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Plea from a fed up member of this forum


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Let this be enough.

No more slagging the manager.

I get feeling certain people take pleasure out of it.

I understand we all have our views and we all know what views most individuals hold. so please, let this be an end to it.

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When does Passionate discussion stop and a witch hunt start. There are more important things going on than the future of the manager.

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Originally Posted By: blueblood
Let this be enough.
No more slagging the manager.
I get feeling certain people take pleasure out of it.
I understand we all have our views and we all know what views most individuals hold. so please, let this be an end to it.

The most ridiculous post I've read on the forum ever! crazy
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i agree with pagey and porka, this is what forums are about to let of steam, to have a go at mangement, or even praise them, then the likes of me an outsider who like most other teams in this league, will what to no what the opposition are bantering about,what you say will not ( maybe) make much difference to the workings of the club, but if any thing like ours bet they are aware of things you may talk about and may discuss it, certainly the press read the forums as your trotty out forums were read by me and others- otherwise blueblood what do think forums are meant for -its just replaces what only goes on in a pub on a saturday night

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This is also an unofficial forum site.


I believe in the days when the club had its own official forum the postings were correctly more muted.


Even now, with moderators-some of the more extreme postings are rightly deleted

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The Trott Out thread encouraged debate on the forum. Wheras here is a thread which aims to stop debate on a particular subject that is crucial to the football club at this time. Wouldn't call it slagging off.. The manager is getting paid to do a job. We put our money in through the gate so have our views. This forum is for debate. It couldn't be simpler.

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Surely that isn't quite right, the bit about the Saturday night pub. What is said in a pub on Saturday night is usually said there and then within the four walls. On here anything that is said can go round the world and stay on here for ages.

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yes this is a forum. A forum is where topics are opened to every member to put his or her view. A great freedom, that comes along with its own responsibilities.


As i said "There are more important things going on than the future of the Manager".

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Trott has done a fantastic job this season,


Being given what he has compared to last season and to still be in the same kind of position is very good!!


He's young and still learning, his only problem is that he thinks he's still good enough to play.


Just you watch, 5 years you'll regret it!!!

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I can understand Bluebloods feelings but this forum would be pretty bloody quiet without the recent topic of the manager. I think the "for men only" thread with its number of posts proves this. I for one think it threw up a broad range of opinions, was thought provoking, we know who stands where on the subject and we're all still talking. What the hell are we meant to debate-how pretty the colours on the corner flags are? Be a very short thread!

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Oi, I think the corner flags are very nice colours but then I'm the sensitive type who's in touch with his feminine side (I hope you consider this when you're buying the ingrediants for our meal Bitch). Don't like refering to you as Bitch, can I call you daffodil or leek?

Not many of us "new man" types about unfortunately.

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i think blueblood has his right to air his view and think that he also knows things we dont regarding the future but its hard not to have strong debates if things are not posted regarding the future of this club from what i gather there are things going on behind scenes which i will not go into at the request of person who told me but unless something is stated regarding this then people are going to be anti club and anti trott its time for the club to TELL US WHATS GOING ON!!!

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Dead right John. I know what you are talking about and it has affected Trotty and it needs to be sorted, but by not making any announcements at all the club has left itself open to rumour. Unfortunately all the cr@p has been directed at Trotty, which is unfair

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Originally Posted By: Drummer
Surely that isn't quite right, the bit about the Saturday night pub. What is said in a pub on Saturday night is usually said there and then within the four walls. On here anything that is said can go round the world and stay on here for ages.

[yes your right Drummer this is just an extention of that,we still talk in bars but as you say its more privately - what said here on forums can be excessed by anyone, me as Ramsgate fan or anyone on the ryman league and anyone whos interested, and yet will dont necersarily know who we are ''talking'' to, we have the freedom of speech, i bet Robin Trott would be more upset if you werent talking about him,and Blueblood as a manager he aware he have to take knocks he,s the boss, and as Bluegate Alan said somewhere else he (Robin) is appoachable, ( as long as its constuctive )
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Talking on the forum is OK, no problem, its the when the so called "constructive criticism" becomes personnel. Some of the comments about certain people over the last few weeks has gone beyond the pail. People have had there confidence destroyed. It has taken a lot of hard talking by others to get them back on track. One guy was leaving the club, he was so shattered by criticism on this site. To my mind this is not acceptable, it's counterproductive and can be dangerous personally.

Do you really believe Robin would be more upset if you weren't talking about him. I am sure he could live happily with out the threats he as received over his mobile.

Again i say it's time to cut it out.

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