as they like if they don't like the result...fortunately in this case common sense has prevailed but it wasn't for the want of trying... grin
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Whether we like it or not, MyFC is a commercial enterprise in as much as it needs people to join it for an input of money, therefore it will have to promote itself to it's target audience by all means, which almost inevitable will include shirt logos/advertising. That's the way of the commercial world. I hate adverts ruining my watching of F1 but am aware without it I shan't be seeing a lot....until next year...

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Originally Posted By: David Holden
Originally Posted By: BustaGut
I wonder what is wrong with just large letters saying Ebbsfleet Utd ?Or Fast track your way to wembley with Ebbsfleet Utd etc etc.

What's wrong with leaving the shirt the same as the very expensive replicas they have been expecting us to buy?

I've been led to believe this was a sponsorship shirt to be worn at Wembley not our normal regular replica shirt, so buying one, that's your choice, but as it is a Kidderminster shirt with our name on it,(not even correct Fleet colours) I for one will not be wasting my money. As far as I'm concerned, they can do whatever they like to the shirt, if the club gains financially from it great.As it won't cost me a penny.
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Originally Posted By: fleetzone
Whether we like it or not, MyFC is a commercial enterprise in as much as it needs people to join it for an input of money, therefore it will have to promote itself to it's target audience by all means, which almost inevitable will include shirt logos/advertising. That's the way of the commercial world. I hate adverts ruining my watching of F1 but am aware without it I shan't be seeing a lot....until next year...

That's what I was getting at.....I am sure that there will be a MyFC logo somewhere on the shirt next season. As for the replica/commemorative Wembley stuff ( not a response to you FZ), FFS, if you don't want to buy then that is your choice ! Many of us do....and want to enjoy the day decked out in the gear !...and "fly the flag" for the lads.

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Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin

yes well the problem is emily that the normal fans actually DID vote for the said publicity stunt but it was overturned by eurostar (well they withdrew the idea)

Which would be ok, if thats what happens. But, it looks like they haven't withdrawn - but now instead of individual MyFC members names, the shirt will have the MyFC logo!
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