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Aldershot segregation - Official news


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An announcement will be going on the official club website as soon as possible, but in the meantime we feel it is important to clarify the position regarding tonight's game.


The Club is very much aware that the exceptional circumstances surrounding the segregation of the Aldershot game have caused a lot of unrest amongst its' supporters. We are not happy when the fans feel this way and can totally sympathise with any disappointment.

Before any fixture where it is expected a gate well above the normal average may be attending, a risk assessment is carried out by the club's Safety Advisory Group. This group is made up of the fire service, who are the issuer of the safety certificate, the police, local authority, ambulance service, football licensing authority and club representatives. A full risk assessment was put in place for the Aldershot FA Trophy semi final and this has been used as the basis for tonight's game. However, there are some new factors that affect this game, namely that intelligence has indicated there could be as many as 2,500 Aldershot supporters that want to attend. The Swanscombe End and part of the Main Stand that we allocate to away fans only has a capacity of 850 under the safety certifictate. Under the exceptional circumstances surrounding this game it is not considered safe to restrict the away support to this number. Even if the away end had been made all-ticket, it is likely that very large numbers would turn up without tickets. The fire service and police have decided that to manage this possible away contingent they need to allocate extra space along the Stonebridge Road terrace.

There are many unusual factors that have led to this decision and, despite recognising there is understandable anger, the Club ask that the supporters show some understanding of this.

It was thought it would be necessary to allow the away fans to use most of the Stonebridge Road terrace. However, because of revised estimates of exactly how many away fans might come and because the club has offered to pay for many additional police and stewards, we can now guarantee that one quarter of the covered part of the Stonebridge Road terrace (and the uncovered section in front of the club shop)will be used by home fans. The opposite quarter is available for away fans. The middle half under cover will be an initial sterile area. Once the number of away fans attending is clearer on the night, this sterile area will be reduced and home or away fans allowed to move more towards the centre. There will though be a sterile area of some kind in this terrace.

This is not perfect, but is a bit of a one-off. Let's show an understanding of the work the safety authorities need to carry out and concentrate on supporting the team and making more noise than normal.



Brian Kilcullen

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Thanks Brian for explaining how the decision was arrived at. Whilst many fans ( including myself ) disagree with the decision to incorporate Shots fans in the covered Terrace, it is nice to be informed of how such decisions are made.



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Whilst appreciating your time to let us know the official reasoning behind this, perhaps it would of been more sensible to post this information last night on the official website thus stopping the reaction that has occured overnight and this morning

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Well done for putting the statement together. If this had been done initially, the bad feeling that giving up the covered terrace created could have been lessened. There was never going to be a solution that kept everyone happy - but I think this is as close to it as possible.

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Originally Posted By: BrianK
there could be as many as 2,500 Aldershot supporters that want to attend...However, because of revised estimates of exactly how many away fans might come and because the club has offered to pay for many additional police and stewards, we can now guarantee that one quarter of the covered part of the Stonebridge Road terrace (and the uncovered section in front of the club shop)will be used by home fans.

Seems fine to me...thanks for clarification; good work to the Aldershot board in assisting with police bills but heaven help us if we were ever to play a 'really' big team though! wink

All points in the direction that we do need better facilities, be them here or away from Stonebridge Road. Gone are the days of cramming 5,000 in vs Canvey without segregation and declaring it as capacity.
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Or is it a case of a guaranteed income....? I'm sorry if i sound un moved by your exlanation,as a firmly believe that home supporters should be put first. This would never happen at a bigger club, they would simply say 850 away fans only due to H&S.I do however think it is good for somebody with some importance within the club to at least come on here to explain the situation, even if some of us do not agree with it. Im sure our

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Thanks Brian


The plan re the flexible "sterile" area certainly seems a sensible one & much better than the one we were originally having to go with.


I suppose in a perfect world, this explanation could have been part of last night's announcement, but then if we lived in a perfect world, we'd be buying tickets for Wembley at the end of every season.



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Just to clarify, as I wouldn't want any Aldershot Directors to feel they will be out of pocket, it is EUFC who are paying the extra police costs.

We could of course take the "big club" mentality and that was considered. However, there is then the possibility that we have 850 Aldershot fans in the ground and many many more outside (If it was all-ticket for away fans, many are likely to have travelled anyway and tried to get in the home end). The potential for public disturbance is then high and difficult to explain away to anyone who may be effected by that when there is a 5,300 capacity stadium with only say 2,000 in there.

Like I say, we fully understand the frustation. If someone decides not to come then that is very disappointing to us. However, if there is a better way of dealing with these very exceptional circumstances in an old ground not designed for segregation, then I would be very happy to hear them. Also, the authorities have the final say.

If people don't come, the ones who are most affected in my eyes are the players who deserve support and love it when they get a big crowd behind them.



Brian Kilcullen

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Seems to me the biggest single problem here is not knowing how many Aldersh!t fans are coming .

As regards filling up their terraces , it's quite simple - fill the swanny end , first row behind the goal , then the second row , third row etc ( stewarded and ensured compliance , obviously ) WITHOUT permitting any of them to enter the end of the stonebridge road terrace until the last two or three rows of the Swanny end are left . A Steward keeping an eye on the queue ( or not ! ) outside the swanny end turnstiles would then give a better idea of how much more room is needed , if any , before they are admitted to the Stonebridge road stand .

If not needed , segregate the last quarter of the stand between and home fans are in .

Just a thought ; I could of course be very wrong !

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Thanks for the response Brian. The wording on the news lasat night implied the whole terrace was being given up. Now that it seems it is not the case, we can relax a bit.

Still don't think they will bring more than 1500 though.

It would be a good gesture by the club to allow freee seating in the main stand tonight, to relieve some of the crowding on the main terrace.

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Originally Posted By: BrianK
Just to clarify, as I wouldn't want any Aldershot Directors to feel they will be out of pocket, it is EUFC who are paying the extra police costs.

How does it work Brian.
I understand the police can dictate to the club how many OB you need. If they say they're policing for 2.5k Aldershot fans and only 850 turn up does the club have any recourse ? I'm guessing they already have the guys on duty.
I suppose what I'm saying it if it turns out to be compleate overkill by the police and they all end up spending the night doing nothing in their vans do we get our money back ?
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This clarification is welcome - but it makes the initial news item on the official website look foolishly ambiguous, given the ire it has stoked in the 173-post (and counting) thread.


Looking back on the last 24 hours or so with hindsight, it seems the problem here is less with decision-making and more with communication. And after the name change, we should really be used to the latter by now.

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Sorry Brian it still stinks and I won't be attending tonight in protest.


No other club would contemplate such a thing and once again it shows total contempt of the 'Fleet own supporters.


The game should have been made all ticket and the numbers attending from Aldershot restricted.


Its a home game for christ sake!!!

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800-900 tops I reckon. 1500-2000 ha ha. Was actually a very entertaining game, end to end stuff. Could tell we are missing a natural striker, sooo many chances. Lance pulled off an amazing save before their first, but unluckily put it onto the bar and the rebound was put in. Good finish from Chris for our second.

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