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MyFC Makes Me Want To Smoke Crack


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Originally Posted By: Santa
would do nothing for the credibility of MyFC as a democratic organisation and the press would have a field day.

The press are generally hostile to MyFC anyway and the credibility of MyFc can work both way.

Originally Posted By: Santa
The obvious reason why the majority might now vote for an increase is they don't like the disproportional number of locals that were elected to the board.

And what would be the problem with that if this was the decision made.

Originally Posted By: Santa
Now remind me where H J Allstars finished....oh I remember, 10th just in front of yourself and behind the girl who draws comics.

And that has got what to do with this. If all I was interested in doing was getting on the board then I would be arguing there shouldn't be an election and that the board should just co-opt the next four candidates.

Originally Posted By: Santa

There could, but there are ways of co-opting foreign members without compromising the original vote.

true - personally I think an election would be better than co-option

Originally Posted By: Santa
And anyone with enough (spare) money to own a football club generally has enough sense to recognise their mistakes and not repeat/compound them.

Noades made a mess of Crystal Palace and then went on to make a bigger mess of Brentford. Ridsdale f*cked up Leeds, tried to do the same at Barnsley and is in the process of doing something similar with Cardiff. I could go on.

Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
If a few people making a lot of noise are allowed to overturn a democratic vote then every vote will be followed by an awful lot of noise.
No democratic decision can and will be overturned by a few people making a lot of noise. Similarly, a few people cannot ignore the desire of a majority to change something. The strength of feeling will only be determined by actually having a vote. And people on here continue to ignore the fact the the society board are actually of the opinion that there is an issue and it needs to be addressed.
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
Originally Posted By: Santa
would do nothing for the credibility of MyFC as a democratic organisation and the press would have a field day.

The press are generally hostile to MyFC anyway and the credibility of MyFc can work both way.

Originally Posted By: Santa
The obvious reason why the majority might now vote for an increase is they don't like the disproportional number of locals that were elected to the board.

And what would be the problem with that if this was the decision made.

Bescause the majority couldn't be ar$ed to vote in the first place!!

Originally Posted By: Santa
Now remind me where H J Allstars finished....oh I remember, 10th just in front of yourself and behind the girl who draws comics.

And that has got what to do with this. If all I was interested in doing was getting on the board then I would be arguing there shouldn't be an election and that the board should just [color:#FF0000]co-opt the next four candidates.[/[/color]color]

So you can get your mates(if you have any) on the board and then have control!
Originally Posted By: Santa

There could, but there are ways of co-opting foreign members without compromising the original vote.

true - personally I think an election would be better than co-option

A bit two faced, isn't it?

Originally Posted By: Santa
And anyone with enough (spare) money to own a football club generally has enough sense to recognise their mistakes and not repeat/compound them.

Noades made a mess of Crystal Palace and then went on to make a bigger mess of Brentford. Ridsdale f*cked up Leeds, tried to do the same at Barnsley and is in the process of doing something similar with Cardiff. I could go on.

Give Myfc enough time!

Originally Posted By: Slartibartfast
If a few people making a lot of noise are allowed to overturn a democratic vote then every vote will be followed by an awful lot of noise.

No democratic decision can and will be overturned by a few people making a lot of noise. Similarly, a few people cannot ignore the desire of a majority to change something. The strength of feeling will only be determined by actually having a vote. And people on here continue to ignore the fact the the society board are actually of the opinion that there is an issue and it needs to be addressed.

Back to the majority who couldn't be ar$ed to vote in the first place!

Funny how everything is fine if you agree with it, and not fine if you don't!
Lord Wah Wah is starting to become transparent!
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Originally Posted By: doheochai
The main advantage of MyFC as an ownership model over that of an individual owner - is that if a mistake is made we have a mechanism to change it.

And what mistake has been made ? (you didnt answer the one question I asked)

Originally Posted By: doheochai
And that has got what to do with this. If all I was interested in doing was getting on the board then I would be arguing there shouldn't be an election and that the board should just co-opt the next four candidates.

So it wont be the addition of the next-in-line candidates from the previous election then ? Fresh elections for the additional board members......all locals need not apply ?

Originally Posted By: doheochai

Noades made a mess of Crystal Palace and then went on to make a bigger mess of Brentford. Ridsdale f*cked up Leeds, tried to do the same at Barnsley and is in the process of doing something similar with Cardiff. I could go on.

I think I used the word 'generally' you come back with specifics....

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In any organisation of this type the board never has enough time to do everything or discuss everything. When they try it normally ends up with interminable and ineffective board meetings.


The best run organisations identify the main areas of activity and set up sub-committees, chaired by a board member and populated by other society members, to address each area. The main board always has the final say.


In this way both the workload and the involvement is opened out to the wider membership. In my experience it tends to invigorate the membership and reduce disputes.


Adopting this model within MYFC would allow for the inclusion of a wider membership and make the job of being a board member easier. It would also allow the board to address more internal MYFC issues without becoming overloaded. With regards to overseas members there could be a sub-committee dealing with their concerns (travel packages, live commentary, etc) mainly populated by overseas members. Similarly with other membership issues.


This model would ensure that, no matter what the outcome of the elections, the work of the board would be spread wider and every section of the membership could contribute to the running of the society.


Many organisations use this model, from voluntary organisations, school governors boards, local government, etc. It is well tried and tested.

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Happy days. I see ye are all still fighting. smile


Who, me ? Oh, I got my MyFC membership fee back many weeks ago (pushed through the letterbox one weekend with a MyFC Compliments slip) and have since invested over 100 times that in another non-league club up North who really need the cash and support. I've got my 2 Wembley tickets of course (FA source).


Aye, happy days. Good luck to ye now - keep smiling. smile

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Originally Posted By: doheochai

The main advantage of MyFC as an ownership model over that of an individual owner - is that if a mistake is made we have a mechanism to change it. A single owner who makes a mistake inevitably compounds it by make more. This is what we should avoid.

I agree to an extent but surely you must await the mistakes to crystalise before second guessing them and making knee jerk ammendments....by doing so you open up the doors to self interest..
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Can someone explain in nice plain simple terms WHY there is a problem with the MyFC Board members? I kinda think its something to do with them not living in all 4 corners of the globe? What difference does that make? Will there be a call for a board member to represent every country, what about the making sure that all religions have representation?


Have the MyFC board actually done anything yet so that they can be judged on if they are a good or bad choice?

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Originally Posted By: Santa

And what mistake has been made ? (you didnt answer the one question I asked)

Deciding to elect a seven member board rather than an eleven member board. In reality the decision was partly dictated by the way the voted was structured and the claim that an 11 member board could cost MyFC
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Originally Posted By: Riverview Supporter
Your final point is what needs to happen before judgement. Its a real shame that several of the more active MYFC members are ruining it for those who have a real interest in the club , the fans and alla round us.

Thats why I can't understand all the fuss - surely, let the board run for a season/year and if they eff it ALL up, find some mechanism to have them ALL replaced. If/when they are proved to actually be good at the job, find a way to improve on the success!

Originally Posted By: doheochai

Deciding to elect a seven member board rather than an eleven member board. In reality the decision was partly dictated by the way the voted was structured and the claim that an 11 member board could cost MyFC
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Originally Posted By: Harry J Allstars
Originally Posted By: Uncle Urchin
well yes... us NL footie people are mostly thicko's..we have to be to do what we do...but that post is a little transparent even for the thickest of us to swallow...

please try harder wanchai... laugh

Oh grow up UU.

poor banter harry...if you had a little more understanding of these important matters that surround your football club at this moment in time and the dangers inherent in these posts from moonie HQ you would perhaps be more cautious in your choice of new friends....
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